Nu/v/ will disagree with this

>nu/v/ will disagree with this

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burgers are shit

>food analogy

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Imagine being so fat you look at games and see food

>game with more content is the small burger
I am so confused. Is this some meta-bait?

I didnt play either of those but isnt the switch version exactly the same except for some new items?

I didn't know Andrew Dobson posted in Yas Forums

is that a fucking peice of ham?

Attached: donte de la confusión.png (582x681, 280.59K)

No they ain't, they are pretty tasty and yummy.

It's the same fucking game except battle mode isn't shit and the dlc is included, what the fuck are you on about

nah its bacon just not that crispy

burger on the left looks gross. thinner burger patties stacked together are always better

that sounds worse than a slice of ham, acutally.
who the fuck wants a chewy burger?

>2 onion rings
technically since the switch is a different console, that means nintendo made an entire mario kart game for the wii u and only made a battle mode for the switch

Double retard

Triple retard

a more apt comparison then would be the same burger being kept under a heat lamp with more sides added around it

Plus a new character. Also the Switch version includes all DLC which is a value of $19.99.

Considering that Nintendo still lists MK8 on WiiU at $59.99 and the DLC at $19.99 the Switch version is superior because it includes all the base game content plus DLC for $59.99.

So your dumb image should be reversed because it's actually the WiiU adopters that are getting burned here

The game is shit it takes like 1 minute to beat any track there is no time to do anything.


why talk burgers when i got a sirloin steak right here?

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I've only played the Wii U version, so I don't know how true this is. I thought they added stuff into the Switch rerelease?

FFXV is shit lol

Attached: Absolute state of Barry.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

7R is worse than XV in every way

>Only 1 combo per character the entire game
>Only 6 weapons per character in 7R with each weapon having the same animation per character except 1-2 weapons
>Compared to XV having over 15+ unique weapon types with unique combos, finishers, abilities and warpstrikes just on noct alone, and with 7 regular weapon types having over 6 different weapons each which add way more than 7Rs barebones ass weapons do
>All basic attacks you have at the start are identical at the end
>No jump
>No dodge cancels til near end game on a wasted materia slot that still has no iframes, XV has dodge cancels through Blink at the very beginning
>No iframes on dodge making dodge useless, also because it has shitty range
>still take damage when blocking while in XV you have perfect blocks requiring timing which blockstun enemies and guarding with shields or armiger actively deflects damage as it should
>No d-input attacks
>No manual finishers
>No weapon switching
>The same 3 hit aerial attack the entire game, making you fall down each time after attacking
>No aerial dodge or aerial abilities
>No proper enemy tracking attack that also works for traversal like warps or warpstrikes
>Less abilities for the entire party in 7R than Noct alone in XV
>No AI customization and they're completely braindead compared to XV AI which improve with Ascension
>No team attacks
>Have to waste a materia slot for deadly dodge which gives an attack after dodge rollling which FFXV has by DEFAULT on every weapon type and on different characters too
>Autocounter on Cloud functionally works worse than the parry counter in XV, in 7R you just hold R1 and any physical attack is autocountered, while in XV parry counters require timing the guard button on Square for parryable attacks and having the follow up attack button input on Circle attack to actually counter
>No tech roll recovery to cancel knockback, XV has tech roll recovery through Impervious

Attached: 7rxvj.jpg (1920x2160, 2.45M)

they did


7R is worse than XV in every way and literally requires watching advent children movie, playing CC, FF7, reading the novels, anime and phone game multiplayer game that is story relevant to FF7R to this day just to understand, and is either press nothing to win or hold 1 button to win
7R literally has the most unfinished story ever.

Attached: FF7R just hold R1 to win on hard mode.webm (700x394, 2.66M)

i remember this during the 2016 election
those were good times

This and /thread

If you are old enough to post on Yas Forums and you still play Mario games, you are a manbabby loser and you should immediately get a vasectomy so that you do not pollute the gene pool with your inferior DNA.

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Dumbest post I've seen in a long time.

>the last update on switch broke the games lighting
>shadows on dingo canyon hop around all over the place
>it’s super noticeable and distracting
>still no update fix patch
>unlikely there will ever be one now that
the gran prix is over and no more dlc
>switch version forever broken now

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Both are shit
MKW is where its at

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>30FPS racing game

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Punisher mode is only effective against melee. You cannot block ranged and magical attacks in it like you can in operator mode.