Greetings, Anonymous of Yas Forums

Greetings, Anonymous of Yas Forums

Today, BASED GIGACHAD Incorporated will be extending interviews to sample potential candidates for a handful of new positions that have opened up.

You need only list your favorite game(s) alongside a sentence or two long resume as to why you should be hired.
Please, come in, have a seat, and let us begin.
I will be admitting now.

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I kill lots of people. Is kino

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I think its a fantastic game from a design and gameplay standpoint, it's a lot of fun with lots of depth and also it filters bad players who will complain about the game online instead of playing more to learn more.

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For me, it's Kid Icarus Uprising. That is all.

I admire your attitude. You passed into a second selection cycle.
Uhh... Could you come back in about a year or two?

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No More Heroes
I'm seriously broke I need money right now

>doesn't like spelunky
I see you got filtered as well. Your rival, GIGALAD Incorporated will not be pleased to hear this.... unless... you reconsider?

I have a proposal for a game where you scream directly at women, minorities, and handicapped (both physically and mentally (and including trannies)) the whole time.
It’s called “Finally doing what White men should be doing”

I like fishing.

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Wild 9 - It's Megaman with torture
Bloody Roar II - Not even a furry but it's fucking Altered Beast fightning game
Shadow of the Colossus - Being a normal dude in a vast desolated land fightning giants is kino
Persona 4 - Helped me through a small phase of depression in my life
Kingdom Hearts - Gameplay is great
Jump! ultimate Stars - Probably the game i spent most time online

Yup, i would definitely call those my favorites.

Hmm.. I could refer you to the Cringe department two floors below. Alas, you are not what we are looking for at this time.

Can you start working tomorrow? Do you have issue with potentially travelling a lot?

Hm.. Your qualifications aren't astonishing to look at, but I can appreciate your enthusiasm. I'd be willing to offer you a chance to volunteer.

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For me, it’s the House of the Dead series. I also enjoy Runescape 2007 as my “zen” game and the Halo Trilogy/Melee for couch time with my bros.

Shooting Zombies is fun haha.

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Yes sir!
No traveling issues sir!

Gigachad, before I leave... Whats YOUR favorite game?

Hello, i've noticed a lack of minorities in the chad department. I myself am not a minority. However, I am an activist for social justice and diversity in our culture. I believe, sorry, I know I will be a perfect asset for your company and help take it forward, in a progressive, welcoming to all kind of way. Thank you for your time.

Listen, we both know you need someone whose intelligence can be respected, and we both also know I fit that bill. A discerning eye, an appreciator of aesthetics, details, tactical thinking; your company NEEDS a Demon's Souls player.

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... We'll definitely give you a second call in about a week. Definitely.

Interesting. I'd be willing to let you into a second cycle, but I am going to need further input.

I do not play video games. Thank you for your participation and goodbye.

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people with high melamine in their skin disgust me

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>I'd be willing to offer you a chance to volunteer.
yeah bro

Radiant historia has one of the best implentations of turn based combat, a very based protagonist and artstyle and amazing music

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Im not a borb.

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For me, it's TF2

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Persona 4 because you can side with the villain and let him kill bitches and whores with no consequences. And why you should hire me? Well you see Adachi is literally me and any respectable based department needs a misoginy expert

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I see... I see... We will shoot you a call in the coming days.

Just what we need! Although, your qualifications appear skinny, to say at least. Do tell, do you have any further referrals?
It seems you've mistaken us for the Cringe department. I can call for the security to direct you adequately.

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MGSV. Great gameplay without retarded Kojima plot

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>without retarded Kojima plot
I'm not OP but fuck you

you just wanted to post trannies, you'll never be based department certified like I am

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Come back in about.. a year or three? I apologize, but we require someone more.. how shall I put it ... experienced, for the position.

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Come Chadavar, come and look upon the based.

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I like minecraft a lot because it can be genuinely challenging and it's a good way for me to bond with my little brother

Mr Gigachad, my opinion is simply that a game made of a small, perhaps even tiny, area that is perfectly crafted with a cnreful placement of resources and ammo is far greater than a vast open world filled with random encounters of no design substance. Think Resident Evil Remake or Deus Ex over Fallout or Elder Scrolls.

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I like slime volleyball because it's fun to bounce the ball and the slimes are cute lol

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>Gigachad got so popular that the guy literally laughed at this meme and thanked fans for creating it

>His girlfriend got mad as fuck because she sees it as art and not something that was fine for a joke


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First game is were the series peaked. It's all downhill from here

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Bravely default. A fun game that showcases the need to have good strategy with the reward being how retardedly broken you can make things

This game is fucking great. Samurai Thrift is the shit. Never in Warriors history has Motochika been so crazy amounts of powerful.

>Gigachad got so popular that the guy literally laughed at this meme and thanked fans for creating it

Ace Combat Zero

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>>Gigachad got so popular that the guy literally laughed at this meme and thanked fans for creating it
But he hate it.

>further input
No problem. Some other favorites include Age of Mythology, the Myst series (especially Riven), Devil May Cry (1), The Neverhood and Infocom Text Adventures.

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source please

What would be a good starting 3D printer? I want to make little video game figures.

Security! Toss this abomination out, please, before I destroy it with my bare hands.

Hmm.. Your qualifications seem satisfying enough. What is your sentiment towards game streaming?
I don't see much of use in your referrals to the well being of our company, but I am willing to extend you an opportunity. Three months no-paid training.
Uh-uh.. I see... Well, we will give you a call. No worries.
Interesting. Sadly, we're on a very strict recruitment terms to consider you at the moment.
Come back in about a year.

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