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Who is the most evil GTA protagonist?
Most evil GTA protagonist?
The player.
Is that even a question?
At least the dude was always straight with you.
Kids will say Trevor
Men know the most evil bastard was Toni Cipriani, he was truly evil
Chopping a guy and selling the meat to a butcher, doing snuff videos and being a terrorist are just a few examples
he was kinda gay on some moments.
not gay, chaotic evil
Being self-centered and indifferent to the struggles of others while having poor impulse control isn't evil. He's a maniac, not a villain.
This guy knows it.
Tall niggas.
>Toni Cipriani
also the fucker probably killed CJ.
I’d say it’s either Tommy, Cj or Toni Cipriani
I would mention Trevor as well but he didn’t feel realistic like the other characters I mentioned
In gta 1/2 (dont remember which) you kidnap people, strip them naked into meat factory and turn them into hamburgers.
Thats pretty fucked up
>chaotic evil
i think he flips from one to other too often than the D&D stuff doesnt really apply to him, he goes from turbo chad to virgin walker to manly gay to obsessive girfriend and many others that is just too difficult to put it on an specific alignment.
GTA 3 guy. Betrayed the yakuza boss at the drop of a hat.
Which do you think are the Top 5 worst crimes perpetrated by GTA protagonists?
Claude Speed was the most treacherous bastar in GTA history?
Was there any character who he didn’t betray?
>Betrayed Salvatore
>Betrayed Kenji Kasen
>Killed Maria Leone for no reason
CJ stole a fucking harrier from an aircraft carrier and shot down several military fighters with it in broad fucking daylight. That's about as extreme as you can get.
He wasn't evil, he just wanted revenge and didn't let anything stop him
>Killed Maria Leone for no reason
bitch wouldn't shut the fuck up
CJ, upon hearing someone has whistled at his sister, burying them alive in concrete, sealed in a portapotty which has been tipped over. It made the entire premise that CJ is in any way a sympathetic protagonist laughable.
This guys know what’s up
this, wish they gave me the chance to do the same with michaels dumbass family in gta 5
Have you even played this game, or are you just retarded?
Salvatore tries to kill Claude because Maria tells him that her and Claude are an item, for no reason. She even tells you she has done this.
They can actually hit the bridge if you fly low enough in the beginning. CJ didndo nuthin
To be fair, Trevor is also fucking crazy, at times suffering from psychotic hallucinations and paranoid delusions.
Vercetti is a merciless, murderous motherfucker who is completely in his right mind.
Yeah that felt weird, my guess is each mission was designed by different people.
Still, he had no reason to betray the Yakuza guy other than Donald Love’s money
She even saved him from Salvatore's car bomb. Tommy at least seemed to genuinely care about Lance in the first half and Trevor was 'alright' if you stayed on his good side (plus he went out of his way to save that guy he tortured). Claude just gave no fucks.
Why Tommy though?
He was cold but I never perceived him as particularly evil. Maybe I don’t remember.
She caused Salvatore to try to kill Claude in the first place by lying to Salvatore that that her and Claude are romatically involved.
This is admittedly true, although he has no real reason to stick with him - Kenji is basically a condescending prick to Claude repeatedly, and he is also a manlet.
>She caused Salvatore to try to kill Claude in the first place by lying to Salvatore that that her and Claude are romatically involved.
I was talking about the Yakuza girl.