What's your online gaming speed?

What's your online gaming speed?

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A tenth of that. I hate the USs internet companies.

I bet you pay $80 a month for that with a cap

For an Aussie, this is as best as we can get

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Fuck you all

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I was at that speed a couple of months ago, shit sucks. I feel you

Might just be living on campus at university, those speeds are the only thing I miss about it.

1ms or gtfo

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Fuck American ISPs. The only two options where I live are Comcast and CenturyLink. My dad called Comcast and he said it would be a $10,000 installation fee to switch. So we're still on CenturyLink, and what I just posted is the fastest and most expensive package where I live. Yes, really, 3mbps down for $100/month.

It's okay

Attached: speedtest234.png (585x114, 8.78K)

I pay US$73.99 per month for this amazing monopolistic service
Thank you Cox, very cool!

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It just works

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What the fuck?
Why is NA internet so retarded?

none because multiplayer is gay

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I am an American.

Attached: speedtest.png (550x121, 13.81K)

Where the fuck do you live?

Because ISPs are allowed to monopolize entire regions and bribe the government to not allow any other company to install new infrastructure there. This is why Google Fiber died. Other ISPs intentionally blocked them from laying fiber in their "territory".

Pennsylvania. The state of Comcast's headquarters. Comcast truly has us by the balls. Everyone here hates their guts, but there are no alternatives unless you want to go with 3mbs CenturyLink service, which is what my parents actually did.


Attached: speedtest.jpg (929x495, 45.88K)

how's lebanon

shithole, as ever

Good enough for anything I do.

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The power of the free market

Don't worry middle east bro. I'm an American and I had internet that slow up until last year when my family upgraded from the 1.5 mb/s package to the 3mb/s package.

>Free market
>When an a corporation is colluding with the state to prevent others from providing a service
It's quite literally the opposite of free market.

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Bandwidth has absolutely no impact on gaming. Online games transfer as little data at once as is possible for pretty obvious reasons - it's rate for games to transfer more than 30-50 KILOBYTES per second both up and down.

What matters for gaming isn't bandwidth but stability. Your ping to the closest main hub, the average variance of your ping time, the amount of packet loss you have, these are what matter for the online gaming experience.

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jesus christ, how and why

living in the sticks
verizon doesnt offer higher speeds in my area
the other companies are mad expensive

on top of corporation fuckery, the US infrastructure for internet was laid long ago
and now shitworld countries that are just now getting internet are getting better technology laid out right from the start

imagine having more than 1 ping

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30 $

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i don't live inside a datacenter, sorry