Why say significant other? She proposed to her boyfriend.
So I’ve heard there aren’t really such thing as lesbians, they are just women who can’t get men. Is this correct?
a man has nothing to earn from marriage
How do normal people stomach this kind of thing? Getting proposed to in a public space, even online, seems agonizing and forced. Is it always some kind of power play leveraging the public eye to strongarm your "beloved" into marrying you?
rent free
plot twist: it was a woman(male)
>significant other
Is there a more Reddit term?
>Is it always some kind of power play leveraging the public eye to strongarm your "beloved" into marrying you?
no, most of the time it's just attention seeking behavior because most normies are attention whores.
There's no such thing as a woman who can't attract a man.
Usually they're deluded. Sometimes it's reciprocated, but they'll always say yes to save them the embarrassment, and if they say no for real they'll say it after they leave.
They just look like fucking monsters if they say no in that public space.
Don't yuck someone else's yum
It's almost as if
Who hurt you
I don't agree with that take
>he was going to propose to her that day coincidentally
Things that totally happened
Do you think people set it up on purpose then? (I.e both parties know beforehand and the reaction is fake)
Sounds downright awful, the collective cringe at happenings like these must be palpable. Though I do find it to mostly be the (by my perception) less attractive one of the couple to make the move, which feeds my suspicion of it being a power move to force a relationship in some way
I proposed to my significant other in private, in a non-vidya way because I'm not an obsessed autist.
I'm glad you have a conscience, user. Did he/she say yes?
99% of the time you know the answer before asking the question and the actual act of proposing is just a formality
Nobody is mentioning how faggoty it is that the proposed
did she say yes bro
there are more pressing matters at hand
>Is there a more Reddit term?
Normal human != Reddit
I agree.
No, a normal human just says "boyfriend/girlfriend" or "husband/wife". Redditors who have degenerate relationships can't use those terms and have to invent flowery language like "partner" or "significant other" because they are in a relationship with a mentally ill man who sliced his dick open or a mentally ill woman who had her tits cut off and molded into a limp sausage appendage glued on to their stitched up vagina.
significant otherkin
Wasn't that guy a huge manchild that treated the girl poorly and thought that this retarded display of autism was going to make his relationship be not shit? iirc the girl was already planning on ending the relationship.
Yep that's the one.
He said yes.
Ummm sweatie... don’t assume gender
Don't forget the part where he tried to throw his brother under the bus by telling everyone that she was leaving him for his brother!
normal people say "s.o." all the time in the english speaking world, which you clearly aren't from
People have been using the phrase significant other for like 70 years you ducking mongoloid
>two replies in quick succession
Yep, i tripped some alarm on the tranny's discord.
But she did start a relationship with the brother, right? Unless there's some video or article I haven't seen.
>imagine knowing the story
A platonic one. She was hoping his brother could talk him into becoming less of a manchild.
For the longest time I thought my Australian friend was gay because he referred to his girlfriend as his partner
this website would be vastly improved if all IPs from outside anglophonic countries were permabanned. you would see post quality go up ten fold
who are you quoting, newfriend?
Honestly, as someone who was with a woman for 7 years before proposing, it starts feeling weird saying girlfriend.
You are supposed to know she is going to say yes but also not let her know when you will pop the question in scenarios like this. The surprise should be WHERE you are proposing, not THAT you are proposing.
I'm 40 and been using Yas Forums before you were born
>I've tried really hard to like it but