Personal politics, spats and bigotory outside of tournaments will get you banned for life globally

Capcom has gotten wind of LTG and Ceroblast social activities and has banned them both for life. Pretty fucking shitty as this has now set a new precedent where your private life is now being monitored and being kept in check. More fighting game tournaments are expected to follow.

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Other urls found in this thread:

livestreaming is anything but private, low test god deserves whatever he gets

Good. It's time you assholes learn how to be civilized.

Eh hard to feel bad for racists. You reap what you sow

taking any chance you can to fuck a nigger over is ok in my book

But racciss won this time

Thank fucking god they banned LTG's sorry racist ass. He's such a self-rightous asshole who thinks he's god's gift to the FGC. He loves to cheat and ragequit.

uh..bros? where's the mass reply from OP calling everyone the t word?

The tranny and LTG got banned so that's okay.

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I'm glad the instigator got banned, banning people from a video game tournament because of their totally unrelated political opinions is retarded.

give me a quick rundown on this tranny drama lads
pic unrelated

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I keep forgetting it wasn't LTG that died.

People get fired from day jobs because they say some racist shit outside work too.

As long as the tranny got banned, its worth

He can't even make it to the pools, why even bother banning him?

Cool. This seems like the best possible outcome.

i don't really care what people do with their lives, but i'm honestly surprised that there are places that actually allow this for minors? some gay therapy i could see tho w/e

>"competitive" gaming
shitcom is doing these retards a favor, pushing them away from this fucking pathetic "sport"

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there’s some extreme irony here

How the fuck does LTG have fans? Is this all some ironic thing?

we have it in america. and they will shove it everywhere they can in europe. beware of it in your country

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Did Christina use hard-R?

he should unironically shoot up one of the tournaments

>pic rleated
Good. you don't really know what you want at 13.

>under 18
>not old enough to smoke, which has long term affects on your body
>not old enough to vote
>not old enough to drink in America
It's fucking sickening how this shit is even being considered for kids and teenagers

Ban circumcision next

Personal politics are fine, OP. But only when they're ones SJWs agree with.

>LTG called out tranny for being pretend tranny and not getting dicksnipped
>people chimped, LTG getting banned
>people digging up how Tranny says the "N-WORD"
>Tranny's defense is "I lived in NYC"
>Tranny gets banned

FUCKING BASED. now the tranny will end himself isn't he? He wanted to be sponsor now its pointless

Wait, isn't LTG black? What on earth did he say? Usually black people can say literally anything and get away with it, even shit non-blacks would be crucified over.

if people dig up more posts like this from other contestants will they get banned too? what happens if the entire player roster gets banned?

>Social censorship being employed on the people who liked it when it was employed on their enemies

Good. These fuckers wanted security over liberty and now have neither. Plus, when you're a celebrity everything you do is monitored. And yes, they are celebrities, no matter how irrelevent they are, they're celebrities. And I'm sure before they were just made to suffer the cons of celebrity they loved the pros.

Am I supposed to feel bad when the man who invented the Brazen Bull and loved the pain and anguish it could inflict on the people killed by it is himself put through the invention he was so eager to see be used on others?

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What did Ceroblast do?

said the n word on twitter

>made friends with a tranny
>changing all my anti-tranny stance now

bros... it's not worth it to hate

>FGC gonna FGC
The most laughable community just digs itself deeper

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didn't get his dick slit

He said nigga like 2 years ago in a tweet. It's retarded but since he's a tranny I fully support anything unfortunate happening to him.

he said some tranny should slit his dick and go all the way instead of half assing it and keeping his dick

it was pretty benign if you ask me

He's too light-skinned and blacks are lower on the totem pole than trannies.

Isn't LTG a shitty player would wouldn't get anywhere in tournaments anyway? what's the loss here?

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Its really retarded that they both got banned for something so trivial.
I think Capcom just didn't want to bother. So they banned both for a while. Until it cools down a bit then they will play again probably.

what did Ceroblast mean by this?

Funny thing is that the tranny is the only one who lost here. LTG doesn't even go to tourneys anymore, and now he's relevant and his name is everywhere again. Meanwhile this tranny was just cucked out of his whole livelihood.


This. I don't agree with banning people over something they said, especially in the past, but that tranny completely deserves it for actively trying, and succeeding in cancelling LTG.
It's gonna end up being hilarious if Cero kills themself over this, and they reverse LTG's ban for fear of him doing it too

what did Ceroblast mean by this?

when are smashfags getting banned from all fgc events for literally stinking them up, in addition to their sperg manchild behavior?

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Never say sorry to the inquisition.

god, trannies are digusting.

It was way more recent than that, I think what made the tranny ultimately lose is that he tried to excuse it with 'I have black friends though' which SJWs absolutely hate.

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>non-split dicks won

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wtf I love trannies now

Literally rent free.

>call police
>get shot

Only proves how ridiculous western rules are towards political correctness to be honest.
How is this freedom of speech we're living in? So I can only talk about things as long as its convenient to certain people? If anybody is to blame its only whites? Blacks, trannies, women all get a free pass? That's some fake dictatorial democracy we're living in.

None, no one cares about LTG, but he got a tranny banned as well so we are all laughing

For some people, he's like DSP, where you watch him because he's an amusing retard with a terrible attitude. I'm sure there are people who genuinely like him, though.


Why am I not surprised?

>even James Chen says Cero deserves the ban
God damn you know you're fucked when Chen turns on you.

Nigger and tranny cry who is more oppressed
Normal people laugh at them

>Tranny is now on suicide watch
LTG won

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Fuck off, retard.

it's a legitimate question.

Holy fuck, why would you say that on stream after the first ban.

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I seriously hope more people start using this term, it's fucking hilarious

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post yfw the 41% became the 100%

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LTG shouldve been banned long ago, why is it only now they kick him out?