Pitch your idea for the next big horror game:

I'll rate it between 1 - 10

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Hitman but you play as the target

You take a look at your peanus weanus of course :)))

Need a bit more detail...

A puzzle game set in non-euclidean space where you're being hunted by an interdimensional horror

FnaF but you can move your legs and need to perpetually hide from the animatronics

A game that's actually scary

10/10 i love it

It's a survival horror game. You're a cripple in a wheelchair with a huge sack of cash strapped to your chest, you were thrown out in innercity Chicago. Every time you move dollar bills fly from your bag. The objective is to make it out alive with the bag

What does your inventory system look like?

the thing but made by a studio that isnt dogshit

It's a Hitman level but you play as the target. The assassin (who will have a random look every time) will try to kill you in various different ways. You can command your bodyguards to patrol various areas or enforce different security procedures. Your win conditions are to defeat the assassin-- extra points if you capture him alive. The more panicky you act, NPCs respond poorly and the worse your score is. Doing things "in character" such as giving speeches or dancing in the ballroom will reward you with points. The AI is mad good and always varies its approach. Some levels have multiple assassins.

Sounds like a decent tactical game, but what makes it horror?

interesting idea, but it doesn't sound like it'd translate very well into entertaining gameplay.

You play as a supple white women in India trying to investigate her sister's disappearance.

Resident Evil 3 with no cut content and hours of replayability for all ages

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>The Thing multiplayer mode done right

One can only dream

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resident evil outbreak 3 on remake 2 engine with all the old maps and characters and a map creator or mod support.

It's like classic Resident Evil but it's The Mummy(the one with Brendan Frasier). You go in to a tomb and solve puzzles and shit and then sometimes you get chased around by an unkillable mummy. Maybe even have a city segment with the brainwashed villagers like in the movie to cash in on that RE4 hype. The gameplay might be more exciting with the gameplay and camera from 4 but that's something that can be changed after testing stuff out like what they did with REmake 2.

Most successful horror games have a recurring enemy that pursues you throughout the game. I think some kind of leech creature could be cool. Not even fully humanoid, just a giant... thing. Maybe it's attracted to blood, so you're discouraged from killing regular enemies (reminds me of the cast of Alien being unable to shed blood or they'll die). And sometimes you enter a room covered in blood or find a trail and know you need to get the fuck away. If the blood soaks into your clothes the creature has your scent and will pursue you mercilessly. The creature is blind, so you can use blood molotovs as distractions.

90% generic trash, with just a little uniqueness. As all horror media should be.

>map creator that functions similar to RE Resistance mastermind placing enemies/key items/etc
could be kino. just thinking about all the unique enemies, bosses and NPCs in each scenario makes the prospect of an Outbreak remake with all the original scenarios back seem sadly unlikely unless it was an A-team project which even then feels even more unlikely. at least they have some of the locations and enemies in the bag already if they did

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Fish comedy horror

A horror game in a town thats been heavily flooded by torrential rain, with themes of separation and destruction. There are spooky ghosts that represent what is lost, and also they suck your cock.

speaking of RE Outbreak, theres a hospital scenario that does something like this but you're being pursued by a zombie covered in leeches. you can set traps for him with blood packs to lure him into certain rooms to ambush him. i think he also follows more intently if your character is in a bleeding state, leaving a bloodtrail for him to follow.

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that sounds cool. I didn't realise RE had already created my idea almost 1:1 more than 15 years ago

>being so shit at your job you come to Yas Forums to fish for ideas

Fatal Frame except with lesbians & you experience the village during the scenario where everyone dies, instead of visiting a village and simply seeing people's deaths through flashbacks.

Night driving sim. Road segments and events are radomly generated. Gameplay tends to last an a single session a pop. Goal is to get to the end of the highway alive/with your car intact.

Functional radio that plays your preloaded music with ads, or a Coast to Coast rip off. Tiredness meter means you need to take breaks and stretch your legs, opening you up to whatever lurks beyond your headlights OR caffeine pills/drugs open you up to hallucinations. Players give their character a backstory each session.

Random events inclue;
Various hitchhikers/ghosts/axe murderers/eacapees
"Duel" trucker who tries to run you off the road
Cops who can ruin your life
Ghost towns
UFOs that cause missing time
Regular old wild animal attacks
Storms of tumbleweeds
The radio speaking to you, revealing your darkest secrets
A mysterious car that seems to follow you all night
Erratic weather patterns

Or combinations of the above. Think the spooky moments of GTA with a David Lynch flair.

> Chicago
> One of the only cities in America with half-way decent public transit

Set it in Detroit or St. Louis, user.

Would play

if anyones watched the cult segment from VHS 2, something like that.
infiltrating a Jonestown-y style cult, dropping you into gameplay the moment everyone drinks the cool aid, but coming back as zombies or something similar ala the VHS 2 segment. the remaining underlings of the head of the cult would be like mini-boss psychos like in Dead Rising, going around with shotguns finishing off any cult members who backed down last second. eventually working your way up to killing the head of the cult. probably wouldn't work as a full length game though

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You and 3 other survivors must fight a Mastermind in a series of challenges to escape. The survival horror comes when you realize that your 3 partners are all literally retarded and your survival depends on escaping with them.

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So a more fleshed out Dead End Road?

>Cyberpunk like setting
>Be in a cyber gigantic tower
>Everyone's a robot except you
>They're designed to kill you.
>Mannequins around almost every corner ready to choke you out or smash your head against the wall
All in VR :)

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>You and your cop buddies go into a building to raid the place
>Your buddy makes a mistake
>They know you're there
>They disabled your weapons
>They locked you into the building
>Your main goal is now to ESCAPE

The Raid would make a fantastic video game.

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its why i love Raid 1 over 2 because it feels like a game as is, progressing up through the floors of the building like a fighting game tower

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