Okay Yas Forums, we can agree that both, FFXV and FFVII Remake are utter dog shit, but which one was ultimately worse?

Okay Yas Forums, we can agree that both, FFXV and FFVII Remake are utter dog shit, but which one was ultimately worse?


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I've never played the original 7 but played both of these and liked both.

If anyone prefers 15 over 7 remake they're ultimately retarded and there's no saving them.

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They're bad for different reasons, I respect their good qualities but never want to play them again.

XV is the best FF
7R is the worst FF

Attached: 7rxv2.jpg (1918x2158, 1.07M)

I don't agree with that.
I at least finished VIIR.
All the hate VIIR is getting are from Purists that can't fathom that this isn't a remake.

Shut up Barry.

I hate video games.

>Purists that can't fathom that this isn't a remake.
Well, can you blame them? The game title is FF7 Remake not FF7-2 or FF7 Reboot.

FFXV is a bad game with some good moments.
FF7R is a good game with some bad moments


Attached: 1587640932069.jpg (758x929, 148.71K)

Ignoring shit like timeghosts and Sephiroth appearances, FFVIIR does have lots of redeeming factors in it, but also some really rubbish parts. Some of the new parts are good, but then you have absolutely unnecessary additions like Hojo's secret lab, or the second sewer section. Generally I'd say that experience was good one, brought down by occasionally crappy parts.
XV on the other hand is generally crappy experience, elevated by occasional parts that are really good.

>barry already started to rig the vote

This is pretty terrible cope, since there's been a statement that launch week PSN player counts for FFVIIR absolutely eclipsed those of XV.
There's a reason Squenix kept talked about copies SHIPPED, many of those XV boxes just sat on the store shelves.

FFXV is pure and utter dogshit so there's no competition

Attached: 7rsales.png (1440x1295, 1020.22K)

XV has more content in terms of pure volume and has higher production value but 7r's combat is way more fun and 'final fantasy'-ey and it has a way stronger cast and world so I say 7 is better and it's not even close.

FFXV: 4/10
FF7R; 9/10

Anyone who rates XV above 7R is actually retarded.

For me VIIR is worse. I had 0 hype for it and was still disappointment. I didnt remember FFVII having so much exposition and whimsy so I'm replaying it for the first time in 15 years, just got to disc 2 last night and I was right. The remake over explaina far far too much. Over develops every character and I just can't connect to anyone. Barret is the most fantasy thing in remake due to him being everyone womans fantasy depiction of a nigger. Voice and music direction is loud, obnoxious and attempts to be manipulative and I dont like it. I also read square was threatening to sue youtubers and streamers for showing the ending so I'll be supporting them from here as much as I do nintendo and by that I mean none. So yeah XV was better imo.

fuck you barry and your shit game

7R's more fun but they could fuck up an established story more, while FFXV just ain't that fun outside of the first half interactions and royal additions for the main party.

>XV has higher production value
Where did it go

Epik realistic food textures

Wait, people thought FFXV was good? lmao

>Wait, people thought FFXV was good? lmao
it's one obsessed loser posting 99% of the FF XV threads. he is literally Yas Forums's chris-chan. shame because he destroyed even the tiny bit of good faith people had in XV.

It's the fastest selling FF ever with more positive reviews and GOTY awards than any other FF so yeha

Attached: XVPS4_9.webm (800x324, 1.66M)

Why do you type like a paid shill and defend this garbage? LOL

Fastest "Shipping". Not selling.
Shipping means it made it to a store.
Selling means someone bought it from the store.

The last game is always the worst game and the game before that becomes underrated, that's how these fanboys typically think.

>arguing over which shit smells worse

No. XIII is still clearly the worst.

You wanna know the best part? He does it for FREE!!

Both are good because they make boomers and purists want to kill themselves. However, I think FF15 is worse compared to FF7R without the dlc

Why do you cope from getting BTFO? LOL

Attached: 7rxvi.jpg (1920x2160, 2.77M)

Then you get a game that's typically seen as the worst by the fanboy community to falsely prove that they form unique opinions.

>comparing ps4 graphics with 4k pc graphics
come on barry knock it off

No it's bad. FFVIIR is FFXIII done right.

>reads another marketing statement

XV only shipped more units. Which isn't selling units. It means there were more units sitting on store shelves.
XV's metacritics is even rated lower than VIIR.
I've played all of the final fantasy games. Barring a stark few old as hell Japanese phone games.
XIII and it's sequels took up an entire console generation and were in fact the worst final fantasy games. I'd sooner do a no draw run on FFVIII then play any of the three FFXIII games again

Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game

Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017

Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release

And now it's at 9m+ since Steam XV hit 1m+ by June 2019 and was at around 500k on Steam back when it was at 8.4m

Here is Squaresoft stating FF7 sold 5.16m by Dec 24th 1997, it released in Jan 1997.

Here is Squaresoft official statement that FF7 sold 6.57m by Jan 1999, 2 years after release.

Attached: xv sales 2.jpg (2102x1366, 2.1M)

Wanna know what BTFO looks like? Like this.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1001x390, 34.9K)

Why are you so obsessed with this game?

Imagine spending hours, months even years compiling image macros to justify a shitty game.

You forgot that VIIR is PS4 exclusive while XV is multiplat.