

Attached: writing.png (766x744, 867.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>cool story bro!
Yikes.. that's pretty cringe..

post the one where someone wrote "maybe humans are the real monsters" and every other piece of graffiti is calling them fucking retarded

Cool story bro!

Attached: writing.png (506x505, 169.02K)

hahahahahahaha fuck

Attached: L4D graffiti shitpost.jpg (1920x1080, 174.1K)

Left 4 Dead is really how a zombie apocalypse would go down with people making stupid jokes trying to cope with what's going on.

all of the graffiti replies make god tier reaction images

I really wonder who at Valve is responsible for all the lore, jokes and world building, you know, the stuff that sets a game like Portal apart from other simple puzzle games and makes something like TF2 what it is.

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>I miss the internet.
fuck, how come this only made sense to me now...

erik wolpaw

fucking hell, I wish we could have this valve back

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For L4D1 turtle rock did all the work
For L4D2 it was the Valve boys who did it

Also Mike Morasky's OST is god tier


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>you should hit a zombie with your thesaurus
only funny thing on there

This reads liek a 4fhan thread.

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>You should hit a zombie with your thesaurus
These are great

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PS hi guys OP here, I'm fat and dead

thats the point
you fat fuck

>Hates Zombies
>Gets roasted for it
>Hates Humanity
>Gets roasted for it
It really is like Yas Forums

>Jesus, lady
>I'm hiding from zombies and reading this was the most terrible thing to happen to me today

>That's the point
>Game was made in 2003

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user I....

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L4D was made in 2008

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>TF2 cucks think they have it bad with 2 years of nothing
>meanwhile the last L4D game was a decade ago with NOTHING since

It hurts especially because this series could very well be the forefront of Valve's VR shit

VR isn't in a place to do L4D justice yet


FUCK. The stupid kids are getting legitimately old enough to post here and still be dumb and wrong.

Blame those assholes for boycotting l4d2

where have you been for the last 10 years

I’m referring to the difference of them not being underage and still being dumb

i see that
where have you been for the last 10 years

>Smashing a tank in the face with a molotov to stun it
>Carefully aiming your shotgun at a witch who's getting antsy to try and crown her
>being able to infinitely push back zombies as long as you can see them
>pouncing on survivors by crouching down irl as a hunter
>being able to pick up cars and chuck them as the tank
>physically climbing up buildings to get a vantage point as a special

Shit would be so cash

At the pace Valve works at we will be too damn old to enjoy it

>trying to quickly manage VR shit while zombies are sprinting at you
No, I don't think VR is ready for L4D.

>Have you been outside jackass!!

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I want to take zombies out on a date!

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>get to become a literal gremlin as jockey

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>pouncing on survivors by crouching down irl as a hunter
The crouching down irl is fucking stupid, and dropping twelve stories off a building to pounce someone in VR would fuck with so many people's senses.
>being able to pick up cars and chuck them as the tank
I'm imagining a tank reaching out a hand and trying to grab a car in VR like you would a pen or magazine or whatever while getting pelted with bullets, and it's fucking hilarious.

>ywn date a witch who thinks shes ugly cause shes infected but really shes pretty uwu

I can't read cursive, what does it say?

it says something in cursive

does anyone else love the l4d/l4d2 aestethics?

each level you are trying to get rescued, only to find out you are too late or the people are dead, it feels you just missed them and are right on their tail. You see each map being less organised after the last one, basicly seeing the government retreating and leaving the people to die. Almost everything has a small story fromm the writing of the wall to a dead corps that used to be human almost reaching rescue.

anyone else feel like this? like dread going trough a level, pic unrelated

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lmao kyoshi didnt even kill chin she was also a homo in the comics