this is a retarded advertising point. say its cheapest not smallest.
what is this, a console for manlets?
you have a small penis.
>all xbox exclusives also coming to pc from now on
whats even the point
both are just PCs but worse
who the fuck cares about a small console? who has ever advertised any console as being the smallest? not even nintendo does that and their consoles have been the smallest for decades now. even the gamecube was like half the volume of the ps2 and xbox. wii was like a 3rd of the size of the ps3. switch is literally a small handheld. you don't see them saying their console is better because it's smallest. jfc microsoft should not hire you for their marketing.
>who the fuck cares about a small console?
right image isn't real
Oh for christ's sake. Ridiculously blatant.
you don't need writing to tell someone a console is small if they can see it. you say cheapest not smallest. imagine actually advertising it as smallest the console will fucking bomb.
There is no point. Microsoft realized that most PC gamers can't be arsed to pick up a console, so why not offer their games on their very own Windows platform? They don't care where you are buying their games, just as long as you are.
Looks pretty based to me. Disks are obsolete so why not remove the drive and make it more compact.
I like to think less and less people are getting swindled by the "exclusive" meme these days. The more you buy consoles for exclusives, the more they'll make exclusives in an attempt to make people buy consoles.
And much cheaper
game cube
Needs more X in the name
Up front costs? Yes. Long term costs? No. But normies aren't very good at long term planning which generally requires an IQ above triple digits so it makes sense.
>the black one is bigger than the white one
Theres a joke in here somewhere, but I can't quite guess with one it is.
This. Not to mention that you can't use the consoles processing power for anything else.
>It's a white Gamecube.
ok 53%
If you buy consoles just to play vidya what else do you need it for?
>the most powerful next-generation console
already lying?
what is then?
Microsoft's naming ideas are beyond retarded.
Are they headed by a bunch of lobotomized chimps?
That's certainly the sexiest console design. Reaching Apple level premium look, and definitely doable. There are those tiny Intel Nuc boxes. Shame it's fake. I suppose it's good since we'll be spared the cringy muh dick jokes.
I love the praising ads from literally whos.
>literally just a rectangle and cube
Why would I ever buy a piece of hardware that doesn't do anything that my computer can't do?
If your pc isnt powerful enough to do it properly and you dont have money to buy expensive pc hardware
it looks like a trash can, ironic
it's like buying a car that's programmed to only go from your house, place of work, and a grocery store
sure it gets the bare essentials done, but sometimes I also would like to go into the wilderness, a restaurant, bar, etc
it's an impressively powerful piece of hardware for a cheap price but can only exclusively do a small set of things that the manufacturer, microsoft, deems acceptable
it's a complete waste of power