Childhood is marrying Karen because she was the hardest girl to woo
Adulthood is marrying Karen because she's the best girl and needs a happy ending
Harvest Moon/Rune Factory
what the fuck is her problem?
I think girls are cute
having parents in a dysfunctional relationship
being an alcoholic
family business is literally dying because the vineyards are fucked
wow sounds like a real winner!
Lara is the best RF
she's a woman
>hardest girl to woo
All I did was show her my dog a few times and we were engaged the next day
when I was a young child we didn't know about that exploit yet
ruh roh she fucks dogs
If I made a Rune Factory clone and allowed the player to have a harem, Would that drive away normies?
>Start a new game
>Use the puppy glitch on her on the first day
>Married the next day
If I never played some of the older 3d games, which is the best one? 64, BtN or WL?
WL is the worst of those 3 by a wide margin
>implying she's marrying you and not the dog
64 is rock solid. BtN is a fan favorite as well. Can't go wrong with either. WL is garbage for a HM game.
thats my idea with out rune factory base harem mode is NG+
Magical Melody is underrated
64 and BTN are similar but different in key ways. 64's days go by faster, and it's less grindy in certain ways, overall it's a faster paced game. The biggest difference is the games have the same characters but they have different personalities and relations to reach other (for example characters who are brother in sister in one game may be completely unrelated in the other). Generally speaking 64's characters have more "issues" and the game has a slightly darker tone than BTN, which has a more idyllic feel to the town. WL has interesting ideas that no other HM game really expanded upon (namely aging and eventual character death) but it's sort of a one step forward two steps back situation and is really lacking in content. You might want to look into Animal Parade, it's got some annoying RNG mechanics like crop quality and refining metal/gems but it takes the direction BTN went and runs with it.
Godhood is realizing Elli is the only correct choice
Rune Factory Frontier is the best of both franchises
It was my favorite until Rune Factory. Now I can't play Harvest Moons anymore. They are too slow and limiting. Nothing like having 4 slots and whatever you can carry to gather materials with while being slowed down for carrying something in your hands with a 10 min walk down the mountain. I can't take that shit anymore.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I did try out Animal Parade once but for some reason it had really harsh framerate issues on an emulator for me and I don't have my wii with me anymore. I did play Tree of tranquility and it was really good so maybe some time I will try out AP.
For now I guess I'll try out 64.
in mineral town/BTN yes
not in 64
try out RFF on dolphin too
Already completed it. Probably my favorite RF game.
Now that I think about it, Mary may have been the precursor to my current shy goody goody girl fetish, especially with glasses
I feel 64 and btn are tied in a pick your poison situation. One game the time goes by too quick the other is way way too easy though and too linear with house upgrades but while 64 is super quick but you don't have to pay for tool upgrades. The pros and cons are way too many and theres multiple varietys of them too.
Popuri Best girl for me
Weird way of spelling Ann
All I read was:
>I be simping
>I be simping HARD
Yes in 64
Ann was only good in SNES.