"This indie game is a tribute/homage/love letter to [insert popular game here]"

>"This indie game is a tribute/homage/love letter to [insert popular game here]"
Why can't indie games ever be original?

Attached: 800x400.png (676x676, 918.8K)


being original is the most unoriginal thing you can do

>having influences means a total lack of originality

I have some bad news about your favourite band, movie, book and religion

Why would you keep a picture of this disgusting subhuman on your PC?

Attached: 1587075759668.jpg (540x540, 31.35K)

But that isn't an Armenian?

Alright, I'll take the bait. What do you mean by this?

lmao turkroach

Seething wh*Toid

>is 676x676

There's definitely a difference between having influences from previous games and having one game in particular that you try to shamelessly ape


I doubt he would name his show after the group that carried out the Armenian genocide if he was

Literally nothing is original

Originality is dead. Quality is all about making something appealing on its own from the bits you steal.

indie games are either boring copies of games we used to play 20 years ago or are boring copies of game concepts that are overrated like horror games without actually interesting gameplay(amnesia and outlast).

Name 1 (one) good original indie game.

Tfw Turks will know pain when whitey has had enough
Day of the raid, roach

Return of the Obra Dinn

snake pass
rain world

Why does he want to fuck horses?

Indie developers hope that by admitting their plagiarism they'll get a free pass from serious mechanical and technical scrutiny of their games.
The elephant in the room is that Indie Platfomer #6543 is never going to stack up to, or surpass Super Mario 3 in most peoples' eyes, and so unwritten rules have to be put in place like "You can't just compare indie games [made in custom engines or editors like GMS and Unity with all the hindsight of generations of old games] to 30+ year old console titles [made with next-to-no frame of reference in Assembly or C]". Or "Modern pixelart [with thousands of tutorials and resources online for teams of people using digital tablets with all the hindsight of generations of old videogame art] can't be compared to pixelart from the 90's [where groups of two or three people had to reverse-engineer joysticks to draw pixels on a screen]". Because otherwise nobody in their right mind would put both games together on a store shelf and then pick Platformer #6543.
So instead of being framed as direct competitors and attempted disruptors of the value of the original games, indie games are framed as "homages" instead.

this is true, never liked an indie game more than the source its ripping off from

It's just an advertising technique
>remember that thing you really liked
>well this is like that "thing you really liked"
It doesn't matter if that's actually what the creators intended

most prominent indie devs are western, and western developers are hacks who can't think for themselves.
this is also why westaboos always hype up licensed games like the witcher 3, kotor and planescape, where the characters/setting/lore were already made for the developers by other people. when they have to come up with their own ideas, it's always shit.

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this is the red pill that indie shills refuse to swallow. there's no reason to play their shit when we can just emulate the superior classics they're ripping off for free.

non-western games are mostly ripping off from older western ones though

>Japs don't rip off western games and western media in general

Hollow Knight

Name three games where this has happened.

Name me 5 games that were original and succeeded that are not Factorio.

japan takes westshit and improves it with their kino.
the west takes japanese classics and tumblrs them up.