Redd is here. Do you have him on your island?
Animal Crossing
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Sure, Dodo is MTB01. Able's is also selling Small Crown and Hakama if you're interested. Lots of space in my town is still a wip so I'm kind of embarassed to open up already, but whatever. I want to eventually spread around my villagers to places that suit their theme.
Is this pic legit or am I being memed?
best way to plan out my layout for my island?
none of the charts take into account that each flower has genetic information that changes its cross breeding behavior.
looks good to me.
Oh, and I'll be afk since I'm gonna take a shower and do groceries.
Julian is making a golden wall. Go up from the airport and through the bridge, his house is to the right where you see the stone fencing. I'll be sitting inside. Messages on the board are appreciated and I'll leave my Switch on as long as Julian is crafting.
To those who have rare flowers and live somewhere in the US: is it me or do Peacock butterflies spawn a lot less often now?
Don't put everything in one corner. Spread things out, have districts.
Of course he is, but I hid him away.
In other news, if he's wandering your island while it's raining, he uses a busted umbrella. It's the little things.
No because I don't time travel
just gonna steal that idea
Are you an Aussie then?
EU/NA have him if they installed the update and talked to Blathers before 5am.
I love this. it's like Redd put them up himself
>Large Spike: 100%
Tomorrow gonna be good
Lot less since bluebottles are a thing
Turnips selling for 372. Leave a tip or don't I don't care.
Just thinking about all the possibilities for terraforming and how much I'll need to move around tires me out.
Put all houses in one corner so you can visit all of the villagers easily
So he shows up the day after you talk to Blathers and he says shit about accepting art now? Or was it just a chance he showed up today, cause I got nothing.
You are absolutely getting memed. Don't trust any charts you get online, genetic information is actually crazy complex.
>being this retarded
Remember to customize them with the seasons, cousins. Don't want that raccoon gettin' suspicious, do ya?
>mfw the chillaxed 1pm music hits
Turnips selling for 524 each, gonna keep it open for a bit. CSN95 come give me bells you fucks.
It's very out of date.
I'm retarded it changed.
Talking to Blathers about art seems to be a pre-req.
Different guy but I don't have him also, I'm european. Got Leif selling stuff at the plaza and played after the upadte.
No Redd. No Lief. Just stinky sandnigger Sahara.
if you didn't get an Isabelle announcement about a suspicious character he isn't there,
the one that shares my bday is a cranky
im contemplating getting bob atm. the only villager in that list that im interested in is audie and shes a coomer villager. I kinda like coco and bunnie too but idk
Shoulda done it last night then, I even got on after the update dropped and everything.
Oh well, he'll be around tomorrow I bet.
and its gonna be the lowest amount of that large spike
Did you play before 5am this morning and talked to Blathers after installing the update?
If you want something legit then use this.
It's at random. You have % on how rare they will grow. This is the official gamebook.
I have Lief and Redd today. zero time tranny'ing
No I installed the update then launched the game around 10am.
I got him but he wasn't on his boat and instead he was walking around like Flick or CJ
Is that supposed to happen?
>nook snipes the new house before I can fill it
a fuckING RAT
what are those fake trees called?
Sweet Jesus it went deeper than anybody could anticipate
How long was the plot open for?
You can't build inclines diagonally?
should I bother opening my gates if able's got
>magical girl dress
>samurai helmet
>prince getup
but nooks are closed for renovations
also leif's here but I'd assume he's on most islands since the update dropped today
tree standees
all of the standee things (trees, bushes, grass, mountains) are DIY items
Then that's why you don't have him. You talk to Blathers after the update, he talks about wanting to expand the museum to include art, and thus Redd conveniently pops up the day after to sell you one.
If you talked to Blathers before 5am you would have Redd today.
are there photos of the charts for mums, lilies, and windflowers?