How's your videogame?

It's that time again. You ARE working on it, right user?
Any tips for nodevs?

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I'm making a lil' Quake episode, and one of the levels is set on a moving train. It's ugly, but I'm proud

Attached: quek.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

Sounds neat.

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I just came up with a really rough idea for a new game a few days ago.

>Set in a futuristic seedy city, think something like the cities in Blade Runner, Altered Carbon or Neo Tokyo in Akira
>Artstyle of Akira Toriyama
>Play as a detective who can talk to souls inbetween the plains of life and death and others trapped in objects
>can also call on some of said souls to aid him in combat (think persona style)
>Get party members on a case by case basis so no two cases will see you with the same party

Thats about all I have for the moment, as I said, just a rough idea.

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Sounds like Murdered: Soul Suspect but with combat. You ever play that? It's on my backlog, sounds kind of neat

I wanted to make small scale online RPGs using the Intersect engine but I always give up because RPGs have so many moving parts and I inevitably get burnt out without having others to motivate me to keep pushing

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When I first read your comment, no, I had no idea what that was, but I went and looked it up and recall seeing a really old promotional trailer for it before it released.

Also, I was thinking instead of just summoning souls like Personas, why not recruit them kinda like Valkyrie Profile or monster recruiting from Dragon Quest 5/6?

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I mean we only have this thread once in a while, its not a general. Its fun to see what more casual devs who dont go to agdg are doing.

Why don't you go to /agdg/?

Im making a small text command "rpg". You send the command to a facebook page on messenger and it responds with a frame of the game after the action. Just a tech demo to show my friends really, I only plan to have the character walk around on a grid and collect apples or something on the ground.

not that user but
>asking people to go to /vg/
you should know that there is a big gap between sporadic threads and generals. generals usually enforce their own inside culture, ways of posting and other such nonsense whereas threads on Yas Forums are far more unfocused and lax. I’m not saying one is better than the other, but many times you’d much rather not have to deal with a different kind of discussion when you could just put up a more neutral thread on Yas Forums instead

/agdg/ is just unfocused and lax as a regular thread on Yas Forums now, don't worry. just ignore the triangle dev.

>You ARE working on it, right user?
Trying to learn C then gonna try to understand the doom source code.
For that to happen I also need to refresh my memory on math from a decade ago.

That's nice but I'm still not going, thanks.

I'm ""planning"" on making a generic simple rpg just as practice, but I really only know Javascript. Is it retarded or should I learn another language

finished this boss last week. now i'm writing a lot of dialogue

Attached: dhc-2020-04-18.webm (960x540, 1.28M)

I'm waiting for an addon I use to be updated to latest version of Unreal Engine

I tried recompiling it myself, but nada. In the mean time I'm building other things.

Its fine for a practice project.

i haven't worked on either one of my projects since Ludum Dare because 48 straight hours of devving burns you the fuck out.

i'm roadblocked by shit art on my zelda clone, and i really need to make bots for my multiplayer game because i see people join the server all the time and quit a minute later because there are no players

we hate those devs too dont worry

do not

even simple rpgs aren't simple at all. i think a shmup would be a better practice project

How can I make a gun in UE4 that propels the player backwards when they click? Like a mid-air rocket jump.

Ask /agdg/, they're the best at answering these types of questions. They're very nice people too, unlike here on Yas Forums.

>best at answering questions

i don't know how you implement it in 3D space since I have no experience in it, but in 2D space i've implemented it by defining a point, usually where the player clicks or a rocket collides and then creating a round collision shape. when the player collides with the collision shape you find the distance, the angle between the player and the point.

use cos and sin with the angle to calculate the forces corresponding to the x and y directions, and then multiply it by (collisionshape.radius-distance)

They are.

they would answer something like:

>cant make babbys first fps

nobody here’s going to your autism hole, stop being an insistent twat

>cant make babbys first fps

idk about unreal but in unity I would get the forward vector of the player, invert it, then apply force to the player using that vector

Making a little bit of progress, the butt still needs a lot of work but for now I'm going to start on the legs

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