Are you excited for Saints Row: The Third: Remastered, Yas Forumsbros

Are you excited for Saints Row: The Third: Remastered, Yas Forumsbros

Attached: .webm (1024x576, 919.88K)

>right: soul
>left: soulless

Who cares. It died after 2

Looks less cartoony.

new oleg

Attached: .webm (398x224, 170.18K)

>epic chink store
Oh hey Timmy boy thanks for the free game :)

its using denuvo:)

looks less cartoony but more goth.

What happened with the remaster of SR2?
I haven't been keeping up with this series

looks like absolute shit, why do they downgrade games and then ask for money?

soulless either way

they're fixing it SLOWLY
there's like two dudes working on it

worth every second
I could wait 5 years I don't care, as long as the new version is an actual quality port I'll have a fucking blast
Based IdolNinja

IdolNinja is working on it? Did he actually get greenlit by Volition?

Why can't we romance her? The only voice that's flirty to her is the nigger voice.

This. A SR2 remaster has the potential to become a god tier game.

Also, did they pull off SR2 from XBL?

Because you can in SR4?

You can in the fourth one and that's about the only good thing about that game.


Because Viola > Shaundi

Yes! I invite you to check the game's steam discussion page
there Idol is talking about everything the port will change and why he's doing it, etc

Get rid of the censoring and I'm in

Its gona get broken just like doom eternal did.

>If I had to put a % on it, I'd say we're about 70% there
Even if the next line is
>Keep in mind that shouldn't be extrapolated into a timeline, as we fully expect other issues to pop up as we continue hacking away at it.

mod it out

Have you seen most 'remasters' lately?

>Are you excited for Saints R-
What the fuck is wrong with you?

they're fun
you don't hate fun, do you?

That was luck. A denuvo free exe was included by accident. Some autistic retard nigger who worked with the crackers released an unfinished crack for NFS heat. It exposed the crackers methods and now denuvo will need alot more work than before to be cracked now.

Holy shit Shaundi was ugly as fuck in the original.

I think that voice 3 had flirty lines with her as well.


We're gonna get it and that's what matters fellow SR2bro

Not gonna lie OP, both models make my dick incredibly hard. I think the left gets me going a little more because I feel like she is going to make me lay on the ground while she steps on me with her sexy feet. She would make me suck her toes while she rubs me only if I'm a good boy.


can you romance anyone in 3? I thought you could only "romance" in 4 and it was really just a joke.

>Giving a fuck about any Soi Row games after 2

didn't even know they were making one. That opening of the game with the bank vault heist was dope

3 was fun
4 was fucking shit
SR3's models were hot and this remaster doesn't seem to be currentyearism hopefully so imagine what you can make with the character creator.

Most of the character models in 3 are hideous. In general it's not a great looking game and never was.

you got that backwards, 4 managed to wring a bit of fun out of 3's interminable dullness.

Where do you think you are?