DOA Dead or Alive series number 1
Lei Fang Festival
Post 4k pics of Lei-Fang
I aint got money for no for kay screen.
I love Luna!
I love Kasumi!
I love Tamaki!
>tfw just rolled 10K and got her
feels good bros
Timewarp post.
>tfw randomly rolled her on the very first nostalgia gacha steam did which was 3.3% months and months ago
You don't need a 4k screen to render and screenshot at that silly user.
I aint got no brain cells for that!
I wonder if Leifang's birthday will give out the January ticket
Cute Lei
>picture for blind people
>doesn't give me candy pop
Thats the joke.
user, that's the November ticket.
Cute Tomi.
Why is this kusoge so scummy with a 1% ssr gacha?
>doesn't give me cycling adventures
That's a big nurse.
DMM reminder: Don't forget to do the one daily match for that Honoka SSR!
Also I like Kanna a lot.
Shit """joke"""
Shut the fuck up, Cheng.
4 u
excuse me?
Do you like her a lot just as friends or...?
It like a post plucked from an older era. Or maybe from a different timeline.
I think she is impersonating Leifang...
reminds me of Micheal Meyers
I only want Honoka's Momo Denim, Helena's Peace and Ayane's Sandwich out of those.
>leifang bday
>covid still going strong
rename this bitch to corona chan nao
Marie looks the part more with her bat costume.
Corona doesn't even come close to Marie in numbers
I don't think we watched the same Halloween movies.
>DMM reminder: Don't forget to do the one daily match for that Honoka SSR!
Don't you need to do ALL the daily missions? I didn't bother with this shit because of stuff like upgrade one suit, fuck that busy work.
death by daylight meme
3 daily matches
a friend of mine died from covid, and i refuse to spend irl money on that leifang suit or grind her event.
I'll use the rewards on the bday in misaki rolls though
think Hitomi is next and then Marie
Sorry to hear that user, I know how badly it can destroy a person's lungs.
I guess I could say love but it's that hug and protect kind.
It'd be very hard to see her in lewd contexts with how she normally acts. There's a whole bunch of her trying to be sexy, but it all just ends up being really cute instead.
You need to do one daily match, and accept the rewards for that mission. After that, the counter for the Honoka SSR should increase by one. I think you have to reload the missions tab after you accept the rewards for the counter to increase.
Sorry to hear that, user.