Alien Isolation Pleb Filter

Jesus Fuck the medlab is such a shit introduction to the Alien in this game.

>Whenever you progress through the area the alien "teleports" ahead of you through the vents
>abundantly clear that the alien knows your exact location because of this
>conveniently runs a tight patrol around every objective throughout the level
>won't leave its route no matter how long you stay out of sight
>no weaponry and extremely limited utility available at this point in the game
>the area itself comprises mostly of bottlenecks that leave you trapped for extended periods of time unless you bumrush the objective
How could they have improved the first encounter bros?

Attached: A. Ripley.jpg (220x254, 18.09K)

I've started this game 3 or 4 times and I always stop at this part because I get frustrated by how artificial it seems. Does it actually get better after this point? I might just push through it in that case.

This game was fun as fuck but yeah, the Alien sometimes make it frustrating
>see Alien
>hide in vents waiting for it to go away
>suddently the Alien enters the vents behind me and insta kill me

There should have been a few more sections with the Alien attacking other survivors and working joes, that way you can more familiarize yourself with the Aliens behavior.

You are becoming hysterical

Attached: jack-perry-joe-04.jpg (1080x1440, 164.71K)

Medlab is a massive difficulty spike, the curve afterwards is a lot smoother and the alien behaves a lot more naturally outside forced encounters.

>They don't know

Attached: Lolsinayyy.png (1280x720, 1.63M)

The designated hiding spots like lockers and vents are bait, you shouldn't ever let yourself get into a situation where you have to commit to a hiding spot.

i love the fact that you should NEVER hide in this game but instead crouch and walk around tables.

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Me and the boys taking a group selfie

The Alien uses the vents to move around as much as you do. Last thing you want to do is go in there when you know it's prowling nearby.

Medlab is literally the best and most tense part of the entire game on Hard
Forcing you to be crafty is not a bad thing

Alien Isolation with a mod that disables the alien's ability to teleport but gives it high runspeed acceleration would fix everything.

I have no idea why the devs didn't implement it this way. Having an alien that is still a threat at long range but not a total vent teleporting cheater would have still been terrifying as fuck.

or the fact that it rewards bravery. I found that if you just keep moving, you can stay ahead of the alien, in most cases.

Conversely, if you're a huge pussy and hide in locker after locker, the alien will harass you endlessly.

This game is a fucking masterpiece.

literal shit game

Have you tried the unpredictable alien mod?

How the fuck do xenomorphs sense you in this game? Is there an in universe explanation for how they know I'm hiding in a locker and not under a table, or is it just the game punishing me for being passive?

>He STILL doesn't know

I must have died to the alien less than 5 times, don't get what the fuss is about.

exactly, never stop walking or you will die.

When you know this the flamethrower isn't even that useful. Not that i ever used it

why even give the player the chance to hide in lockers then
just make it yet another AAA game where there's 50 doors and lockers you can't open and people would figure out the stealth naturally

I've and I've played an early iteration of it but found it didn't fix anything at the medlab. However, if what OP says is right, then it seems like medlab is particularly scripted and its behavior in that section probably overrides whatever the mod tries to do.

I stopped playing this game after 20 mins. The beginning was so boring.

I died more times in the medlab than the rest of the game combined.

The first encounter being so difficult basically forces you to learn how the "game" (how describes) works after which point the rest of the game plays out pretty samey. I remember specifically getting really annoyed with how the alien basically follows you around if you move too slowly. The flamethrower does mix it up later and allow you to play more aggressive but that's about it.

It's still a great game though. I might replay this weekend.

It's pretty useful, but i didn't like how it was just a get outta jail free card. The player becomes so OP in the 2nd act of this game.

These sense pheromones

Maybe it's a twist about hiding in the closet from the monster?

You faggots always want to spoil the mystery. STOP ANSWERING QUESTIONS THAT DON'T NEED TO BE ANSWERED.

i really liked it a lot back in 2014, it was really a great game for me maybe a little bit long for an horror game

>The flamethrower
Makes the game easy mode. Once you get that you can just stroll through the rest.

Game has two layers of director A.I. When you hide in a lockers, the Alien's scope of searching for you becomes much smaller around your location.

I already know that there is more than one alien but my question was about how the fuck their target tracking works that I can hide in some spots but not others, but is a good enough reason for me that I can't stay long in one spot

He's way too overtly leashed to your location in the medlab to not completely give away the fact it's an ai that knows exactly where you are which makes the mission more frustrating than tense.

It's very different on nightmare difficulty.There's barely enough fuel in the whole game to use the flamethrower for 30 seconds.So you're never OP really.Only bad part about the nightmare difficulty is no UI so you can't tell if you have low health.I finished the whole game with 1 health I would die instantly when I tried to hold my breath at lockers and everything would just one shot me, always thought that was because of the difficulty but nope just had low health.

You're such a lightweight OP go back to Hello Kitty Island, big poopyhead.

Everyone always says this, but I found the Flamethrower just makes the Alien aggro you more and more.

If you use it, the Alien goes back into the vent for around 10 seconds and then jumps out to charge you again, and you need to keep using it to keep it at bay where it'll just repeat this action until you leave the area.

I'd only ever use it when it was that or death to give me 30 or 40 more seconds of trying to find out where to go and escape.

>he couldn’t outsmart an alien
How’s it feel to be stupid?

Stop playing on easy.

Why is the DLC so tough tho?

A pleb filter is only a filter if it's designed well and in such a way that you can only pass by learning the games mechanics and make use of them. Genichiro in Sekiro is a filter because its incredibly difficult to pass if you don't learn to parry.

The medlab is just shit design.

Use the panels to create distractions in other parts of the medlab. Set off an alarm on the far side, and it'll run off to investigate. The air filtration one is a little iffy, since it hinders your own vision too much.

You NEVER used the flamethrower? Cmon. What’s with the lying? We’re all anonymous here, no gives a fuck that you died a 100 times.

Beat the game 3 1/2 times and quite the opposite. The alien is slowly fed hints where you are the longer you stay in one location. The best option, even on nightmare, is to walk (not sprint) to whatever objective you have as quickly as possible.
You will actually very rarely have to deal with the alien if you do that. Cowering in one place will actually force you to be around it way more

FF7R is the best FF ever made, XV is utter shit

The flamethrowing is for emergencies only. There's not enough fuel to use it freely. I watch markiplier's let's play for shits and giggles and he was flaming it every time he saw it whether it had noticed him or not. He learned quickly to conserve his fuel.


I was just testing something

It's pleb filter but a shitty one because you have to draw from your experience from other stealth games, otherwise you'd feel just clueless no knowing what to do.

frankly i used 1 time molotov and maybe 1 time the flamethrower in the nest because fuck the nest

>I watch markiplier
I’ve never read a more disgusting statement. Why the fuck would you ever watch someone play games