Why did they nerf it

Why did they nerf it

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They were trying to protect you

Valve hates fun

Solider mains feel threatened by Pyro having actual ways to kill people.

How many games are ruined by free updates in the name of balance?

Because it's the pyro, not the poofer

I see most Pyromains using the Panic Attack because it equips faster.

The axtinguisher used to be just fucking ridiculous. The degreaser nerf was a little unnecessary though

It became the dominant loadout for Pyro, its not even like it was overpowered like Wrangler was for Engineer.

>nerf weapon combos
>nerf airblasting
>promote the brainless W+M1 playstyle
Fuck, I haven't played TF2 since the TF:GO skin update and I'm still mad about this shit.

>Ruins weapons for being used too much
>Ruins weapons for not being used enough
What does valve mean by this?

Attached: eviction.png (287x302, 18.83K)

because reserve shooter should have never been on pyro to begin with
>hurr ez airblast with instant high damage
i bet you thought sandman didn't deserve it's nerf either

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keep in mind they do everything to appease soldier mains

They forgot about the rest of the class

because it enabled bad players with dumbass instakill mechanics
better question would be "why did the make pyro require even less skill immediately afterward"
who thought this dogshit was a good idea

Valve took one look at Pyro mains and concluded that they deserved it.

>Panic Attack

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I like how you posted a soldier reaction image because it's soldiers that complain about pyro the most

wow "lmb + rmb -> 3 + lmb" totally not brainless
get fucked pyro tranny

*clinks glass*


People hate Pyro being anything other than the worst class in the game

They say every time a krits gets refected back at a solidermain a new "Nerf Pyro" post on reddit is born.

Valve hates pyro because it's a 5th wheel class.

The ultimate shitters, only rivaled by heavy players.

>get fucked pyro tranny
I would, all that latex mmmm.

>be soldier
>press space+rmb at my own feet
>rain death on enemy team from above
>dominate 3 players all at once
>"it's ok because it minimally damages me too"
>"it takes skill i swear"
kill yourself turbo tranny

I've been a fan of every broken/overpowered thing in the game and I've defended everything because I like FUN. There's only one thing that I've ever been sour about and was happy to see nerfed.

I applauded the Jungle Inferno changes to Pyro's airblast. There were nuances to the old airblast mechanics that I fucking despised. In general it would turn off all of your momentum and lightly push you and if a player was JUMPING, god forbid, you lose all forward momentum and get lightly pushed you directly UP. So there have been lots of scenarios where I'm playing Scout, get airblasted while jumping, get pushed straight up, locked in place, and I'm a sitting duck. Yeah, call me a bitch, but I'm sure you've been on the receiving end of it too.

You actually have to land those hits, retard. Every single thing about Pyro that is not running directly at an enemy and holding the trigger takes actual skill. Not my problem you're too shit to fight back, you mongoloid.

He's not going to jail, is he?

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>they buffed it

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Non-default weapons can't be too good to be considered upgrades over default equipment except melee. Everything they've cratered over the years reflect this, and even most melee things get hit eventually.

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God I hope he is

every fucking casual use the mini. It's fun, but fuck lay down something else when we're getting run the fuck up

ure bitch :)

Seriously though, I get where you're coming from, but speaking as a Pyro main, airblasting was pretty much the only reliable way to fight Scouts - lock them up in one place while dealing damage. If you kept your distance, I'd generally be fucked, as evetything else was a crapshoot.

is the scorch shot the only good pyro secondary now?
i dunno why they even let the pyro equip the reserve shooter anymore after what they did to it.
might as well be a soldier only weapon

I feel you, but I hated the reserved shooter as a pyro. If i'm playing pyro and the other pulls out a shotgun, they're a bitch. Reserved shooter is several steps above that.

>The axtinguisher used to be just fucking ridiculous
How was it when in melee range you'd die faster to flames anyway?

Since jungle inferno valve finally decided to just let pyro be bad. Flarepunching still works and the panic attack is fine at the same range but W + M1 is king now.

How do you balance the Axtinguisher to be useful yet balanced? By its core concept upon release it’s bound to piss off a lot of people, but nerfing it from a single target nuke machine makes it really inconvenient or useless

Angry scouts bitching and moaning thinking that they shouldn't be punished for letting a Pyro corner them

he says he is innocent, how could you not trust those eyes

A whole generation of gamers have been poisoned by MMOs to think anything that is effective is "OP" and needs to nerfed into the ground.

Then you have your regular shitters who won't adapt to the game, and cry endlessly until the game adapts to them.

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he hid valuable source code from the community, why isn't the community stringing his ass up like the CoH community did with the armenian

Fuck you, babby. I'm not gimping my ability to fight you just because you're a bitch about it.

I don't recall when the flamethrower could kill any class with less than 200 health in less than one second, which is the amount of time it takes to swing the axe

> scout gets punished for getting close to someone.

If only you had the slightest idea of how puff'n'sting was horrible to fight.
>rev up as heavy as I see pyro
>0.1 second degreaser burn into flare punch into axtinguisher hit
>die before doing anything
>Replace flare punch for anything below Heavy's health with airblast, castrating the opponent's movement before bursting them
Not that I am In any way happy with the current Soldier/Demo wankfest, but athleast they don't remove my mobility before breaking my ass.

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Maybe it should reduce the pyro's health? It would require more strategical play instead of just guaranteeing a kill if the pyro is close enough