1) Persona 6 is in early development. PS5 exclusive.
2) ATLUS still has 2 projects left to milk P5: a new Arena game (XONE and PS4) and a movie focused on the 3rd semester of Royal. They're both 2021.
3) The western localization of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim has been delayed for Covit19. Expect either a cancellation or a Q1 2021 release date.
4) The development of Shin Megami Tensei V is going smoothly. The game is and will stay Switch exclusive. The marketing campaign will begin in September. Japan: Q1 2021 / USA/Europe: Q2 2021. It will have FIGS localization because Nintendo wants to publish the game.
5) Horrible news for Etrian Odyssey fans. The new game teased a long time ago has been cancelled. ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen so they decided the future of the series will be on mobile as a simple JRPG. Expect Etrian Odyssey M in 2021 (Japan). I don't know if it will be localized.
6) No, ATLUS will never remake/remaster Nocturne. They don't have the resources to remade their older home console games. (yeah Raidou is also impossible)
7) Project RE: Fantasy is having a hard deveolpment. Expect a 2022 release date... for PS4 (NOT PS5).
8) If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
ATLUS leak
Other urls found in this thread:
>ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen so they decided the future of the series will be on mobile as a simple JRPG
oh no no no
>8) If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
Totally legit guys.
Can confirm, my uncle Jack Works at ATLUS.
>Etrian Odyssey M
Etrian Odyssey S. They always stick subtitles after the name too (Eternal Conquerors was the subtitle for S).
Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if this were actually along the lines of what they would do though, they tasted the gacha money with Dx2.
Is there a way to make them confess that they habe a deal with sony for persona? I’m sick of portbegging cancer
kidnap the president of ATLUS
>using the old logo
>Expect Etrian Odyssey M in 2021 (Japan).
You mean 2011.
>Persona is a Playstation exclusive
>SMT is a Switch exclusive
Just why the fuck, don't they like money?
Where’s persona 3 remake?
Do people still think the mainline persona game is going to be multiplatform? Because if they were going too I feel like they would have started with P5R as a multiplatform persona game at this point
>5) Horrible news for Etrian Odyssey fans. The new game teased a long time ago has been cancelled. ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen
Nothing about the map gimmick requires 2 screens. Heck, PC games let you write on your map since ages.
>Expect a 2022 release date... for PS4 (NOT PS5).
There's just no way. Although I guess P4 does set a precedent.
tfw no PC port
I feel like it's coming but maybe it's not, I don't feel like emulating it because of this though.
>catherine comes out around when I switch to pc gaming
>don't feel like 720p, decide to wait for emulation
>emulation gets good
>about to emulate Catherine
>port is announced
>then the tranny version is announced
>don't feel like playing it again
I mean okay
Princess crown will be translated as well?
>5) Horrible news for Etrian Odyssey fans. The new game teased a long time ago has been cancelled. ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen so they decided the future of the series will be on mobile as a simple JRPG. Expect Etrian Odyssey M in 2021 (Japan). I don't know if it will be localized.
>ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen so they decided the future of the series will be on mobile as a simple JRPG
So instead of putting it on consoles with one screen, put it on phones that... still have one screen.
Hell just pull a twewy and make it so its meant to be play in handheld switch mode, it's not that hard.
>5) Horrible news for Etrian Odyssey fans. The new game teased a long time ago has been cancelled. ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen so they decided the future of the series will be on mobile as a simple JRPG.
> If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
Nah they should just stop making video games period.
>No, ATLUS will never remake/remaster Nocturne. They don't have the resources to remade their older home console games. (yeah Raidou is also impossible)
Imagine outsourcing franchise and making Scramble instead.
Also anyone with half a brain would capitalize on Pokemon tanking like a rock and make a Demikids/DeviChil remake/sequel for Switch.
They made a japan only OG xbox exclusive at some point. Who knows what the fuck the higher ups are thinking.
>mentioning Nocturne at all
That by itself makes you look fake as fuck. Yas Forums loves the game but no one else including Atlus themselves cares much about it enough to even bring it up
if monster hunter pre-world is any indication, the only deal is nintendo moneyhatting smt to keep it away from sony. nintendo is well known for their scummy tencent-style business practices.
Japanese devs doesn’t want to develop for switch. That’s your answer
sure user i believe you
Imagine all those cute Devil Children demon designs in 3D. The main problem with them is their sprites are terrible, but those designs are really charming in their concept art.
Nintendo gets SMT games exclusivity though, why is PS4 getting Persona 5 always singled out by you hypocrites? It's worse than SMTIV for what it's worth
>8) If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
The only bit that's believable.
>moneyhatting smt to keep it away from sony.
It was on Sony for over 10 years and it didn't do that well there.
>Pokemon tanking like a rock
but it isn't? swsh sold 16 million units in a month and a half.
where is this mass delusion coming from that nintendo fans have standards for their first-party games?
>ATLUS can't find a way to move the series to 1 screen
>Map button on controller
>Map shows up until you press otherwise
>Auto-map draws the map for you
>8) If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
What happens when Persona fails? They can't keep riding that forever with the same visual novel gameplay.
>Europe: Q2 2021.
here's where you messed up OP
>7) Project RE: Fantasy is having a hard deveolpment. Expect a 2022 release date... for PS4 (NOT PS5).
Ok user we believe you.
that was then, this is now. if smt got to come home to real platforms after being stuck in nintendo prison, it would see record sales. just look at what happened with monster hunter world.
How is p6 for ps5 non believable?
> It will have FIGS localization because Nintendo wants to publish the game.
I don't believe OP but if Nintendo is really helping publishing the game then I can see a release date not far from the japanese one.
Persona is guaranteed to be Nintendo exclusive going forward after all the shit Snoy has been pulling. You wont see Persona on playstation again.
SMT5 will fail because it's on hardware from 1998 with an install base of people born in 2008. It's self sabotage.
Would be more believable if you said Persona 3 Remake too
>8) If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
i'll burst out laughing if this happens to drink the sweet delicious tears of the SMTsnowflake
PC port still might happen but who the fuck knows, fatlus is run by a bunch of retarded boomers and either way wouldn't surprise me honestly
>Project RE: Fantasy is having a hard deveolpment. Expect a 2022 release date... for PS4 (NOT PS5)
Yeah right, it'd be ported over to Ps5 and released simultaneously on 4 and 5
>Persona is guaranteed to be Nintendo exclusive going forward
Persona is the mainline now though. SMT is the spinoff
> a movie focused on the 3rd semester of Royal. They're both 2021
The development of Shin Megami Tensei V is going smoothly. The game is and will stay Switch exclusive. The marketing campaign will begin in September. Japan: Q1 2021 / USA/Europe: Q2 2021. It will have FIGS localization because Nintendo wants to publish the game.
No, ATLUS will never remake/remaster Nocturne. They don't have the resources to remade their older home console games. (yeah Raidou is also impossible)
So I guess that disconfirms any switch port of P3 and P4
If SMTV fails, ATLUS plans to cancel the mainline series and only keep Persona / other franchises.
>Persona is guaranteed to be Nintendo exclusive going forward
Sure! After seeing how much scramble sold on switch they’ll surely do that
>Nintendofags still think mainline Persona games are coming to switch
Lmao you delusional retards have been saying this for nearly 7 fucking years.
Be happy with your chibishit and demand SMTV comes out instead
Is there a cartoon art fix for P5 japanese version on RPCS3? I think I read somewhere that the fix is only for the english versions which is likely because RPCS3 doesn't even have an IME implementation so you have to give Akira a hiragana name or the game crashes
Nintendo hates Europe more than Atlus does
Don't fuck with 13 Sentinals!
how does corona-chan stymie the localization of 13 sentinels in any way
if sega usa can't telecommute it should be disbanded
ask the guy who makes the mods to do it, he seems like a bro
Tell your uncle to to stay frosty
It's because this leak is fake...
Can't believe you without a source
>1) Persona 6 is in early development
stopped reading there
ATLUS is not going to cancel mainline.
That "chibishit" has better gameplay than mainline.
And is more of a game and less a VN a crappy one btw
So this gem will stay at home? /vitachads/ win
probably more to do with printing up the game, physical shortages, no where to sell it that sort of thing
...I found about all this illegally
Pretty sure they started working on the concept art and plot already
Homebrewed Vitachads rise up
You guys said this about Persona 4 too
then why are crying for the mainline Persona game Nintenfriendo
>b-break free persona!!!!
Never ever Nincels.
Everyone will just continue to watch the anime and then pretend to have played the game
Persona 6 will be on PS4, Atlus don't work that way you faggot
I'm getting my Vita today
UPS driver is being a faggot and ignored my neighborhood though
More like trash. I'm glad that piece of shit is stuck on a dead console and can't be emulated
>that blue screen with that logo killed million of hopes
that was an amazing day youtu.be
I found Nomoto's email and paid an user on Yas Forums to force his password and enter his email box.
What's wrong with it?
>my uncle Jack Works at ATLUS.
Fucking hell, nothing at all for PC. Atlus is seriously lacking.
P5R on PC fucking when, Atnus?
They are working on 6 and it is out of question.
Harr harr ya tell em matey
They could release a demo showcasing a random conversation from the game?
I shit you not nobody would want a port afterwards.
posts like these don't make sense when you're still begging for mainline.
Fox and grapes, user
Both games are trash, and this is coming from someone who was a die hard P3P/P4G fanboy. Even bought the fucking dancing game.
Either a writer died, or Hashino decided to have a larger input on the story, but the narrative in those two games is ridiculously bad. Like, I was angry for a couple of years over what they did to my (previously) favorite franchise, but now I find it hilarious how badly P5 was written.
>1) Persona 6 is in early development. PS5 exclusive.
Let's fucking go!