Why isn't turn based combat a thing anymore?

Why isn't turn based combat a thing anymore?

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1. It is
2. Because it's really boring and not skill-intenstive

>not skill-intenstive
Gamers don't want to play purely skillful games.
All 1v1 games are dead. Starcraft, Quake, etc

It's all about pseudo-skillful games: games that are skillful enough to feel like you can improve and make a difference, but enough chance (other teammates) to blame when you lose.

Battles are too repetitive. What Pokemon does well is that there are so many combinations of Pokemon/types/moves/abilities/stats that the battles are kept fresh (at least competitively)

>Because it's really boring and not skill-intenstive
Pretty retarded take on like over 5000 games. The idea that you can hand wave away that many games as all not taking skill when you haven't even played 25% of the turn based games out there is beyond retarded.

Why would you think they aren't a thing anymore when the game your image parodies is still turn based and and still sells millions of units? Not to mention the popularity of games like Dragon Quest XI, Persona 5, Divinity: Original Sin, XCOM 2, Fire Emblem, and more. If anything turn based combat has been making a comeback in recent years.

It wasn't immersive for people locked in battle to politely wait their turn while their opponents beat them down.

Liking JRPGs but hating turn-based combat is like wanting to be a part of the cool kids gang but being lactose intolerant.

Basically, you’re subhuman.

outstandingly based post

Pokemon is one of the worst examples dude and it's not variety that makes pokemon fun at higher skill levels, it's the mind games. A game that has 100s of moves, abilities and monsters but people use the same 10 in every battle with the same moves, nature and ability is not variety. LIke shit man, why do you think fags on smogon have created so many artificial tiers where you can't use anything else? Because many people would never be able to use their favorite pokemon in any human vs. human battles where people are trying to win seriously. If a community has to do that to make 90 percent of the game viable I don't know how you can claim it has variety. I would say you're kind of right about the battles against NPCs but those are way too easy most of the time and the AI is still pretty bad even in the new games. Not to mention you specified "competitively".

>I like skill intensive, reflex-based games
Fair enough


i'm playing dragon quest 11 right now and it's pretty fucking based

>there's no strategy in turn based!!!

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Average iq dropping.
Retards don't have the attention span to think about anything and would rather mash buttons to make character go boom

the reply to this post will be a smug/laughing reaction image and the following text:
>comparing video games to chess

The pieces are way too big for that board. Also combining vinyl pieces with a wooden board is just ridiculous.

>why do you think fags on smogon have created so many artificial tiers where you can't use anything else?
Because GF doesn't care about the multiplayer side of Pokémon, many of the pokemon are shit on purpose so you capture better pokemon as you progress in the game. For example Doduo is a good pokemon in midgame but he would be to OP in early game because he have decent stats and good moves

fucking based.

You are being incredibly autistic
99% of people who play Pokémon have no idea what smogon is
To them, these games keep things very fresh

>To them, these games keep things very fresh
Not the guy you're replying to but fuck no they don't. I've never been a compfag by any stretch of the imagination (I assume smogon is comp related) and Pokemon has been stale, half-assed shit for years.

The dude I was responding literally said "at least competitively". What does that mean to you? I'm shocked you can be this dumb. I even outright said he had a point if he was talking about single player. But he said "competitively" so I talked about the game from the perspective of someone meta-gaming it. Also even then most of the last two or so games have failed to introduce anything truly fresh or new. In fact the most recent mostly removed things.
Yeah except that's not the issue. The issue is the outright broken pokemon. I highly doubt that is done on purpose. What you are describing makes sense for the weak pokemon that are clearly intentionally weak but as I pointed out, out of hundreds it's the same 6-10 in every tournament whether it's a community one or an official Nintendo one. That guy specifically mentioned variety at a competitive level of which pokemon has almost none. Even saying all that I never said that made it bad, I said and stand by that multiplayer pokemon is fun because of trying to mind game your opponent.

real-time games are the antithesis of skill

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turn based is just real time based combat but with turns

Do you actually not understand that turn based combat is meant to be an abstraction of a a fight? You're not supposed to literally be standing there for five minutes while you pick an attack and your opponent is not literally standing there taking it. This is has by far always been one of the dumbest complaints about it usually from retards with no ability to visual things in their head, which I understand is actually something some people can't do but it doesn't make you any less retarded for not understanding the concept of turn based combat represents.

No video game is like this though. Every single move changes the game in chess and it's often very hard to predict more than a couple of opponent moves forward in time.

Turn-based video games is usually just about spamming the same moves until you win.

>Turn-based video games is usually just about spamming the same moves until you win.
Same could be said for real time games user

It's still very much around but the spoiled ADHD children of America don't like having to wait their turn for anything.

Because it sucks. If I wanted to play "turn based game", I'd play chess.

I think I dislike repetitive encounter/arena games in general.

Because it's dull and the genre has evolved. Either do real-time combat or tactical fun based combat with full range movement. Old-school turn based combat looks visually improbable and silly, too.

Grandia 2 had excellent turn based combat for it's time and I feel like that's when it really peaked. FF13 for all it's faults tried to elevate turn based combat it into the AAA modern age, but also kind of proved that people were bored of it. I still enjoy retro RPGs but I don't really want a shiny new AAA game with a 30 year old JRPG battle system.

I don't think turn based games are worse, but I don't really get any enjoyment out of them unfortunately. I'm not smart enough to come up with strategies, and I don't really get much satisfaction out of a turn based fight; I would rather play a game with mediocre action combat than with good turn based.
As to why they're not popular or a thing any more, I'd argue that they're probably as popular now as they were in the past; it's just that you have a lot more people playing videogames, and since satisfying real time combat is more easy to do than well thought out turn based people will normally be more likely to buy the former, so games in the latter camp get overshadowed.
Isn't Persona 5 a turn based game? That's pretty popular and successful, so I wouldn't say that style of game is dead just yet. Plus Pokémon and those Digimon games are well regarded.

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Zoomers think its boring.