This is not a good game.
This is not a good game
Prove it
OP didn't post an image of Halo 2, the only good video game ever created.
Just because its the least shit Halo doesnt mean its good
I disagree
Wait. Hold on a sec
>*checks box for smash ultimate*
It has a Nintendo seal of quality on it. It's good. OP is a fag.
>Online system that is less developed than games from over a decade ago that forces a ridiculous ranking system onto every aspect of the game.
>Mediocre movement options that makes the game more clunky to play than it should.
>A meta that consist of spamming lagless moves and defensive playstyles, instead of carefully crafted movesets that encourages a variety of playstyles.
>Blatant DLC privilege as evident by 4's Cloud/Bayonetta and Ultimate's Joker/Hero/Byleth.
>Lazily designed input buffer that derails control from the player during pivotal moments, which makes it feel like you're fighting the game more than your opponent. (Examples include buffering rolls after landing and unintended airdodges when inputing complex movements.)
That's all off the top of my head.
Take a shower smeleefag
Kind of agree but I still really like it
damn son
??? how fucking stupid can one person be? hero and byleth aren't super top tier, and neither is Banjo or Terry
Fair post op, don't force yourself to play a game if it makes mad too much.
By the way, slavery was only bad because its what brought niggers like op here, homosexuality is a sin and is developed from pornography addiction, Transgenderism isn't real, and germany's hahacaust was tame compared to all other horrors of world war 2
If you genuinely think that Hero or Byleth are top tier then you either don't play the game or your b8ing.
Hero isn't OP, but his schtick of unpredictable RNG is bad design however.
And Byleth was clearly designed to have more things going for him unlike the base cast with specific benefits such as being able to cancel his bow, a completely infinite recovery, an incredible kill potential.
Neither are OP, but you can't deny that they're given "more love" because of their status as DLC fighters. Why do you think Cloud and Bayonetta got nerfed once they became base roster characters?
>>A meta that consist of spamming lagless moves and defensive playstyles, instead of carefully crafted movesets that encourages a variety of playstyles.
>>Blatant DLC privilege as evident by 4's Cloud/Bayonetta and Ultimate's Joker/Hero/Byleth
Everything but these two points is correct
Fast recovery moves being spammed is fine, that's their purpose.
>Why do you think Cloud and Bayonetta got nerfed once they became base roster characters?
Because they were too powerful in the previous game
You mean the bow where it comes out frame 45 at the fastest?
Byleth isn't that good, Byleth's so fucking slow that the power doesn't really help that much.
Byleth is easily one of the most mediocre characters in the game. Sure she's not trash but no where near close to top tier. Also what do you mean by more love? I'd say that Inkling, Simon/Richter, Ridley and all the new fighters in Ultimate had "love" put into them.
>Also Cloud and Bayonetta got nerfed because they where so OP in Sm4sh that it ruined the Meta
Inkling has some of the most love in the game. I want more characters that take advantage of shield special
You forgot:
>Most of the roster is locked at the start for no reason
>Trophies are replaced by stock images
>Entirely unfun single-player mode
>Essential modes were added after release
>Most of the new characters suck
Does anyone think some of the older characters need a rework
>most of the roster is locked at the start for no reason
Yeah cause you have to fucking work for your shit boo hoo
>trophies are replaced by stock images
>entirely unfun single player mode
Personally I agree with you but that's a subjective opinion not a fact
>Essential modes were added after release
Oh no these essential modes (such as?) where added months after the 2 year old game came out in free updates
>Most of the new characters suck
Inkling, Daisy, Simon, Ken, Joker, Banjo, and Terry are all solid and everyone else except for Isabelle is viable
>Most of the new characters suck
Jokers great, Inkling is great, Chrom is good, Ken is great, Terry is great, Daisy is great
What an awful story mode
take a poop in front of us
Kill yourself zoomer, trophies were great and showed unique 3D models of characters that never had one.
If the .pngs in ultimate had the accompanying text that trophies always had then nobody would care
This image pretty much sums my experience with Ultimate
I fucking love this game
I love Smash Bros. as a whole
I still play all four past Smash (including Sm4sh)
But dear lord
Everytime that I think about playing Smash Ultimate, I instantly give up, and it is just because this game online
It has to be one of the worst online experiences ever in a videogame
So when not with friends, I basically play some matches online (my most time spent playing online on a streak was ten matches) and after that I will go play some Classic Mode
I probably love everything else about this game, but Jesus Christ, the online is a fucking unholy mess
First smart post ive ever seen on Yas Forums. Well done
Only reason why I own a Switch. Not for Zelda or faggot Animal Crossing. For a bunch of video games beating the shit out of each other.
3 is the least shit
>cool thing gets removed from a game
>who cares?
you are a brainless fucking drone. kill yourself.
I don't get it. Do you people at least get paid to lick Sakurai's boots?
I'm all open for criticism of the game, it's horrendously flawed. But that requires valid criticism
>Yeah cause you have to fucking work for your shit boo hoo
All the previous games had most of the roster available from the start.
What's even more insulting in Ultimate is that all the stages are available despite the factor that all tourneyfags are going to pick is Final Destination.
>All the previous games had most of the roster available from the start.