>can't turn off achievement notifications without disabling the overlay entirely
Fuck this I'm going back to Epic. You had one chance.
>can't turn off achievement notifications without disabling the overlay entirely
Fuck this I'm going back to Epic. You had one chance.
Other urls found in this thread:
>back to epic
Zoomer status confirmed.
Wtf is wrong with achievement notifications? You must be severely autistic if those little boxes that take up less than 1/5 of the screen make you really mad
>Watching an emotional and immersive final cutscene
>Somber fade to black as a slowed down version of the main characters theme plays
>using the steam overlay
>muh immersion
ur mums butt
lol where do you people come from
You can disable the overlay, faggot, that's an option.
Gamerscore is more fun than playstations trophies or steam's achievements. Prove me wrong.
wait, steam supports achievement notification sound now?
It isn't bad, lol. Cheevos have been like this for nearly 2 decades since the 360 came out and this is the first I'm hearing someone cry about it.
I think you're just severely autistic.
Achievements suck
360 let you disable them
based, fuck steam and daily reminder epic doesnt force you to update your games
are you that retarded that you dont know how to turn them off?
>getting emotional over a vidya cutscene
You can turn of steam auto-update in the settings.
Were you this butthurt when playing on consoles, or is this literally your first time playing video games?
so does Steam
>b-but muh overlay
if your complaint is immersion, popping open the overlay to look up a guide or something is way more immersion breaking than a little achievement notification that doesn't even make noise
>are you that retarded that you dont know how to turn them off?
You literally can't. OP is a retard but he's right
good and then you cant play your games you brainfart
Consoles let you turn them off
Only the multiplayer "always online" games.
Your problem if that's all you have in your library.
you literally can, though
It may have let you disable them, but nobody did. Everyone also left the online friend notification pop up on.
Achievement notifications are a part of the experience, why turn them off?
Based. Achievements always pissed me off. There really needs to be a better way to disable them.
More like, anyone who cares even slightly about "cheevos" is autistic.
you fucking brainfart, when you stasrt a steam game you are forced to update your fucking game, you cant just turn it off you need to force steam to be offline all the time, have fun forcing steam to be offline all the time you brainfart
How is that related to anything, retard?
a truly immersive game wouldn't have cutscenes you goddamn snoygger
it looks like the one having brainfarts is you, user.
>anyone who cares even slightly about "cheevos" is autistic.
>achievements piss me off
Autistic retard
>steam drone gets btfo
>ugh eh
you guys are mentally ill, get your life straight before you chop of your dick like other steam trannies
You know what I meant. Anyone who cares about actually trying to get them or allows them to affect the way they play the game in any way is autistic. Finding them mildly irritating and wishing there was a way to turn them off is based.
>mentioning trannies out of nowhere
obsessed tranny in denial
learn to spell next time before getting into an internet argument, eh? It's to easy to punish.
>caring is autistic but also based
make up your mind, retard
disable the overlay
I can't tell if OP is shit posting or if he is actually that fucking retarded
I don't blame you for wanting to disable them. They're sometimes annoying in my opinion, especially since steam achievements don't really mean anything.
They should fix their fucking web browser first.
>giving a rats ass about PC platform wars
That's not what the OP was asking for you illiterate.
>steam still doesn't have a high res or scalable interface
no achievements mean anything
why does he give a shit about the overlay if achievements are "immersion breaking?"
Xbox has gamerscore and PSN has trophy levels which people like to increase. Steam has no such thing
>Epic still doesn't have a shopping cart
The overlay is used when the gameplay is stopped. He might find it distracting when the achievements pop up. Just because it doesn't bother you shouldn't mean that it isn't included
oh so as long as there's an arbitrary number attached that also means nothing, they mean something