Ayys Welcome
Ayys Welcome
Really not liking the whole welcome Ayys into Xcom...hopefully that's not part of 3
this shitty mobile-lite xcom is solely for the sake of testing the waters. RIP another decent franchise, but hey, at least we have Long War!
Let me summarise the thread.
>Why doesn't this $10 game have the features of a $60 game?
you forgot something
Can you do everybody a favor and stop posting in /xcg/, your schizophrenia is very easy to spot.
>thread DELETED
Give me cute snake wifes!
Are the levels still random?
It reached 600+ posts, tourist.
Confirmed, shitposters about this game aren't even regular Yas Forums posters who know how the site works. Usual off-site garbage.
just play splash damage's game.
im looking forward to seeing how the change to turns works with everything else in the game
why is she so perfect bros
Thank you user! You are a good user!
Birthright citizenship is a mistake and it is nice to see the game acknowledge this.
>sterile tank bred mutants
>they can't replenish their numbers
>they'll all be gone in a couple of decades
Why are they even trying to integrate them? Throw them into the gas chambers and be done with it already. This game is nothing more than diversity propaganda.
You mean like every other XCOM game where black women from South Korea helped me kill the aliens? Does that not count now?
poltrannies are so basic jesus christ. game legitimately looks interesting and fun
Wouldn't an XCOM where you play as the aliens against invading humans be more interesting?
>implying I didn't let all nonwhites die in thinmint clouds
This. Stronk badass soldier womyn of colour are already jumping the diversity shark.
Hey, at least Otrque looks like a plausible Earth creature. Hybrids and sectoids are genetic clones of clones. There is nothing natural about them.
You lie it looks like garbage
no, an x-com where you playing as invading humans would be more interesting
Yeah they should take care of the alien population indeed.
Based and JusSolipilled
there were 2 threads faggots, it hit 199 only and the commies were getting btfo too hard so it got nuked
Shut the fuck up.
>Nooooooo not basic facts about these games! only CS is about muh diversity propaganda!
I would take care of her alright
So black women of color helping you kill aliens is acceptable diversity now, is it? Fuck, never knew Yas Forums was so left leaning.
>sjw get destroyed in thread
>make new thread and pretend it never happened
kek hitler was right it's like it never happened
The women sounds more masculine than the guys do. Combined with the shitty Marvel quipping and crappy comic book art style, this shit is unbearable.
>Mod deletes duplicate threads and lets the main one run to 600 posts + auto-sage
>Muh conspiracy theories about the mods!
But will XCOM 3 be normal? Like any other previous XCOM game where aliens are enemies? I just want to kill ayyos and maybe remaining exalt retards. I don't even care if it will be TFTD.