10/10 story

>10/10 story
>10/10 gameplay
>10/10 artstyle
Some games just have it all.

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Yes. It just needs to not be on a nintendo platform to be perfect

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Is the season pass worth it?

Pic unrelated

>010 voice acting

Story and gameplay are great, sure. You also forget to mention that the music which is easily the best part, but the artstyle is absolutely incoherent and maybe a 4/10 at best.
Also it runs like shit. is right.

Agreed. Pic unrelated, obviously.

>tonal inconsistencies all over the first half
7/10 story
>skill system is inferior to the first and involves an awful pseudo-gacha for no good reason
7/10 gameplay
>designs are either great or annoying to look at, some guest artist blades clash with the visuals severely
7/10 artstyle

It's a good game but I won't replay it like I will the first.

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- OP blades for main game
- Extra side quests, some which give nice ways to easily max your characters/blades
- Challenge mode which is really good if you like the post game difficulty

And then there is Torna, which is a complete standalone game. I put about 65h into it, and didn't even beat all the superbosses. Would be a nice way to tide you over till Definitive.

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You forgot
>11/10 OST

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I'm not even saying HURR DUB GAY YOU GAY, but if you have the option to play the game with terrible, emotionless dubbing, or to play that game without it then why the fuck would you play with it? Especially after how fucking good the dub was for XB1

I will never play the first Xenoblade in Japanese, I will never play the second in English.

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I wonder how much emulation can improve it in terms of fps and graphical fidelity

That is brilliant, but I like this.

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um hello, boomer department?

Absolutley. XBC2 quickly became one of my most favorite games of all time. Also don't forget the 10/10 waifus, OST and expansion pass.

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>party members cannot leave as a result of your actions
You can release your blades from the blade menu.

Yes, how can we help you?

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I just started with Land of Challenge, I assume I'm gonna have to rely on min-maxing builds to get through this aren't I?

he means you killing a bunch of children or something and the party member disagrees with your choices and leaves.

>the player can fast travel to any previously visited location at any time, even when the story involves them being locked up in prison, or experiencing a hallucination
Yeah this was pretty fucking weird. You just escaped capture and people are trying to hunt you down, but you can fast travel back to the big bad's stronghold to check the shops if you want, made no sense whatsoever.

Not for most of the challenges. I stuck with my dodge-tank party and made it through most challenges with minimal fuss, the only really shitty one was Elma Redux. I was on NG+ with the extra accessory slot and a good amount of the second skill charts filled out though.

I don't think the story is a 10/10, but it is one of the best JRPG stories I've ever played. If you count the skyboxes and environments as storytelling then it might be 10/10 but based on dialogue and cutscenes alone it's a 2/10 (still a great video game story).

> good amount of the second skill charts filled out though.
That may be my issue, I haven't really filled that out for too many of my characters. I was able to figure out some strategies to win, such as that Uraya plant one early on, but I've gotten stonewalled by some others that have pissed me off. Well, guess I'll go grind them out or something.

>Also it runs like shit.
Stop with this meme. It has some drops in heavy areas but it's a locked 30 everywhere else. I've been testing it the last few days and I even have a mod installed which adds docked anti-aliasing to portable mode.

It's the best looking JRPG on Switch by quite a margin. Torna looks ridiculously good. And this is from a guy who ran SLI PC setups.

No, you kill schoolchildren to enter the dialogue option where you can choose to release your party member.

>Elma Redux
Can't you just Dark Seal her? Does that not do the trick?

>It has some drops in heavy areas but it's a locked 30 everywhere else
Dropping below 30 at all is pretty shit.

This is your bonded blade.

Any questions?

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I'm cool with it. Her Stop Thinking skill has come in handy at times

>items must be conserved in baldur's gate
>sell wand with at least 1 charge, buy back for full charges

It ran like actual garbage on release, especially when combining the poorly optimized handheld and the memory leak. It was not uncommon to fast-travel to the entrance of gormatti village after a solid 10 hours of playtime and spend five seconds walking through empty space before the object textures load in.

It's a JRPG set in a massive, moving open world set in a sea of clouds. Stand into the middle of Mor Ardains town and you'll see wagons being carried all the way through to the head of the titan. You can see the lights in Torigoth from anywhere in Gormott. I boot the game up every day just to see it again. A couple of frame drops here and there are justified, especially since Nintendo made them crunch on BOTW so much.

>permanently bonded to an obnoxious fucking motormouth
i'm fucking killing myself

I like the game but I just didn`t like how even though rare blades are hard to come by most of them just suck dick, why would I use them when my common blade has fucking orb maker

Just keep her mouth busy

I played it on release, and it was very much playable.
>spend five seconds
Sure, sometimes the textures have to load but the load times are really quick and the game has massive environments. They could have made the load times longer but I'm fine with the way they handled it.

Wow, a smart person played the game. Congrats, you are the 0.01%. If you know how useful orb maker is then you would know how fun certain blade skills can be.

Tales tier cringe scenes with mediocre combat and only 3 good songs

Only xeno 1 and x (mech are based) are good games.

>If she's bonded to Nia, she will beg Kora to let her get some sleep.
When I first heard that, I couldn't help but laugh.

> 10/10 gameplay
excuse me?

Constant sex.
Constant. Sex.

I'll excuse you.

It's just that even people who are hardcore XC2 defenders generally admit that it isn't 10/10 by virtue of taking so fucking long to get even passable, much less good. This OP is so blatantly retarded I don't even know where to start.

what are you, some kind of blade-fucking pervert? get out.

Is the 1st one really that much worse or are people memeing??
I’ll probably play them in order either way because autism