Have you ever cheated in a multiplayer game? Why?

Have you ever cheated in a multiplayer game? Why?

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No. I'm not Chinese.

Csgo, it is funny to watch people rage in chat while I murder them. Also I was stuck in silver 2 so now I am progressing through the ranks. I dont have time to waste in aim maps like a zoomer, its like a microtransaction, im skipping the boring stuff.


cheated in original ace of spaces for a day because a friend gave me the shit for it

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so you watch your favorite white twitch streamers and esports gaymers cheat?

yes on css a long time ago
because competitive games are only fun if you win

yes because im gay

I used to use a lighthack in tibia because carrying around 10000 torches was obnoxious, and knights had such bad MP regen that relying on your light spell was also obnoxious. It is just built into the game now anyways.

no because i'm not bad at video games

As a kid I once used AutoHotkey to turn a semi-automatic gun into an automatic. I felt like a god.

Yeah. Cause it was fun.


The idea never even crossed my mind because that would defeat the purpose of the game I'm playing.

Nice bait

The only time I used hacks was in Gunz online. A friend of mine downloaded them and we both played with them but only in the pve section of the game, to help other players go through it nad survive longer. It made us invincible I think and gave us some cash shoo clothes that only we could see.

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No, I'm not a loser.

In CS:S I wallhacked because it was as simple as installing transparent wall textures. I stopped because I was still shit at the game.

Nah, I don't play games.

We can just say BRIC nations are full of cheaters.

Its not bait, I use ratpoison charlatano and have been in silver 2 for 500 hours and 160 ranked wins. I am up to gold nova now, killing ez zoomers. The game is too hard desu, I can't aim well so the cheats give me a little boost to compete with the tryhards.

I got to top 5 demomen in pirated tf2 back in the day. Later it just lost its appeal, the wallhack and especially the game and its community
fuck people for ruining everything from boths sides, srsly

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I don't even need to cheat and I get called a cheater. Feels good to be a god gamer.

lmaoing @ your life

Hopefully not while playing with Yas Forums

TF2 Pony Server
>need to explain why I should ruin some ponyfag's day

Cheated like CRAZY in escape from tarkov, never cheated before that. I just hated the game

ye. is fun.

>when you’re texture hacking in tf2 and the sniper on 2fort is playing peaking games with you before you both realize you’re hacking and you start waving at eachother through sheet metal

hate when that happens

Never. I'm not a subhuman faggot like slavs or chinks.

They usually cheat in most games they can get their hands on.. Must be the lack of morals since the commie regimes killed off all their intellectuals.

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Tried to cheat in 1.6 when was a kid just to see how it is. Not fun at all.

in minecraft multiplayer i used to cheat just for fun with my friends

Yes, most for trolling, like getting into a server, turning on speedhack/aimbot and killing everyone, then resetting the router when I got banned to fuck around again

Why even play the game? It's filled with human waste like yourself that cheat 99% of the time. If the rage is seriously the only thing you get out of it, I'd recommend spending your money on professional help instead.

Yes, because fuck sweaty nerds substituting real achievement with minimal effort. Stay on the bottom of the totem pole where you belong

I did this in a bunch of Kit PVP Minecraft servers
It's fucking hilarious to go on YouTube and search my IGN and see a bunch of "Hacker Evidence" videos every now and then by angry donators

cs:s with a couple of friends cause we were getting bored of it.

I used an FOV changer in MW2 and got VAC banned which made a lot of other games useless. Fuck valve and fuck their 0 tolerance policy. I'm not in fucking high school, I bought these games.

Mostly only if it's a strictly co-op game. Otherwise if it's multiplayer optional game like say, Dark Souls, only for the single player aspect to make builds and shit. Never during the multiplayer itself.

yes because it's fun making people mad

In Dark Souls 3.
Never maliciously. Just for the memes.

In ways like invading other people's worlds as phantom, spawning shitload of enemies and exploding them all and PO'ing.
Sometimes invading someone's world without notification and pretending to be an enemy, then following them into boss battle and fucking the boss up. Of course here I might have ruined someone's solo playthrough but whatever.

I'd like to think I left the players who hadn't encountered many invaders/phantoms/hackers thinking "what the fuck was that?"

For some reason I read your posts in Geralt's voice.

Cheating in CoD Warzone is just super satisfying because 150 people come into the game, spend loads of time looting and fighting for a chance to win, and you can aimbot them once they're all set up with weapons and cash, in fact I intentionally dont kill anyone until about the second circle, because that's when people start running into each other, if you killed them straight away they wouldn't have wasted much time. You are basically certain of getting a win if you have an aimbot and aren't a retard. Mopping up 100+ people for a win is FUN.

I usually cheat just because people react to it

I have to put up with admins monitoring my every move everytime I just want to hop into a comfy Counter-Strike pub. The server takes away all my weapons except pistols and shotguns (no Deagle) at 16 kills. The players rat me out whenever they see me crouching or switching my guns too quickly.

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>playing "competitive" games

Anything with PvP is a no-go. Subhumie cheaters everywhere nowadays.

It's ironic, since they are on the forefront of a future where we connect our online identity with social security or some shit just to be able to play online again.

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The cheat is free, I do it because so many other people cheat as well. Once you get walls its so damn obvious when other people are hacking and looking at you through walls. I cant play the game normally knowing that many others else cheats too, Im just leveling the playing field desu.

I'll always love that webm of the hacker named Thor that was just flying around with a hammer shooting lightning everywhere and I'm mad I can't find anything about it

no but i usually think its funny when other people do it

I liked to join without a hitbox or aggro and just follow the player and just spectate their progress while doing emotes. Occasionally pointing him to some items he might have missed.

At this point I can't do anything but agree with you cheating in that game. It's pure garbage.

>Walls, No Recoil, Aimbot
>Infinite Ammo, Rapid Fire, Fly, Speed, Vacuum, Explosions every millisecond, etc.

>many others else cheats
you should proofread your posts when you make changes to them


sent :)

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Yeah in Minecraft with a friend. It's funny to make others seethe, we basically played as dirty and devilish as possible just to piss people off. We didn't even try to win, our only goal was to make it as annoying as possible for everyone else.

that was it thank you so much

Hitting headshots with spies ambassador on TF2 in 2017 was so satisfying, yet regrettable..

No. I aint a tranny. I play on console

>download lmaobox
>turn on ESP
>go spy
>do nothing but hang around with C&D hunting unusual-wearing snipers

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t. low trust factor

No I am so shit that I need cheats to get to GE soloqueue.

I botted on ladder in diablo 2 when I was getting bored of the game, really gave me a new perspective on how much that fucks over the economy.

DayZ, but it was a friend running the hacks, we just followed him. Mostly did it to torment people on the coast, barely even got good loot out of it.

I used a Payday 2 trainer to unlock every mask, pattern, color, gun, and mod, and get myself the highest infamy level