Anyone played this?

Anyone played this?

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Is there anywhere that lists all of the highest possible damage output of weapons with the maximum attack increase buff?

>no enemies
>ubisoft towers
>0 secrets
>too many koroks
>weapons break after 3 swings
>all the good stuff happened before the game started
>no story
>no dungeons
>2 ez
>no music
>awful graphics look like smeared dog shit on the screen
>terrible enemy ai
>stupid disney physics
>bad render distance fog everywhere
>stuttering frame rate
>bad voice acting
>zelda is ugly

Yeah. It’s really good! I hope you enjoy it!!!

no life

It's a solid 7/10.


Attached: best game ever 12.png (730x331, 22.85K)

It has a lot of really bad points, but somehow it's still really fun to play. I have to be careful about firing it up, because it's a quick way to watch 2-3 hours disappear like nothing while also having accomplished very little in-game.

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It's a solid 10/10

yes, game of the year. sony tried to copy it with an ugly female protage named alloy or some shit, no one care, ha ha. Zelda Always Wins, eat shit.

Attached: ha.png (625x413, 379.8K)

Never heard of it

when skyrim is better than your best game on the switch/10

>skyrim is better
lets count all the glitches people routinely encounter on BotW. Done.

now lets count SKYRIMs......

Is it similiar to Final Fantasy?
How does it differ?

In Final Fantasy you run down corridors and press x to win.

BotW is an actual video game where you can go your own adventure in a vast open world and create your own story.

Isn't this the game that made this board shit up the walls for 3 years in rage?

>mfw none of this is refuted

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>Isn't this the game that made this board shit up the walls for 3 years in rage?

3 years and counting.

Because its all LIES. Keep on coping lol 97 Game Of The Decade 16 million copies sold

Yeah bro 'tis alright, solid 6/10. Now FFVII remake for the ps4 that shit is so kiiinoooooo kiiiiinooooooooo. Fucking epic

Edit: wow Thanks so much for the gold

>>no enemies
>>ubisoft towers
Lies holy lmao
>>too many koroks
>>weapons break after 3 swings
>>all the good stuff happened before the game started
>>no story
Sorry sony chum
>>no dungeons
There's 4 main and over 100 smaller
>>no music
>>awful graphics look like smeared dog shit on the screen
>>terrible enemy ai
>>stupid disney physics
>>bad render distance fog everywhere
>>stuttering frame rate
>>bad voice acting
Like every video game
>>zelda is ugly
Fucking lie

>awful graphics look like smeared dog shit on the screen

>no enemies
kinda low on variety but there are enemies
>ubisoft towers
>0 secrets
>too many koroks
you don't have to find them all fool
>weapons break after 3 swings
untrue in most weapons' cases but there is weapon durability which many dislike
>all the good stuff happened before the game started
idk I liked storming the castle, infiltrating ancient machines, exploring ancient ruins and dealing with the challenges of different environments
>no story
it's very light on story but there is a story
>no dungeons
>2 ez
it was decently challenging at parts in my opinion but for the most part a pretty easy game
>awful graphics look like smeared dog shit on the screen
>terrible enemy ai
seemed pretty standard to me, didn't stick out as terrible, that said also not great
>stupid disney physics
this is bait
>bad render distance fog everywhere
you can see pretty far in my opinion
>stuttering frame rate
can't really give my opinion on this because I emulated the game
>bad voice acting
it's ok imo
>zelda is ugly
not in my opinion, objectively she at least has a phat ass

Attached: zelda1.png (852x1400, 1.23M)

Playing through it again right now, haven't touched it since 2017. God I fucking love it, so easy to just get lost. I do find Heroes path is making me a bit more autistic about exploration which I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, my gear is still pretty meh and I've already got black moblins spawning and I Haven't done a single divine beast yet

I cannot imagine being such a jaded, contrarian faggot that you think botw is an ugly game. Considering the dogshit hardware it's working with, It looks fucking beautiful.

Imagine being this delusional.

Imagine being this so-ylent, get a grip and admit told the truth stop defending breath of the shit


The best thing about this game is the asshurt it wreaks on snoys

>Literally can't get past the first part because I don't know how to survive the cold areas

I love breath of the wild overworld, it is amazing, the divine beast are great but I miss more traditional dungeons with their own theme and the bosses are really bad.

>0 Secrets
>0 Dungeons
Wanna know how I know you didn’t play the game?

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Lynel weapons are the way to go. Just grind silver lynels for an hour, their shit can be almost as good as Royal guard stuff but with 3 times the durability. Also if you haven't done it yet, complete Trial of the Sword. The Master Sword does 60 damage when you fully upgrade it, and it becomes the most durable weapon the game. It'll still break eventually, but it's a great weapon to have, especially in hard mode.

Put on a sweater or cook up some hot peppers. Or get a torch. Or chug food until you get up there. There's like 6 solutions to that problem.

Best Zelda game sense Zelda 2. Also its a huge pleb filter because kids who grew up with the hand-holding of the latter games are ticked off.

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Honestly i kind of agree, it's genuinely fucking great just dicking around and exploring, but the few "classic" dungeons, namely the divine beasts are really shitty and just overall boring.

God I want to hear Paya's embarrassed squeals as I get her to do things that are technically her dominating me but she's just too embarrassed to deal with it.

It looks worse than WW HD that shared the same hardware.

are you insane?

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BotW has a ton of handholding. It's not SS tier but it's impossible to legitimately get "lost" in BotW. You can warp to any shrine and there's quest markers for every point of the main quest.