Left 4 Dead 2

Favorite weapon setup?
Favorite L4D1 Campaign?
Favorite L4D2 Campaign?
Rank Survivors

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Autoshotty and Katana
No Mercy
The Parish
Zoey > Nick > Everyone else

Auto Shotgun/Katana
No Mercy
Dark Carnival
Nick, Ellis, Coach then Rochelle
Zoey, Louis, Bill then Francis

Laser sight M16 and machete.
Dead air.
Hard rain.

>Left 4 Dead VR is going to be a thing
Can't wait, going to be kino.

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AK and Magnum
Death Toll
The Parish
Francis > Zoey > Louis > Bill > Nick > Coach > Ellis > Rochelle

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M16 and fire axe
No Mercy
The Parish
Nick = Bill >>>>>>>>>everyone else

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We've looking for people to play Left 4 Dead 2 versus right now if any of you are intrested.
If not we try to play at least 3 time a week in here!
We also do campaign.
>yes I know discord = cringe but its good for voice chat.

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SCAR/Dual pistols
>L4D1 Campaign
No Mercy
>L4D2 Campaign
Hard Rain
>Favourite Survivor

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>Favorite weapon setup?
autosniper if I can rely on teammates, otherwise either tier 2 shotgun or the AK
>Favorite L4D1 Campaign?
most of them suck but no mercy is alright I guess
>Favorite L4D2 Campaign?
dark carnival
>Rank Survivors
Coach > Zoey > Nick > Bill > Ellis > Francis > Louis > Rochelle

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>not mumble

1.chainsaw and m16 for upgraded weapons
chrome and fire axe/bat for tier 1 weapons
2.no mercy is the best campaign hands down, sacrifice was good but its dlc
nick, zoey, ellis, francis, bill, coach, louis, roachelle

this server is full of faggots that orbit around the resident king faggots and kiss their asses
don't enable them and they'll stop shilling their stupid bullshit here

SCAR or M16
No Mercy or Dead Harvest
The Parish or Dark carnival
Louis and Nick > Zoey > Ellis > Tone 5's

AK and Desert Eagle
>L4D1 Campaign
No Mercy
>L4D2 Campaign
The Parish
Coach >> everyone else > Rochelle

Easily the worst rifle. Slow reload time, forced burst fire and outclassed by the AK/assault rifle if you can aim. Why would anybody ever use this gun?

Dog Tamer Spotted

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Name one map more replayable than dark carnival

It is the most accurate weapon with the largest magazine. Only thing it fails at is killing a horde surrounding you

Hard rain but purely for the sport of it.

hard rain is the least replayable short-term because if your team doesn't get through a level the first or second time you're pretty much guaranteed to not ever get through it

Any shotgun
Dead air
The Parish

I always really enjoyed the campaign of hard rain, it had cool level variety for versus

Hunting Rifle and double pistols
Dead Air
Dark Carnival
Zoey > Bill > Louis > Nick > Francis > the rest

hard raid is my favourite for versus. The sheer number of witches makes it endlessly enjoyable.

the witches and retards separating in the sugar cane field made this map unbearable.

>tfw we will never get more L4D kino until valve can find a way to monetize it

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baseball bat
no mercy
the between dead center and dark carnival
bill > franshish > louis > zoey
coach > ellis > nick >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cow

Based, but I use mods

Pump Shotgun, Bat, Bile Bomb
No Mercy
Dark Carnival
Nick > Zoey > Coach > Ellies > Bill > Francis > Louis > Rochelle

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>running through the field in a group
>charger crashes through and runs off with somebody
>while we're running in the direction the charger went with our teammate a jockey takes someone else and is immediately gone
>he's screaming for help but nobody can hear his character over the extremely loud storm and he can't describe where he is over vc outside of "in a bush"
>write them both off and break out in a sprint towards the elevator
>tank immediately spawns as we get out

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The Parish. I remember doing melee only with a friend and we raped witches with a frying pan. Those were the days.

Reminder that you're a pussy if you don't play realism.
Imagine needing wallhacks to play.

you cant use the elevator until everyone dies though, and considering he got jockey'd its gonna take a bloody long time.

Reminder that no one gives a fuck

Fav weapons: M16 + melee on easy and hard, AK + melee on normal, Autoshotty + melee or Deagle on expert or if realism is turned on.
Fav L4D1: No Mercy.
Fav L4D2: Dark Center.
Fav fan-made map: Dark Wood (Extended).

Nick=Bill=Francis>Zoey=Ellis>Louis>power gap>Coach>Rochelle

>starter weapons

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you're not casual shitfags, are you, anons

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Realism versus was the true shit. A fucking challenge as survivor, with getting to the safe a pretty rare thing. And more game time for the infected who could play instead of watching the 4 jyst run half the map between respawn.
Resilient infecteds would make map hazards more deadly as well, and ammo/utility consumption a thing to watch.
I miss it.

The chrome shotgun legit feels good to use.

>he plays on anything below advanced (which is borderline itself)
>he's terrified to touch expert and/or realism
>he can't solo SI by himself
>he doesn't know strats like AI director manipulation or common/grenade jumping
>he blames the team for his own mistakes
>he doesn't know how to crown a witch
>he uses healthpacks at any time aside from black/white or in the safe room
>he picks up the grenade launcher or chainsaw without knowing how to actually use them
>he hoards shit instead of helping struggling teammates

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Hunting Rifle / Katana
Dead Air
Dark Carnival
Everyone Else (equally good) > Rochelle

>survival achievements meaning anything when god spots exist

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What ui mod is that?

well, you've got the gold then, right?