How the fuck did we go from this...
to fucking THIS
>lighting engine gutted
>looter shooter system for weapons
>damage numbers
>screen covering health bars
>enemies stand around waiting to be shot
and worst of all almost everybody forgot it even exists. What happened?
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man i was just thinking about this game the other day and could not remember the name of it. looks like i would not have missed anything anway
>we want the DOOM:Eternal audience
Into the trash it goes.
I refuse to believe that they couldn't have done the game with that minimal UI.
on their website there's a lengthy explanation about what happened
if you're interested and you don't want just to tortanic in advance
The devs already said that the damage numbers were a dev thing, to make sure the weapons were doing what they were supposed to. They won't be in the actual game. Stop SEETHING for two minutes. Also, looks like they didn't implement melee enemies in that demo for whatever reason.
Lmao literally looks like Destiny WTF, they completely ruined the atmosphere
borderlands looking shit
I find that hard to believe considering they intend it to be a looter shooter, which makes damage numbers a norm and the fact that the first enemies he shoots at in the 2nd demo are the same mooks from the 1st demo wielding the fire swords.
Bruh, if you don't yet understand that the first thing you see of every video game is fake, I dunno what to tell you
this always looked shit anyway. Slow as fuck wave shooter garbage.
well at least they aren't ignoring it
They’re just using that as an excuse. They’re going to do fuck all and you know it.
did you really think that first trailer was game footage, or even engine footage?
lmao, no, it was a bullshot and you got tricked.
they replied
>To hijack this comment for some other stuff others mentioned: health bars and damage numbers are here to stay. They're in every Soulsborne ever made and no one can say they ruined the mood. They offer a gameplay information (like your gun's damage fall off or which target to prioritize) we feel is important to decision making. Having said that, you will be able to turn it all off in the menu, and we also have a couple of surprises in store, too.
yup its going to be trash. All games that rely on damage feedback to happen in the interface are trash. Its such a lazy way to do it. It's like objective markers.
>The other thing I already said multiple times is that Witchfire offers a customizable HUD, and you will be able to turn the health bars and damage numbers off.
>Problem solved? Maybe, but here are five reasons why you might want to keep them on.
basically you can turn it off but the game is designed around it. Its like turning off the minimap/gps in gta. The damage numbers are also making up for how little hit feedback the game has.
>literally doesnt even move
>I-it’s fine! You can turn it off!
Kill yourself you fucking shill.
>they are in a completely different genre to the game we're making so it's totally the same thing.
Also besides all the HUD shit, the game just has completely feel to its look now
The first trailer gave me some real Bloodborne/Painkiller vibe which is what got me hyped but now it just looks like a generic destiny clone
...did you read their post?
you need to work on your reading comprehension
funny thing is I remember Adrian Chmielarz mentioning playing Destiny 2 on his twitter some time ago...
>how does a game go from this to that
Consoles and console gamers. Consoles ruin everything, and console gamers are too dumb to care.
> shill
> for literal whos
every game is designed around "health bars/damage" numbers etc
they can be not shown, but they're still there
>we want the room temperature IQ lootan shootan audience
>>looter shooter system for weapons
FUCK. That's the worst thing that could have happened.
>>looter shooter system for weapons
Aaaaand dropped.
>Until we got this work-in-progress video out, I had no idea there’s a group of people who truly despise damage numbers and health bars.
>I kind of get it. These are external, non-diegetic elements of a game. They must ruin the immersion, right?
>But …so should, say, game music. It’s also external and non-diegetic. It’s not like there’s an orchestra following you around in the world of Skyrim.
what..... It's like that shitty argument people make
>hurr this game is not realistic, because you can do this gameplay mechanic related thing that you wouldn't not do in real life!
>loot dropping
>damage numbers
looks like a borderlands wannabee. into the trash it goes
any game dev that voluntarily plays loot shooters should be fired.
>Game developers use many techniques to emphasize a good shot: extra particle effect, crosshair change, hit sounds – but they’re all not enough often enough. The effect might get lost among dozens of others (and shooters are usually full of smoke and fire). The crosshair change is too fast and, by the very nature of crosshairs being non-obstructive, hard to notice. The hit sound usually gets buried under more impactful sounds like the shot sound itself.
Are these guys retarded? Doom Eternal doesn't have any damage numbers and health bars and I never had a problem with getting a damage feedback in that game. Lazy excuses
The fuck you smoking retard. Its clearly trying to attract the Destiny audience
>>I kind of get it. These are external, non-diegetic elements of a game. They must ruin the immersion, right?
>>But …so should, say, game music. It’s also external and non-diegetic
these people are so far up their own ass its not even funny. Fuck them to hell and back.
i think they are implying the game they are making is going to be a "soulsborne" game. which would mean the first trailer was not at all indicative about the gameplay at all.
a graphical downgrade would've been expected. It was all the added ui, loot systems, bullet sponge enemies that surprised me
>Health Bars
>Well, these are important, too. In this example, I fire two headshots, then dash. Imagine I dash in order to avoid a projectile, e.g. an enemy archer fired his crossbow. But because I noticed that my two shots left the current enemy with just a sliver of health, I quickly finish him off with hip-fired body shot, shaving off a few milliseconds otherwise wasted on aiming down sights for a clean headshot.
So they are pretty much trying to appeal to casuals. Games like original Doom, Quake 3, never had this problem. Judging how much damage you've done and how much health the enemy has left was just another skill you had to master. I'm disappointed.
I don't see why a downgrade would have been expected. It's not like the reveal had extremely state-of-the-art or groundbreaking graphical prowess. It's something pretty standard in 2020.
Get the fuck over it already holy shit no one fucking cares. It was never a game, it's not going to be a game, move on.
doom eternal was designed for consoles and it's quite good
i dunno how the fuck you could honestly play that game on console though. im an almost 30 year fps player and i found it to be pretty demanding skill wise
Not true at all. Watch the reveal again its significantly better looking than most games ive played. But also keep in mind ur watching a trailer ran through heavy streaming compression. Its already at a 20% downgrade
the only thing doom eternal lacked was advanced movement. It would be so good with rocket jumps, bunny hopping and all that stuff.