What's Yas Forums's opinion on Kirby fangames?

I need to know for science.

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Didn't really know they're an active thing.

Sonic and Mario fan autism are really the only things I see brought up often.

Fangames are neat, but are there any notable Kirby romhacks?

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I also didn't know they were an active thing
never played one

Easy fun games that really don't have a flaw to them other than someone's own general distaste for easy and wholesome games.

There's some for Kirby's Adventure, and one called "Kirby revenge of Dreamland" being a rtdl romhack that kind of got canned.
I don't know of any others however.

hi abraham
don't ask Yas Forums for ideas everyone here is a dumbass who doesn't play videogames

Someone was making a mario maker thing out of Kirby's Adventure but some tumblrfaggot Dimentumn tried to steal it for himself and get a bunch of people to rally against the original creator. The guy quit after somebody doxxed him and then the faggot disappeared with whatever code was left. The only reason I even remember the name is because apparently he used to tripfag on Yas Forums too during that time.

any relation to the fangame "Dream Crafter"?

looks good, did something in a similar art style a while ago

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needs more jiggggggle

Different project, this one was being done when Mario Maker was first announced and the guy was big on SMW romhacks (though none of them are really recognized or liked).

just searched ya' up. super neat work.
the graphics on the OP post are 2D tho

The fun is in the journey and surroundings than the harshness of the games themselves. I wish i played Kirby and Yoshi's island when i was younger. Playing them now makes me realize to not judge things by their covers.

Yeah, it was just a for simple intro to 3D modeling tutorial I created

Oh fuck, that's sweet. I feel like I could replicate it in 3D, maybe. For easier animation.

Does anyone know who the OP artist is?

asking who's the artist of the fangame from OP?

they're a waste of time and effort when bingtendo will shut them down.


none of them turn him into a shota that still eats enemies so they're all shit

is OP.

I resent that remark.

Though honestly I have never given thought to Kirby hacks. I wouldn't mind a fangame that reused the combining mechanics from crystal shards.

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There's one called "Kirby's Bizarre Adventure" which is made around not being able to float.

that looks really good

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But what's his socials? I want to see more.

goes by Star Abraham

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Can I say one thing? Kirby is a good boy and I care about him very much.

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>gijinka that portrays him as a cute teenage boy with longish hair

wow how original.

honestly there's so few Kirby romhacks and fan games out there that they aren't really worth talking about.
gijinka's and especially Kirby gijinka are typically either decent or just bad.

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they can be alright if they try not to change the character.

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There are Kirby fangames?

Im in love with that

Fuck off Star.

big big chungus big chungus big chungus

yeah there's maybe like 10 at most of varying quality.

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I heard Dream Crafter is pretty good

Wasn't some user making an equivalent to Mega Man Maker for Kirby?

Kirby gijinkas are pretty cool.

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Physics are kinda fucked and last time I checked it was at an early state. It has potential, though

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Dream Crafter has been dead for months though

>Kirby gijinkas are pretty cool.
No. I prefer orbs over generic anime boys