5 months into 2020

>5 months into 2020
>not a single good game has come out
>every announcement is either another delay or a remaster

Attached: 1561815438280.gif (260x260, 2.24M)

I blame the jews

am i retarded or did that look like the sky at first

That's the point, retard.

That's the point

That's the joke

>inb4 pretending to be retarded or counter-b8

this will be the absolute worst year for games and only redditors will say otherwise.

He didn't fly so good

A good game hasn't come out in about 10 years now - why the fuck would you think one would come out now?
inb4 people start listing shit games and pretending they aren't shit

Shut the fuck up, redditor. Only reddit would believe there's been good games in other recent years to justify this one being any worse.

Figures that an animal gore poster wouldn't appreciate the kino we've been experiencing for a month.

Attached: Chinese Pancake.webm (640x640, 2.08M)

>team of 4 making a game
>we are being affected by this as well
Work from home you lazy pieces of shit.

look at my unpopular opinion guys


Then fuck off.

>A good game hasn't come out in about 10 years now
What kind of games do you like?! There's been a ton of good games on PS4 alone.

Attached: 04-23-2020 Charmin Factory.webm (960x712, 2.99M)


can't see anything other than snow

Animal crossing has been great. The earth day event with leaf has been nice so far.

Your impression is supposed to be based on the thumbnail.

Attached: Big Brown Chocolate.webm (674x380, 2.8M)

Who was in the wrong here?

Clearly the dumbasses who installed those racks in the warehouse. Those things gave out after a light touch from the forklift

chinese engineering

Legally, the warehouse manager for breaking the law by putting too much weight on the racks.

Even if a forklift slammed into the rack, it's only supposed to slightly bend, not take out over half the warehouse.

One of these days someone is gonna throw a corgi out of a plane and we're all gonna think it's snow

>Nioh 2
>Persona 5 Royal
>Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>Doom Eternal
>Animal Crossing
>Resident Evil 3
>Half Life Alyx

Just admit you don't like videogames and get out

Attached: 1579416639982.png (1080x834, 859.66K)

How do I like video games again?

You will never like it again, your world is empty.

Not be a total contrarian with unrealistic standards

Think of your favorite game of all time, now replay it.

You will either:
A. Gain appreciation for good games
B. Lose respect for the dated classic, but still approach games with a more open mind

Attached: Need tips.jpg (750x824, 59.54K)


Play backlog and fuck off. If you think that nothing good has come out this year, you're just being a contrarian faggot.

I'm just waiting for Cyberpunk, I don't see any other good games coming


been having fun with bannerlord

Despite what Yas Forums thinks, I'm still excited for TLoU2. Even if the story isn't great (not that I believe the leak that's been posted here), the gameplay should still be good.

Half Life: Alyx is really good.

I do appreciate good games and ones I already like but I don't care to really play any new games.

I'm not OP but Nioh 2 and HLA are the only games in that list I'm even semi interested in playing but not enough to bother.

the company for cheaping out on shelves

>look at all this retard garbage

Just admit you're mentally retarded and kill yourself.

>all my vidya gets delayed
>all my animu gets delayed
>summer every season on 4chinz
I enjoyed being NEET again, but it's just not as fun when the whole world is NEET