Which character in computer games, had the most retarded backstory?
Which character in computer games, had the most retarded backstory?
kuina didn't actually die. the entire thing was a charade pulled by kuina and koshiro to traumatize zoro forever. they thought it would be pretty funny if they made him eternally scared of stairs and have a huge complex about women due to his unresolved rivalry with kuina.
>it's just a prank bro
so Kuina=Tashigi is the big post Wano arc plot reveal?
Zoro...you are still just...a grasshopper
I mean there is something fucked up about unrealized potential
One Piece seems to have lots of retarded sad backstories that still tug at your heartstrings, like nami's foster mother
that sucks man she a cutie
zorro's backstory is so shit it's pretty funny
Kuina is dead, Tashigi just happens to look like her, that's the actual prank
No romance with Tashigi either, Hiyori is going to win the Zorobowl
What do you mean?
Zorro is just the real Momonosuke and the one who traveled through time is a fake. He was hidden and grew up in real time so he could take down Kaidou when the time came
Yes, but only as a sidenote that she is actually from the Void Century, too.
>tell Zoro humans are fragile
>he becomes the most sturdy human in the entire fucking story
Forget best swordsman. This guy can tank anything. Even the shit his captain gets.
But why is his hair green?
Haven't read One Piece, what's wrong with this backstory exactly? It's cruel in how anti-climatic it is.
I had a uncle that was like a second father to me, and one day I just return home to find out that he had died of a heart attack. That's how life be.
>Haven't read One Piece, what's wrong with this backstory exactly? It's cruel in how anti-climatic it is.
Yeah, Zoro is the only one with a really lame backstory. The rest of the crew has really great ones. It's kinda odd
I think her being tashigi would only piss zoro off more seeing as his once rival has become so weak.
i don’t see the complain about zoro backstory. not everything need to be a epic drama just like robin backstory
why didn't he tell the other guy what happened? is he stupid?
Part of the hiding process. Hair change is possible among Wano warriors as shown by Denjiro hiding all this time
>man too angry to die changes appearance and hides 20 years
I guess its people not experiencing that kind of loss
all it takes is one phone call, and then kaboom, someone is gone from your life forever
yeah he's a bit silly.
Unless there's another grand Oda ass pull coming you can probably chalk up Zoros story to it being REALLY early on and just being simple at the time. Sanji at least had the room for development and I'm not sure how long Oda had that planned for him but none of the pieces felt out of place
With Zoro I'm not sure what else they could add beyond his relationship early on with Luffy and his simple back story
You can at least tie back Kuinas history with Wano.
Her family is the same family as Ryoma, the zombie swordsman who Zora took that sword from in thriller bark and has now traded in at Wano for a different but equally useful sword.
There was lots of speculation that she might be Tashigi in the current time but I think that was debunked by Oda
Mom went the same way. Had a stroke one night and passed away in the hospital before the sun rose. Just here one day and gone the next.
Tashigi is actually Kuina's mother, she received the immortality surgery from the old user of the Ope Ope fruit but she's not aware of it because she's a ditz.
Also I think it helps knowing the stakes of some characters are simple. Not too crazy. Usopp really isn't that crazy either and arguably neither is Brooke, he's just old so he's seen some shit and wants to make music
Zorro is by far the most bland and underdevelopped Strawhat, every characters have in depth motivations, goals and backstories, Zorro is just "I cut things good"
Because that jobber wouldn't even take 1% of the pain Zoro had to suffer there.
I want a one piece ArcSys 1v1 fighting game...
All we get is cashgrab kusoge in terms of fighting games unless its done by ArcSys, french bread, or Capcom (sometimes)
>one piece
Didn't she live in a 1-story house?
What fucking stairs did she fall down?
What about it?
>hehehe wouldn't it be funny if luffy can also strech-
>yes he can stretch out his penis as well
>hehehe wouldn't it be funny if buggy-
>yes he can also detach his penis and send it flying
Goddamit Oda
who would win between a trained swordman and stairs
It felt half assed. Not only how she died, but every single panel is awkward because Oda apparently felt the need to the gas pedal, so the flashback is over as soon as possible
>Some guy we don't even ser: "Oh nose Zoro, Kyshina just died just a second ago. No need to feel her pulse. She surely is dead"
>Zorro one panel meltdown
>Zorro: I want her sword
>Master: Sure
>The end
Not mentioning how stupid the "Humans are fragile" part is.
Even up to this point.
>There was lots of speculation that she might be Tashigi in the current time but I think that was debunked by Oda
It hasn't stopped people from continuing the Kuina = Tashigi meme though.
4kids had her crippled from being beaten to a pulp by a bunch of jealous boys.
Kinda fits better.
my grandpa was blind and died because i fell downstairs
Maybe it's her sister
Luffy would never forgive himself for allowing that to happen to any of his crew
FF7 Cloud was literally retarded for a time.
How far through Wano are we? These arcs are getting so long that I end up forgetting the story halfway through
did he die after giving his last energy to goku?
They are cousins
Oda already showed that he doesn't give a shit about Tashigi and Smoker.
Baby 5 has a very cool devil fruit
Don better treat her right I swear to god
Apollo Justice
He was in 3 games and every single one revealed some sort of deep backstory that was intricately related to the plot of the cases he was working on
He has so much fucking backstory i dont even remember it
In the first game it turns out he's secretly the brother of phoenix wright's adopted daughter who is the heir to a clan of traveling magicians except neither of them know about it.
And then in the second game turns out he had this in depth relationship with an astronaut or something and spent all his time at japanese NASA
And then in the third game it turned out he was adopted as a child by some guy from not-india and has a whole family and friends there and spent his whole childhood in not-india
Fuck apollo justice
Phoenixs backstory is so much simpler, its just some guy who wanted to be a lawyer because he was falsely accused by an evil girlfriend, the end
that'd be interesting considering iirc zoros master was originally from wano. family coulda been split when leaving it or he could have only taken one kid.
Invasion of Onigashima started and the Flying 6 just got revealed
Sounds like 50% then
towards the middle more or less, we've gone through the build up, defeat, flashback and now on the setting up of the fights. all that's left is the fights and wrap up but those are usually the longer sections specially if they're gonna have another luffy needs to recharge moment like in dressrosa.
Wasn't Smoker supposed to be Garp to Luffy's Roger