What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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not the same cpt price
cutscenes not in first person

Just like every other COD game, everybody only really cared about the Multiplayer. And it is a good multiplayer, fun when you get into it and do well. The biggest let down was the half-baked Special Ops mode, which gives you jack shit for really difficult missions.

Single player? I forgot to play it. Multiplayer? Best the series has been in 6 years or so.

this is reassuring. downloading it right now.

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bad maps and camping

only problem i have is too much meme one hit kill shit. shotgun corner campers, dont even need headshots with snipers, akimbo revolvers, rpg spam. despite all of that im still 1st or 2nd on the scoreboard, just gets old when some 7/14 shitter suicide rpgs you. i blame party chat. the whole lobby would flame you for using cancer shit back in the day. still the best its been in a long time.

Don't forget to go for executions so you unlock Krueger
And have fun, user

The meme gun users aren't too common though. Usually only one every few matches that really gets my blood boiling.

Also keep your own completely broken class to break out when you encounter those shitstains

SP was pretty boring. Though the level where you're a five year old girl who kills a giant russian soldier is pretty funny in concept.

The MP has really been a blast desu. So much variety in the modes to play, it honestly reminds me of how varied Halo used to feel.

Overall, incredibly solid shooter with the footnote that it is CoD and therefore have no taste you plebian cum stain.

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im on xbox because my friends got it on there and i found out right after i bought it it was cross plat. there are about 3 full on memers each match. ive adapted my cornering and movement enough to where it doesnt really matter. also as i learned all the new maps/spawns found better rotations to get my smgs working. still getting a nice streak ruined by some braindead suicide rpg kid can be a bit annoying. feel like it was worse early on. just miss the days when even your own team would call you trash for using a noob tube i guess.

user, I hate to break it to you. They aren't memers, those are just average PC players.

really? i feel like i rarely get PC bros in my lobbies. ill have to pay more attention. about to grind some games out right now so ill double check those shitters.

Going WE REALISTIC NOW but obviously didn't commit to it. They wanted COD to be viewed as tactical but honestly should've just left that in the SP as it didn't work for MP how they wanted. No one uses doors for the intended 'peek and toss in flash' type stuff and the gameplay is still quick n arcadey.

black gaz

horrible maps and no real way to filter them

no anti-cheat
bad maps
poor weapon balance

Unless you start playing on kb+m, you're almost always gonna get outclassed by PC. I'm not a great gamer by any means, my reaction time isn't what it used to be when I was a teenager and I'm usually always half drunk when I play, but I more often than not get in the top 3 of my team just because of mouse aim.

>play hardpoint
>hardpoint always spawns near the enemy team
>two of them camp on the point, the rest of their team camps randomly throughout the map
>die to campers while running to the point
>die to campers when I get to the point
Probably the most tilting gamemode for me. Every map has so many angles that you have to watch.

>crossplay is fucked
>maps invite people even more to camp with gaps and leaning
>spawn points are kinda fucked (but somehow manage to do this in every CoD)

I can hardly understand how people find this fun besides kids who actually get their kills this way.

>inb4 gid gud
No an argument

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>waaah, shotguns 1hk sometimes
You’re probably using an m4, in which case you, you can out range literally any gun in the game, and kill just as fast as an SMG up close. If you don’t like getting 1hkd by rockets, put the EOD perk on and it will literally never happen.

I don't understand why they don't just do spawn invincibility, that way the placement matters a lot less.

There's a reason PC CoD is always dead garbage.
Now they ruined it for everyone.

The community are unwilling to play objectives so half the MP content is just frustrating.
SP content was just dull. Zero connection with any of the cast, most of the levels are nothing new, dark shadows don't help on veteran difficulty
Coop is just plain trash.
BR meta is camping with an M4/Sniper combo with as many UAVs and heartbeat sensors as possible.
Plunder doesn't work because F2P fags use it to level up weapons rather than play the game mode so you have two or three teams grinding money with zero contact.
M4/Grau/Bolt action snipers are pretty OP in comparison to everything else available.
Allegiance get no good skins apart from Yegor

Still the best CoD I've played since MW2.

>whining about crossplay when you can turn it off

Yeah, that’s my major gripe. It’s supposed to be realistic, but then you have things like snapshot grenades, killer robots with infinite grenades, snakeshot for the revolver (which exists, but wouldn’t hurt humans very much, as the shot is tiny and designed for snakes and rats, not humans) and flaming shotguns (again, which exist, but are nigh useless in combat.)

Why are the flaming rounds useless irl?

>M4/Grau/Bolt action snipers are pretty OP
I feel like the Tavor or whatever it's called ingame is really underused in this aspect. It feels a lot like a pre-nerf M4.

post-nerf M4 is still really good

>I hate fun
It's the perfect mix between tactical-esque gameplay combined with the speed of CoD. Honestly who complains about snapshot grenades and killer robots, that shit just makes it even more fun. If you want your realism porn, go play Arma.

the arab woman in the campaign
spec ops impossibly hard

ok so you may be on to something. first match, rpg shitter was a PC player.

They’re called dragon breath rounds or something, they’re just a gimmicky toy. It would really suck to get shot by one, but they are designed for combat or anti personnel, buckshot is. It’s some kind of a magnesium sponge that burns really hot and looks cool, but only has a high temperature for a split second. Again, not saying it wouldn’t suck, but buckshot would absolutely mutilate you.

I meant they AREN’T designed for combat or anti personnel, my bad.

im not complaining about that. im usually 1st or 2nd every game. just annoyed by the one hit shit. user was mentioning PC players tend to be the ones using shit like rpgs. i can play mouse or sticks just fine, have impeccable reaction time. complaining about mouse aim is pleb shit lmao.

actually P90 with no attachments for reptile camos, but whatever just hurl assumptions around.

>aim assist console plebs bitching

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> you're almost always gonna get outclassed by PC
The auto aim for controller players in this game is ridiculously good. PC has its benefits, but you are going to lose to what is essentially an aimbot every time.

That still doesn’t change the fact that shotgun users have a shorter range than you, and have to compensate for that by sticking to specific areas where they can’t get outranged, just as you have to do with your p90. Their effective range is much shorter, so they should be rewarded for sticking to point blank combat areas. And what I said about the rpg doesn’t change, put on EOD for easy kills against rocket men.

Only battle royale I actually enjoyed playing now they have a solo queue.

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I'd say M4/Tavor but it seems like everyone has just replaced the Tavor for the Grau now. I don't think the Grau has any downsides.