When is Bethesda gonna make a new fucking engine

When is Bethesda gonna make a new fucking engine

their current engine is shit

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Never ever.

never, skyrim 2 is supposedly using the same engine.

skyrim is so soulless

>their current engine is shit
Name one other game series that treats every equipped item on every NPC as a separate entity. If you had any idea about how programming and memory works, you wouldn't be blaming the engine. But of course, this is Yas Forums and retards here think they know everything about computers because they can play video games.

Why would they? Faggots keep buying it. There's no incentive to do better.

They've been using the same engine since before Skyrim. That's two console generations.

Todd said elder 6 is gonna use the same exact engine lol

>is shit
it quite literally isn't shit though

>making a new engine
read a book about it, retard

Every game does this retard

Thanks for proving my point, dumbass. Character models with clothes are not the same as models with separate cloth objects. Every weapon, armour piece and inventory item in TES is an object that takes up memory.

Many indie games in general.

Storing stats that are mostly just integer and float values isn't taxing on memory, Skyrim rarely has more than 10 npcs on screen.

Indie trash with 1980s graphics and simple gameplay mechanics is not the same as real games like TES

that does not make him or his statement wrong though

>as real games like TES
>real games
Is that you Todd?

Give me a single(1) valid(real) reason why they should bother '''making a new engine'''

graphical overhaul

that is what they are doing right now

>start Starfield
>same fucking floaty shit with the same camera movement as oblivion
>that would 69.99$ plus taxes and tips

Engaging combat

>implying you're gonna be able to jump on start
Bethesda intro sequences keep getting longer and longer. Pretty soon it's gonna be a full hour before you're allowed off the rails.

>spawn into space station
>incoming spaceships use skyrim dragon scripts

But muh mods.

And how would making a new engine help them achieve that over simply making those changes to the already existing engine?

And how would making a new engine help them achieve that over simply making those changes to the already existing engine?

>game is locked at 60hz max
>trying to go higher will cause anything resembling a lift to spazz out off existence and anything that's inside it as well (including you)
>including spaceships

Mount and Blade Bannerlord does this with 1000 units on screen at once and a fuckload more complexity behind each item. Kill yourself Todd.

>a fuckload more complexity behind each item.
it doesn't though

>Be me, 2021
>Playing Starfield
>Usurp the leader of the Explorer's Guild
>Defeat leader of the Mercenary's Guild, take his place
>Claw my way to the top of the Smuggler's Guild
>Singlehandedly defeat an Ancient Evil force that threatens to destroy humanity and/or send us to the dark ages.
>Be level 55
>Be the most influential person still living
>Dock into my favorite port, where I've sold hundreds of thousands of credits worth of goods
>Pass a nearby security guard. He looks at me...
>"Let me guess. Somebody stole your Tang."

Itt: morons who think they know a thing or two about "game engines"

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I think what he is saying is look at a game like witcher 3, very pretty but the Npc clothing/armor is static, they are not items that you can remove and manipulate in the world. In Bethesda titles you can

>Obsidian do a better job at making Bethesda's engine stable, moddable, playable and enjoyable than Bethesda
>Bethesda follow up with an two even buggier, unstable messes than before
>Obsidian goes on to make a better game with a better engine that works flawlessly and does everything Beth ever wanted out of an engine
Obisidan just keep winning. I am laffin

They wont bother until you fucking idiots stop allowing them to make shitty games. Don't buy ANYTHING coming out from them, at all. Fuck their stupid fucking company.

You cannot go around in bannerlord removing prices of clothing/armour though


Bethesda games
>item gives flat damage or flat damage resistance
>weight only affects sneak

>weapon gives various damage typing that effects armor differently
>different armor is applied in different ways and only applies to the part it covers
>weight affects literally everything and affects the relevant part more

Seems more complex to me

Literally doesn't matter. You Bethesda fanboys have no idea how game engines actually work.
You could make Skyrim on fucking UE4 easily ffs.

Are Bethesda fanboys the new Biodrones?

This. Brainlets keep thinking they know shit but they are no more than an average redditor who keeps bitching about my Creation engine and thinks that my games will be better if we use UE4. How naive.

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>Obsidian made a better game with a better engine
Yea good one user, actually laughed. Remember when PoE had 10 minute load times because of huge memory leaks whenever you loaded anything? God that game was such a complete disaster on literally every level, from music to gameplay, from plot to setting.

>makes new engine
>no moddability

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>various damage typing that effects armor differently
but that's in skyrim as well?

>but that's in skyrim as well
No, it isn't. The difference between light armor, heavy armor and clothing is resistance value and weight. There's functionally no difference between them.