Here's your western female protagonist bro.
Here's your western female protagonist bro
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before anybody starts
2077 is cyberpunk
>Animals – an aggressive street-fighting gang from west Pacifica that eschews the use of traditional cyberware. Instead, they use ultra testosterone and animal supplements (like growth hormones). They’re animalistic at heart, and dangerously proud of who they are.
This game is so unbelievably cringe.
I can literally create my own character in Cyberpunk 2077
So how come Major's hot while every woman so far in cybertranny2077 is ugly as hell?
The "Animals" are literally from the source made by that black guy.
Are you dumb?
I'm talking about every woman shown so far, as in the default female protag, both the old one and the new one as well as every female NPC.
straight up false
Prove it.
by trying to prove it i legitimize your claim
your claim is not legitimate, i dont need to prove shit
>Poverty, famine, crime still present
These are hallmarks of a cyberpunk dystopia
ok thanks
>it's the daily 'fat weebs complaining about the lack of animu waifus in western games' thread
Someone post the picture of the nu-pozzed dev team. You know the one.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate, niggers.
dont mention it
Brazilian dickgirl. Ambiguous gender and race. A reflection of our time. If you reject this, you are a fossil. A dinosaur who refuses to adapt. And what happens to whoever does not adapt in nature... you get phased out. You go extinct. Brown trannies are the future. Embrace it.
ingame she looks even worse
She always looked ugly, you retards, they just removed her makeup, which you can add back in editor.
Here's your asian male protagonist bro
So what is the point of cp having ugly people?
Do people of cyberpunk get their brains re-wired by bill gates chip in the future to make them stop recognizing signals of health?
>what is the point of cp having ugly people?
not ugly people, just average americans.
I honestly have no idea how people honestly prefer this goblina over new v
It makes zero sense. People want to be beautiful. It is in human nature. Even the cavewomen wore primitive jewels and broderies. If anything people will become hotter in the future with gene selection and the advancement of science.
Seems pretty transhumanist to me, using tech to augment your body for the purpose of beating up anyone who looks at you wrong seems pretty high tech low life to me bro
All of you fuckers need to get on with our era and starting appreciating mixed race people. They are the future.
it is all so tiresome
Shut the fuck up lorelet
Cyberpunk 2077 lore is established already in Cyberpunk 2020
I bet you're the same retard that bitches about "Night City" not being eternal night and having sunshine in the game too.
Here, same shit. She even hotter than previous one like that.
I thought it was only marketing art and not the ingame model bros?
This game will be shit.
go back.
Id get on my knee between her bronze legs and eat voraciously her pussy while she stares me down and smirk. Then she calls me good boy.
thin eyebrows truly are a crime to womankind
see what a difference it makes, your pic is actually hot. but OPs pick makes her look like a crackhead
Eat my ass, nigger.
Things like the cyclops eye gang and the animals with that roided up tranny leader are really hard to believe.
Presumably they forgo any sort of sex or family life. So why do anything then?
Also she has Lucy Heartfillia's voice. I will coom so hard.
Because as with Claire and Jill, Yas Forums is disingenuous as fuck as choose frame perfect pics where the girl looks the worst she can.
Literally pre ordered today
good thing that i always play as male
Yeah, they’re a bit fucking stupid. Then again, people now are doing all sorts of extremely fucked up body modification. If legit cybernetics were available I have no doubt there would be those who went overboard with it.
You are missing out. Embrace the feminine in you. It is the future.
I'm pretty sure the roided up gang is from the tabletop but they didn't have a female leader.
Are people really going to play cp on old xbox/ps4 instead of waiting for the next gen consoles?
5 faces 3 skin tones, here is your char creation bro
Completely different sides if the cyberpunk setting. You're playing as one of the dredges of society in 2077. Makoto is a high class military leader. Its about as retarded of a question as asking why a homeless person doesn't look like an executive.
Theyd have a big Booba dude.
You only see extreme body modification on the internet. Its very rare and you wouldn't have a community that does it.
It doesn't make it less cringy
Because she looked fine and you retards always try to post the worst pic you an so it fits your arguments.
So why does the corpo woman look like a manfaced tranny?
She's a 7/10 with makeup and good lightning, 6/10 at best without them.
hes here already
get ready bros
what's nu-V?
>V was born December 10th, 2054 and came to Night City at the age of 23
>age of 23
>only twenty three fucking years of age
>skin worse than a busted 40 years old granny despite being submerged in makeup
>skull structure of a fucking caveman
>body of a hormone confused fridge
>twenty fucking three
I'm a fucking 25 years old NEET with smoother and cleaner skin than her holy shit
Not even bong genes age this badly by 23
FemV looks like she has more testosterone than maleV to be honest
I miss this UI so much
Still getting it on launch in the hopes you can romance an Exotic.
>So what is the point of cp having ugly people?
because beauty doesn't bargain with brawn.
Like a 4.5.
Would it be considered cultural appropriation to make a black female (to pander to social jew warrior publications) who is also attractive?
Beauty is part of white culture after all.
You can't. Yiff in hell, subhuman.
Cool she looks hot
>UI was cold, dark and pink/purple
>the new one is sunny and yellow/orange
You literally can't make this shit up holy shit
I WISH it looked this good
What is an Exotic?
>even it can't be explored
have some standards you sad fag, literally haggling for a fucking skybox to look at.
ok boomer