>tfw no Earth supremacist snake gf
Why are snakes so great?
>her character will exist just to btfo birthright citizenship
best girl incoming
A good xeno dicking will set her straight
Best waifu confirmed
>I'm a dog born in a stable by definition I am a horse.
I'm a lawyer and this checks out.
That's the dumbest fucking comparison I've ever read.
They get the rope too, after the rest of the alien scum are genocided
The better comparison is that White people born in South Africa that then migrate to America are by definition African-Americans.
>mfw the sectoid manlet thinks hes a person
they kinda are
just like german americans exist
GK was such a fucking good show, damn it.
She definitely wants a human husband
>New Artic
Where the fuck is that?
None of those are even close, you mongoloids. The snake is referring to its birthplace, not to its race or its species, which is what you 2 are talking about.
How does one fuck a viper?
Honestly this
Fuck WOMEN and FUCK minorities
>Where the fuck is that?
where theres a hole theres a way
But they ARE rope.
What's the gestation period for snake girls?
Somewhere in Siberia.
In fact, specifically, Sakha/Yakutia.
It's a God damn shame that nobody gives a shit about realism in movies/shows. GK's attention to detail was insane but hardly anyone knows about it.
But dat Hurt Locker won all dem academy awards so it's clearly better...
I fucking hate people sometimes.
What the fuck is this commie cultural marxist bullshit propaganda.
Can I play this game and purposefully kill my squad and go full human. This shit is making me want to reinstall XCOM 2 to toast these fucking invaders.
>First tutorial missions
>Bad guys are already "muh evil racist against ayyys"
Didn't take long for the narrative to reveal itself as shit. The gameplay looks to tier tho with the breach system.
Maybe look past the first few minutes and see there are extremists from every angle
>Psionic humans who literally want to kill everybody without psionics
>Scavenger anarchist aliens
>Pro-Advent mutants
But because 1/4th of these extremists are humans, it's white genocide.
That's an ugly snake
She just wants a human husband
Do I need to play 2? I wasn't that interested, but that boing has me curious
I can't play yet, just watched the tutorial on youtube so far. I'll play because the gameplay looks fun but so far it's red flag with gay ass "We must all stand together bla bla bla"
pls no bulli
guys I want to fuck a lady snake so bad
>Do I need to play 2
Not really. XCOM is very non-linear when it comes to installments in the series.
ye but, snakes appear in 2 so im curious
They also appear in XCOM Enemy Unknown too.
I wonder how her search for a human husband goes.
no they don't
They're one and the same.
Thin Men are snakes undercover.
what the fuck how
That's not xcom enemy unknown
He asked for sexy snakewomen not thin men
"I find it truly remarkable how adaptable some of the alien species' genetics are to the constant "tweaks" they're often subjected to. In the case of the "Viper," a species once identified as the infiltration unit known as a "Thin Man," the aliens have made a conscious reduction in their efforts to disguise it's true form. Without the introduction of extensive human genetic material, the Viper reverts to a purely reptilian form while apparently retaining the same intellect and combat aptitude."
Oops sorry I’m retarded
Cool, I can take a snake gf out of the house
Genetic engineering.
>I'm a retard