Hey Michael, try to go right

>Hey Michael, try to go right

Attached: Final Hallway XIII - JonTron.png (1279x675, 619.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I can't go right

Attached: Screenshot_20200424_020117.jpg (1291x1080, 203.26K)

What his name again?

>Hey Michael, try to go left

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 Final Hallway XIII - JonTron.png (1278x678, 562.08K)

>I can't go left

Attached: Screenshot_20200424_020634.jpg (740x585, 74.65K)

>Hey Michael, try to play the game

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 Final Hallway XIII - JonTron(1).png (1282x677, 679.71K)

Belatedmedia has put out a video for the first time in years lel

Jon "I dont post shit for 3 years and then shit out 12 episodes in a row with budget studio nobody really asked for just to go silent again" Safari

Jon "Aryan" Jafari

Attached: C4wCUsyUEAA81EQ.jpg (1200x675, 96.31K)

>Hey Michael, try to shoot the black guy.
That was out of left field.


>I thought I was playing the game but I was using the wrong controller

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I really miss vidya Jontron

> Jontron leaves widely successful internet series to do his own thing.
> Shits out one episode every 4 months.
> Not even about video games anymore.
Why do we live in the worst timeline?

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>The game is palying itself jon the game is just palying itself jon THE GAME IS PLAYING ITSELF JON

Attached: Screenshot_20200424_021355.jpg (1721x1080, 250.26K)

Jon "the 13% commits 50% of the crime" Jafari.

FFX was also a complete hallway but everyone loved it.

getting rid of atb was nice, but the story and characters were pretty bad

Did that interview kill his career?

Newsboy Cap Jon is worst Jon


Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 JonTronShow's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats.png (924x367, 26.33K)

His videos still get millions of views so I'd say no. He had to backpedal pretty hard to get there though. Shame. His instincts were correct but his facts weren't.

he stopped making videos about games about the same time
no idea why

>Game where you walk a pilgrammage on a holy road.
Wow no shit.

No but him being a lazy fuck did.

All he does is shill out garbage mobile games before his shitty videos. Even the gamegrumps don't do that.

>Welcome to Sonic Team
>We make games...
>...I guess

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 JonTron - Sonic Team Adventures.png (1283x677, 668.14K)

E-celeb board when?

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It was notably less of a hallway with the paths available and you could actually talk to people. FFX also doesn't play itself.

>his facts weren't
they were though, which is what makes them facts. people just hate uncomfortable truths.

Remember this Yoko Ono bitch killed the most confyest let's play of all time.

Attached: PUTA.jpg (400x400, 35.89K)

When you have sex

Actually a fact can be incorrect if you're talking about the fact/opinion dichotomy.
>The snowman is ugly - opinion
>The snowman is white - fact, correct
>The snowman is purple - fact, incorrect

I think the last goop video was pretty hilarious. He was unfunny for some time but i honestly laughed plenty with this last one.

god has come to reap the sinners

>still watch old GG Jon videos when I want something playing on the background

This isnt healthy, but I miss it too much to stop.

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>fat retard is mediocre
tell me something i didn't know about jon "jihadi" jafari

You don't need to put quotes around it, that's his actual middle name

>thinking game grumps or egoraptor were ever good
he was cringe even during the newgrounds years, all of his "awesome series" videos are embarrassing to watch.

yes because let's plays are like beatles albums and eceleb trash are like John Lennon. fuck off.

the game grumps kind of are like the beatles in that neither of them offer anything of value

Nobody asked you opinion tho.

Yeah you right, classic Grumps were way better than those hack british fags.

Welcome to Yas Forums where i don't need to be asked for shit, it'll get provided whether you like it or not.

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about equal levels of musical talent

I recently saw his daikatana review. Jesus fuck we’ve come a long way. It was pretty unfunny.