Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045

What is the Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045 of video games?

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Tactical advantages!

Bruh no way they saw this and thought that it was ok

i think the point was about it not being OK.

Why does everything N**flix touches turns into a dogshit?

I had no idea it was this bad and goofy. Fuck Netflix.

Bruh look at this dood

wh*Te boi making his way to the BBC

This can't be real.


looks fun


Is this some fan made animation? I refuse to believe that's an actual show.

what telltale game?

>watching netflix
Go back /lgbt/ /cgl/.

All it needs is a >SHADMAN and you can bet Id post it in every shad thread. Hell ill start Shadthreads just to post it.

Wait is this a real game? Who the fuck would release this to the masses?

Looks straight from Gary's Mod/joke SFM.

Someone show this man the new Berserk anime

>arise bombed
>the live action film bombed
>now this

why won't they just leave this series alone?

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I like

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It's the "PS2 game cutscene" school of anime, like nu-Berserk

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I thought it would be a 3-D rendering of that gif where the naked guy tactically assfucks the armored guards.


is this a game?
or a new anime?

looks about the same as every other anime being produced in 2020

GitS, as a franchise, is actually absolute fucking dogshit and only Oshii's movies are worthwhile. Manga is mediocre, only brought into relevancy by Oshii's movies, and Shirow is a disgusting fat cuckold (actual one). SAC is garbage. 2nd GIG is somehow even worse. Arise is an embarrassment. Pork in the Shell is your usual Kikewood rape of the source material. And now this.

This isn't up for a debate.

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Why don't they just make something with real effort instead of hiring literal whos for pennies on the dollar?

What makes it look so clearly CG? I can't put my finger on it, but I can tell.

post the other webm where he fights motoko

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That's what happens when you're a Westaboo sell out.

The shading, it moves static with the model rather than changing with the lighting

Those threads were gold lmao

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Nah it's way better than Berserk. Berserk isn't even as good as an average SFM

The second movie suffered from the first one's greatness honestly, like Vampire Hunter D, but whereas I can still remember so much of the second D film I barely remember anything at all of the second GitS movie.
That's how impressive the first one was. It's anime Bladerunner

Which is fitting since, like tons of iconic anime from that time period, it has more than a few lifted concepts from Hollywood, though at least it took them from good movies.

>tfw faggots today like RedLetterMedia and other jewtubers want to seem superior through contrarian opinion
>tfw they say Blade Runner is "boring" and "poorly paced"

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I like the way he enters the room at the end
Do you think I can learn to do handsprings like that

its shitflix come on


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>You'll never take my Nintendo Switch!!

I like almost all of gits but the two movies are special. Kind of like Stalker the movie is special when compared to Stalker the game or Roadside Picnic the book, but it doesn't make the other 2 shit.

There is no way this is real. This looks like a source filmmaker project of a 14 year old brazilian.


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No one who likes, let alone subscribes to Netflix has a valid opinion on anything in entertainment.

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why do they do this?

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Why is anime CG so bad compared to vidya cg?

>a fucking soi boy
god I hate the fact that I'm seeing more and more of them in tv. fucking self inserting fuckers.

>dodge tanking

Attached: [DragsterPS] Ghost in the Shell - SAC_2045 S01E05 [1080p] [Japanese Audio] [Multi-Subs] [D25612BC].webm (1920x1080, 906.62K)

I mean that looks silly but it doesn't look half as shit as the other 3DCGI anime tv shows. This is 3DCGI anime movie level

Every fucking time

This is MMD/SFM tier
What did they get Studio FOW to animate this?

Bloodlust is still great though.

I didn't know this got a paid sequel

They made her really kawaii uguu. She's even skinny as fuck.

>>tfw they say Blade Runner is "boring" and "poorly paced"
I'm sure they never said that, hell they even gave a positive review to Escape from New York and that one is slow as fuck.

wow, so this is what happens when you think memes sell your product huh?

Jesus fucking christ, the hardly censored penis is the cherry on top.

lmao bruh look at dis faggot soiboi

The only good looking vidya CG is Guilty Gear and that's because the majority of the game is shown from one angle.

>Studio FOW
I don't see characters randomly spasming and the camera going in an out focus while the cameraman is violently shaking it around

Without question.

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This, even fucking Appleseed got the better deals

This. The whole scene is meant to be upsetting and genuinely alien. The fact that he also says absolutely nothing, even after his hand is crushed just adds to it. Just jumping up and calling them posthuman feels a little on the nose though.

H-he is fast!

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>dark souls 3 pvp

Blame that one guy that made Taimanin Asagi hentai for that. They're just copying him.

>meanwhile the Dorohedoro adaptation was successful despite being 3D
And yet Shitflix won't fund another season.

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Visiting Yas Forums during this shitstorm is amazing

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>Tracer character designer
You just knew there was no way this would be good
Must sucks hard to be a normalfag anime "fan"

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>tfw everything those idiots did was always desperately aping the Taimanin OVA style
>tfw people threw over a million dollars at them to make a game

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Fucking terrifying ngl

>Blame that one guy that made Taimanin Asagi hentai for that.
>they didn't bring him back for TA 2 and 3

Nice thread, Yas Forums.

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Friggen love BERSERK and anime

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what the fuck this looks like rat boy genius tier CGI

I'm scared Netflix will try to adapt the D novels one day

Looks like they're fleeing a perverted gymnast

No you don't, faggots. Go watch the original movies there's plenty of disturbing uncanny valley moments that pull off what you're thinking of.
This is just a comedy skit

fucking hell

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