Remake never
Remake never
Just play the original you god damned nigger. Fuck off with the remake/remaster bullshit.
It's sad how Bungie used to have this 80s/90s sci-fi anime look. And now they're just wrapped up in the usual homogeneous greebling that counts as sci fi nowadays.
Why so mad?
Because you retards want the same shit over and over.
Good, NUbungie shouldn't be allowed to touch videogames
Yeah. Imagine the cutscenes.
>something big happen
>cutscene is 30 seconds long
>never mentioned again
>still no good Oni porn
>the licences are tied up with rockstar and bungie west
It's not happening user
>Awww you must be new here.
Developers don't make new games, they repeat ideas. You soured cunt.
>Game actually shares my name
I couldn't believe it
>Don't need a Oni remake
we don't need to see this ghost in the shell MAJOR knock off return with a cock and balls. They are doing it to all the old female characters. that are making them flat as a board.
Here your remake. 60 dollars please. Thanks.
the sad part is Bungie still has talented artists but its all wasted on such a bland game like Destiny
wish they would just branch out and make anything else other than looter shooter skinnerbox trash
They just released it
Was this released on pc or do it have to play it on ps2? Wished this game series continue instead of bungie wasting time and money making destiny.
This guy is right.
The fuck
Why is GitS a 3DCG anime now?
Just cut the length down to the 10 second mark and its perfect
Because Shitflix
Good shit.
haha mokoko got her ass beat
That ain't Motoko. It's a sameface moeblob
based as fuck game, with one of the best female protags
cute feet
Reminder that that the flipping onions is a self insert of one of the writers
>mouth parts/gums geo penetrate through her chin
Seriously?? This is a proper show for gods sake, how do these mistakes get by?
Why can't we have girls like her now?
I think that's supposed to be a lip crease but shitty edge shading.
Yep. Sad and pathetic.
Inaccurate. Going to be ugly as fuck
>tfw no maid gfs
Just like that Power Puff girl fag
notice how the lines on her nose a clearly defined?
it's probably part of he animation algorithm
>the devs had to fight tooth and nail to make sure she got a practical outfit because every publisher wanted her to look like a massive slut, which made no sense for the character
it was a different time
Ah that jew, what a mad lad!
After the 4gb day one patch
Wait, did he actually make this
Is this that crappy Aeon Flux reboot?
And in this case, it actually looked GOOD
Is this for real? He producer or something?
character designer