>Adventure remake fags btfo
Adventure remake fags btfo
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what is it?
It says right there, a radio drama
I hope Emi's prepared for the amount of hate she's about to get from AdventureFags.
she shouldn't have had Ryan tease this on his Twitter at all
if there's one part of the Sonic fanbase you shouldn't screw around with teasing, it's AdventureFags
Im only seeing positive comments fags
Drummond can't do Sonic any more though. He's gotten nasally
I can't believe he thought this tweet was a good idea. Can't blame though, he's desperate to voice Sonic again.
>People unironically thought it would be an adventure remake
>Radio drama
>Not a fangame
The poster looks really nice too. Who the fuck wants a Sonic story.
"Sonic and Tails R? That's a weird name. Is it like a fan sequel to Sonic R?" then I saw the RADIO DRAMA text and oy vey. I thought Radio Dramas were an autistic japanese thing, frankly I never really gave a shit about them, it's just like anime for blind people, and it's pretty much the last way I want to consume Sonic media. It's like the exact opposite of Mania Adventures, how about instead of cute little wordless cartoons we have nothing BUT words? kek. I'm still interesting in hearing if he can do the voice though.
Wait, Mike Pollock is doing a fan project? With a Sonic VA he never even worked with?
Who does the art for this stuff? I like the style
He's out of practice. Give him a few shots at the role again and he'll be back to sounding like his 2000s era self again
Mike's gonna be in Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3, but I'm pretty sure that's games has been scrapped. bigthec.at
What part of this image hints towards a Sonic Adventure remake?
Wait, he’s allowed to use his Sonic voice in an unauthorized fan project?
I could believe it. John J. Dick sounded pretty bad in the new lines recorded for Serious Sam HD, but by the time they were doing Serious Sam 3 he sounded fine again.
Seems Sega is cool with it as long he doesn't profit from it.
That's official Yuji Uekawa art, the one in is a fan trying to emulate the style.
I'm a little disappointed, but mostly relieved after the back-to-back hit of REmake 3 and FF7R. Nobody can be trusted with remakes anymore. I'll be happy to listen to whatever this comes out to be though, fan projects are neat.
The official one you just posted was drawn by Yuji Uekawa, the man behind the art for every sonic game between Sonic Adventure and SATBK. He's still active in character design in some respects.
The one for the radio drama thing was drawn by Dorgan Nelson, a fan
I hear the Panzer Dragoon remake that just came out is good.
The autistic part
The fact that there were rumors of an Adventure remake and that Drummond would return to voice Sonic in it.
I don't see why anyone would fall for this. Why bring one actor back if you can't or won't bring all of the living ones back?
Because Sonic is the most important one to get back.
It's a relief, not a disappointment. Sega can't handle an Adventure Remake. They'd fuck it up.
What's Mike doing on this? He's been very vocal and polite in the past about not doing the Eggman voice for anything that wasn't officially Sega since people could twist it and cause all sorts of unintended trouble.
All you'd have to do is get Sonic and Shadow's original VA's back, honestly.
Knuckles and Rouge would also be nice if you could find them. I haven't looked into if they're still active or remember doing Sonic work.
But Drummond and Humphrey definitely are aware that fans still care about them.