Mfw the story of xcom3 will not end in a great ayyygenocide but with refugees welcome party

>mfw the story of xcom3 will not end in a great ayyygenocide but with refugees welcome party

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inb4 this is just a intro arc where you play as the bad guys for xcom 3

just let me dream

is this Yas Forumsbrain?

Muh boogeyman

It was obvious from the artstyle. In tends to go in one of two directions - the semi-realist yet comicbook style as depicted in OP, or the rednosed shit.

It's more likely to be a "refugees help us kick the hell out of these lobsters" party

dude i honestly dont give a fuck about mutts
its the future so it makes sense that everyone is brown but letting ayyscum join xcom is fucking retared.

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Not so much a boogeyman as this post being just as uniquely embarrassing and shit as the content posted on that board.

No, this is xcom 3
>see that muton that murder your family? you're partners now

>Sideline Apocalypse as a spinoff title and then make Terror from the Deep with ayy companions
>Fighting eldritch horrors like Italians and nogs at the bottom of the ocean
I can dig it.

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Got no problems with refugees or diversity. What I have a problem with, is open racism. The vast majority of the target group of these games are white men. Why are they not represented?

That wasn't an accident. Imagine marketing something to blacks or hispanics, and not offering a single representative of their race. Or women, with not a single woman. It's textbook hypocrisy, segregation, and racism, and sexism. And racism, or sexism, is not ok. What the is it about that, that is so hard to get? It's like a fucking switch board where every time you put one switch on, another flips off. And you try to tell these people IT'S NOT OK, YOU NEED TO INCLUDE FUCKING EVERYONE, NOT JUST THOSE YOU LIKE, and they will still fucking find away to segregate against someone. Fucking assholes.

make your own

>refugees help us kick the hell out of these lobsters
in xcom 1 and 2 they are lab grown mindless drones and now they have a personality and LOVE humans soooo much

No, only a dead ayyy is a good ayyy

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I'd like them to give Apocalypse's potential the chance it deserves. The idea of a strategic layer where you're not the only faction doing things, and where you can legitimately go rogue and not give a damn about protecting the entities that give you funding but rather raid their fortified bases yourself to take the resources you need is really damn cool.
I want an XCOM game where you have the choice between being XCOM or acting more like EXALT [but still in the service of kicking the goddamn aliens in the face, just not bothering to care about the fact those cunts in India want to cut your funding]

Well it's not like I disagree with you.

Never happened.

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Do you understand the irony in what you just said? Like, really understand it?

So it's exactly like Half-Life 2 with the Vortigaunts

Really? Where are the white men they're killing? Not trying to prove you wrong I want to hate it too.

fuck jannies
fuck trannies
and fuck xenos

Here's your new muton bro

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it's like star trek picard. fuck realism or lore, let's just use it as a vehicle for shallow analogue to muh refugee crisis cause raycism bad

pretty big yikes, guess I'll go with gears tactics

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looks more like this new citizen of earth

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>a specie is only skin deep bro

If I read about the gameplay being too slow even for XCOM or the story ruining XCOM 3 somehow I will just refund it and pirate it later.

Do you understand you could've made your own game if you totaled your hours crying on the internet and put them to work

>this thing is bad because
>just make ur own lol
Brilliant defence.

make your own game if you don't like it, the market will decide if its good or not

Don't like my posts? Don't read them.

I love them though, they're funny

>get to use ayy units, improving gameplay and adding variety
>Yas Forums hates it because muh lore
I thought gameplay was more important?

Good, I'm already working on sequels.

The whole point of the games is to kill ayys.

>you can't improve gameplay without shitting on lore and theme
Hello, bonus chromosome department?

Nothing in that precludes using other ayys to kill more ayys.
Also, the point of the game is to be a turn based tactics game, whatever improves that is what's important.
>caring about "lore and theme"

>>caring about "lore and theme"

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>Literally invade a planet.
>Literally come to planet uninvited and kill people.
>N-no! You have to accept them!
Can we have writers that aren't subhuman vermin that are too afraid of being called racist? Its literally just a word.
Also, Xcom aliens aren't real and aren't even people. Who are you trying not to offend with your feel-good Steven Universe tier garbage?

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>not caring about lore & theme
>just want mOrE cOnTeNt REEEEEEEE
people like you are why games are fucken shit

I bet you unironically read the info logs, what a retard.