Faces of Yas Forums

Judge ye not lest ye be judged

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why is the head so small

Me and the boys

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Attached: der coomer.jpg (708x1200, 71.98K)

hehhehe i like ur head it looks like a dinner roall :)


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Really? That's a first. Probably because of my long nedick

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ya'll wanna check out my ps4 collection?

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It's time to man up, Yas Forums. You know the rules. Post your face. The choice is yours alone Yas Forums. It is time for you to decide.

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lmao, no one having the balls to put a real picture of himself
typical of Yas Forumsincels, you're all ugly as sin and people borderline run away from you IRL

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>posting your picture on Yas Forums
Go to faggot. Yas Forums is for shitposting.

The absolute fucking madman wearing an anime shirt browsing Yas Forums.

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Forget your fedora friend?

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mega ugloids cope

Nah, Literally just sitting around bored as shit until i can finally go back to work.

don't laugh

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I might be 4 pints in, but I'd fuck you for a kebab and a coke.

Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops. spoiler]Semen stains the mountaintops.

Well it was on sale for $5 and i like Cowboy Bebop so...


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Hi Yas Forums. You bunch of game hating faggots.

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Same. I'm just replaying the same old games the only thing that keeps going are bannerlord updates.

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lacks pit hair/10

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Beat me up please.

>hahaha i'm so le funny and le quirky posting spoilered cat and animal pics :DDDDxDDD
why is Yas Forums so autistic

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shut up homo (sapiens)

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Woah is that real?

of course my friend, thats me