What are the good and bad parts about emulation?

Has Yas Forums ever had an honest discussion about this?

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Its inherently based for making collectorfags seethe.

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Can play it on PC
Can upscale and make it look the best it will probably ever look
Mods can exist for them
Unless you are using Dolphin or PPSSPP then your emulation experiance will be shotty at best and require many different things for the game to run or look nearly as good as it did on the console it was made for.

I like being able to easily play games that are either rare, not easily available or old. Plus playing games I do own without having to faff about with consoles and such. Plus, I have Retroarch on Switch so I can play stuff really easily in bed too.

do collectors really act like this?


Can play any game you want on a pc or a modded console
>can play games that are rare/no longer in circulation easily
>a lot of emulators are garbage and won’t run games perfectly.


What're been playing Yas Forums?

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NFS Most Wanted, about 50% of it has been in slow motion but it runs fine otherwise.

Your use of greentext is fucking retarded bro

You can play games for free

It's fucking illegal

I don't know

I just woke up


armored core
Nexus is fucked though

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countless free games are made accessible

the soul of playing console games can get lost through emulation

>able to keep the soul of wii games by using a bluetooth sensor bar and a real wiimote+nunchuck

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emulation has a huge part in game conservation.
You would not be able to play a lot of games today if it weren't for emulation

can you repeat the question?

>the soul
What a shitty meme this turned out to be

The good part is that 95% of the information that makes up a game is preserved and converted into a format that can be easily transferred for decade to come. The bad part is that some hardware information gets lost.

>Viewtiful Joe HD
Is it as beautiful as I hoped it would be, brother?

Higher resolution
Higher framerates
Texture packs
Better controls
More customization
Save states
Fast forwarding and rewinding
All the games you could want on a single system
You can play high demand or rare games without spending a fortune
Never have to worry about aging hardware or disc rot
Poor compatibility and quality for many emulators
No soul
Input lag
Lacking in native features at times
Setup on some emulators take forever with individual settings and plug in for games, shader cache, etc
Roms, particularly Nintendo roms, can be hard to find

I emulate on homebrew consoles so I can get most of the pros with any cons

can you tell me if tf2 is already safe?

Im new in Yas Forums

>the soul of playing console games can get lost through emulation
The "soul" was lost the moment you tried to play a 10+ year old game, original hardware or not you won't get the same feeling you did when you first played that GBA or SNES game, nor the "feeling the devs intended".

It's mindblowing that you now have the ability to store and play several generations worth of console games on a device that fits in the palm of your hand.

It was never compromised, it's a meme the retards kept circlejerking.

Remote code execution isn't any more possible than it was before.

Play good old games without having to give the abortions the companies that once made them have become money for shitting out ''''''''''remakes'''''''''' that take a crap all over the game.
Can be a bit confusing to set up the first time I guess? Also if you live in a shithole your ISP might be in the government's pocket and send you fines and nanny letter. Wouldn't know.

yes. They have meltdowns all the time on /vr/