
Has a dev ever gotten mad at Yas Forums and told us to stop playing their games?

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Dev got mad at people saying his game was bad.

The real problem is there is no exit in the final boss room, and sex attacks are way overpowered compared to normal attacks

what game

What game?

Don't worry, don't worry i'm here c-bros, the game is LonaRPG

Didn’t Randy Cuckford do this?
I know Cliff Bazinga did

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>rpgm trash
well is it good?

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>dev doesn't want anyone playing his game

It has the most "potential" of any rpgm game I've ever seen, but it's pretty barebones right now, and the dev's main language is chinese, so the most recent version can't really be played unless you can read chinese.

potential? have you played the last sovereign?

Garbage game, needs to stop being shilled here.

>the dev's main language is chinese
soulless sadistic fucks

This man sounds based

TLS is a fucking book, not a game. It's got shitty standard RPGM combat and takes way too fucking long to get through it.

Does he only release the game in Chinese or is there an English option?

Sounds pretty based if he release it only in Chinese because he hates everyone.

He has an english patch, but it's always a few updates behind, you apply it to the most recent version, just all the new stuff will be in chinese still. So you don't know if you're asking an NPC to buy from them or selling yourself to them to become a sex slave.

Didn't we have a hand in that whole Fez debacle?

>hates commies
>releases game in commie language
Bravo kojima

He's Chinese, but he hates China from what I get from him.

I'm pretty sure he's Taiwanese

> hate both PRC and KMT
based hong konger

Can't be. He hates KMT. I haven't played the game yet so I don't know if he uses Traditional or Simplified Chinese.

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So he wants no one to play it? The only non-sjw people are on Yas Forums.

That was pretty funny.

Very likely he's from Hong Kong, then. Since he uses traditional (錯) instead of (错) simplified.

>Phil Fish
>0 results

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No. It’s ambitious and full of soul, but it’s still a punch bowl full of piping hot diarrhea

You have no idea

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Would be funny to see this become a standardized license.
>unironically thinking that
Take your meds and some time off from the internet.