For me, unironically Half-Life Alyx. It's this generation's DOOM. The following AAA VR games from this point onward will be Half-Life Alyx Clones. >inb4 shill, onions, bootlicker, etc We get it, you're too poor to purchase a VR headset. No need to shout.
But enough about me, what's the best game YOU have ever played?
also, starting the thread with >yyou are poor stop being a faggot, being inflammatory only makes you look like a retard, have fun with yout flamewar.
Isaiah Miller
I'm buying a headset this week and I will be playing HL:A If it's as good as you say it is, OP, then I retract my statement.
Adam Hughes
Best game I've played? Hard choice
Imma say Breath of the Wild purely because it met all my expectations for the openness of its world, plus it has a lot of cool side quests and secrets
Jose Ross
For this gen, Bloodborne. Overall? That's a hard call. My favorite game is Rollercoaster Tycoon so I guess it's that.
Jonathan Bell
honestly it's not that good, just like doom wasn't. but it sets the foundations for actual vr adventure games
Bentley Lee
>We get it, you're too poor to purchase a VR headset. there's mods to play it with KB+M, thanks for testing it
Mason Flores
I loved it but I don't know if I'd say it's some sort of revolutionary turning point like DOOM or Half-Life 1. I am very glad to see Half Life finally be back though, and I think VR is the exact direction that the series needed to head.
Jeremiah Walker
wich means that you get none of the experience.
It's like saying that watching youtube videos is the same as playing the game.
Jayden Turner
This generations Doom, or DOOM? This makes a big difference in determining exactly how stupid you are.
Nathan Harris
wrong, he gets a different experience, and he is also playing the game.
Luis Gray
He obviously means the one that sent ripples through the industry and was very influential.
>What's the best game you've ever played? Neir: automata
Jordan Evans
Luke Mitchell
She looks different in every render I see, wtf
Chase Taylor
OP's pumping it up a little bit. It is a fantastic game though, and it was exactly the shot to the arm that the VR market needed.
Dominic Miller
I don't know if there actually is a full model of her in the game. There is one of Gordon that looks sort of awkward, mostly because the only time you see him he's silhouetted so they probably didn't spend all that much time on modeling him.
kill yourself it's literally the ending where she shrieks over eli's corpse
Evan Perry
Wow you're a gigantic fucking retard then.
William Edwards
oh yeah. duh. for some reason that part didn't register as new to me even though it was a whole new render of the scene.
Andrew Allen
remember at the end when eli died and someone was mourning over his body? yeah thats you, fucking dolt
Samuel Russell
trying too hard
Jaxon Rodriguez
>Game came out a less than a month ago >OMG it's the best game ever! Ok Zoomer.
Hudson Sullivan
My major problem with HLA is that it doesn't use VR at its best. They only really focused on the "players can touchy touchy" part and that's about it. They made the game too newbie friendly and that seriously hurt the whole game. Enemies are slow and dumb, weapon pool is extremely small and other than grabbing things, physics werent used much. I mean you can play the entire game sitting on a wheelchair even if you only have 1 arm, that's how handicapped the game is.
that being said it was a great game and I enjoyed it, I'm just annoyed they put too much focus on making it new user friendly instead of trying cool new shit.
When I put my vr headset on I look at HLA and say "it was cool" but then hop into H3VR, Blade & Sorcery or Boneworks.
Josiah Richardson
I gotta go with Ghost Trick, nice gameplay, nice music, nice animations, nice art style, and very nice story, and most importantly, it ends with everything wrapped up nicely, no sequel bait or anything
The fact there is no melee feedback in a HL game is mindblowing
Eli Wright
does the AI behave differently on hard? I felt like the AI was too dumb my first time through on normal, but when I played on hard, I died quite a few more times and it seemed like they were a little more aggressive. I figured it was just me.
Kevin Hughes
They only take more shoots and do more damage I think. I played the game on hard and they didn't feel smarter or faster than in the trailers.
Brayden Evans
I'm referring to how her new model looks good in some renders but terrible (like pic related) in others.
I'm pretty sure HL:A is intended to be an introduction into VR. For both Valve developing a VR game for the first time and players new to VR.
Carter Lee
yeah i know what you mean, it seems like she looks older and boyish in some of the new images while in some others she looks more like what I would expect her to going off the Half Life 2 series.
Ryder Rodriguez
i have played literally thousands of games so it's hard to say what the best game is. It's definitely not VR, casual, normalfag shit, I'll tell you that much. Probably something like Deus Ex or STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Logan Wilson
It's just lighting. Same happens irl, you ever noticed that you look better in some mirrors than others? That pic you posted for example, a hard light from once direction makes skin imperfections and wrinkled more obvious.
Jayden Martin
so that really wasn't her original voice actor? maybe it's been a long time since I played HL2 but it sounded just like her to me.