Fuck Cyberpunk 2077. I want my Deus ex back. With conspiracies, memorable quotes, lot's of awesome weapons...

Fuck Cyberpunk 2077. I want my Deus ex back. With conspiracies, memorable quotes, lot's of awesome weapons, good soundtrack and goth chicks

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Yeah, fuck that new game. I think the next Deus Ex is rumored to be back to Deus Ex's era. Maybe a sequel to the original.

you're gonna play the Avengers with the brown girl and you're gonna like it

>Wanting any deus ex after the dumpster fire that were human revolution and mankind divided
please no

>I think the next Deus Ex is rumored to be back to Deus Ex's era. Maybe a sequel to the original.

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Screw that game.

Deus ex was too real. Cyberpunk will probably be irrelevant 80s pandering shite just like those cyberpunk fagbook groups

Why didn't they just make the game at night?

This. HR and MD are shockingly overrated, I lost interest in both maybe 4 hours in, yet have completed Deus Ex more times than I could count.

becus u touch urself at night LOL

They're both good next gen Deus Ex's. Cyberpunk 2077 is just wasted though. If it was at night and more dark it would have been better. Less stupid story.

>the only motivation for the protag is that the bad dudes killed his gf
Who was the genius who though that was a good idea
Dropped it in 4 hours too

I'm sure they're good for what they are, but to me they both felt like bog-standard FPS with tacked on RPG and stealth elements, and completely lacked the feel of the original.

I'm considering giving them another shot, but I doubt my opinion will change. Is there a mod that removes cinematic takedowns?

CD Project Red don't have the talent to deliver something like OG Deus Ex

Idk I played them on PlayStation. I didn't play MD yet but it just looks like a version of HR with tighter controls. HR feels pretty classic to me though especially in Detroit. It's my favorite game, going in all those buildings and spying. Hacking computers. I haven't played the Director's Cut yet but installed it on my PS3. I've played some parts of the original Deus Ex like the beginning and some warehouse, was pro. I can see why people call it the best, but I think HR is equal.

Attached: DeusExHumanRevolutionDirectorsCut.jpg (800x480, 96.2K)

One of the things that Squeenix dropped the ball was insisting with Jensen for another game. In many ways it was a losing battle, who fucking cares if Jensen decapitates a clone or not of Bob page, who cares the story in the end is that he's still out there years later in the original Deus Ex. Trying to create intrigue around a prequel is impossible because we already know what happens later.

They should have dared to make a game in the nanoaug era, perhaps a side story that happens along with DX1 but in other cities, perhaps a mech aug that has to face the changing times with the new technologies that are surpassing him.

The truth is that story and settings wise the nuDeus Ex games feel all over the place and are filled with incoherent shit. In MD you walk from your apartment in the beginning of the game, see an "aug bum" who looks like he has an aug arm that costs like a fucking lambo. But hey he can't sell that because his head will explode, I don't want to even discuss this, it's a rabbit hole of endless retardation that showcases Eidos Montreal's awful writing that pales in comparison to the original Deus Ex.

>a literally who from reddit
>a thread was deleted guys
>can't even spell the main character name properly

I played Invisible War after HR and MD and I was surprised with some history elements of it, there's more interesting elements in its story than the newer ones, like using an artist's popularity to probe people for information with her hologram. Despite the obvious casualization of augs, there's more to choose in it than the newer games. You either go hacking or physical strength, while in the Human Revolution games, you can get pretty much everything, there's barely any element of choice in how you build your character, after you figure out which paths bombard you with XP.

I bet they wanted Jensen to become Solid Snake of Deus Ex and continue on with him.

Atmospheric thread music. I think I'm gonna play HR later and rise up literally in the game.


I think they should've at least finished his story with 1 more game.

how much worse is hr compared to the first deus ex?

Holy fuck, no. The user you quoted is right, they thought this dude was charismatic, when he's just a blowhard.

There's nothing interesting to happen in his story anymore, unless they decide to retcon the original completely.

MD is basically
>You like Detroit? We made it 90% of the game
The prison DLC was more enjoyable then the main game

That prison DLC reminds me of The Missing Link. Do you start out with weapons in it?

MD is basically
>You want best city hub and exploration in the series? We made it 90% of the game


That's fun as hell though. That's the best part of HR.

A lot of the things in it are modernized, for example, you liked melee weapons in the original? Well there are no melee weapons at all, you have cinematic takedowns that drain energy for lethal or non-lethal "melee", they're also quite long with the cinematics and it's possibly one of the worst implementation of takedowns in vidya, worse than Ubisoft games even. The game also has third person cover elements instead of first person lean.

In the original to neutralize 2 guards with their backs turned you might had to use some tricks like spraying pepper then knocking them down with the baton, but in the HR series, you just press Q and do a boring double takedown.

Have you seen the parody of Human Revolution done in the DX engine? it hits the nail on the head for many things, like the obvious stealth routes in some air duct to the side of whatever place.

There's an obvious lack of balance in the EXP rewards and lack of having to choose things, a character build if you will, you can get almost everything in the game because some paths get you showered with EXP. There's no picking between going superfast and silent running anymore. I went stealth/nonlethal and still had points to get some explode evertyhing in the room aug just for shits and giggles.

Gameplay is a mixed bag: Gunplay has some nice things (Pistol, Revolver, Dart gun), Stealth is a depature from the Thief-like logic to a Metal gear solid copy. Takedowns are kind of satisfying to watch, however they are a third person cutscene.
Story is a dumpster fire, and while Jensen's cool, does not make any sense bringing him back in MD (he's no machine-god, just an augmented security chief, an ex-SWAT policeman).
Montreal wrote itself into a corner writing a prequel.

The Fall > Invisible War

because you're gay

You pretty much have it in real life at the moment with what's going on
The virus outbreak checks yet another thing in Deus Ex's list of prophecies.

It's called Night city for a reason, faggot.

Saman did nothing wrong.

>next Deus Ex is rumored
is it? im pretty sure its shelved

It's like a The Division version of Deus Ex. It's also like NYC Streets, no one is in the streets in real life. And I'm in NYC.


I get the impression Eidos M wrote MD backwards, they wanted the aug vs nonaug quasi-apartheid shit first, then they decided to write everything around that even if it made no sense. The leaf brainlets who wrote this didn't think for a second how if everyone who purchased a product that caused around 40,000 people around the world to die, people would want the heads of the sellers of the products on a platter, and not the people who bought the product themselves, because those are obviously also victims of the product that caused the aug chimpout that killed literally thousands of innocent lives.

I didn't know that was some shitty version


More like Cyberjunk 2077 am I right, fellers?!

I didn't go outside but it actually smells like vanilla too, instead of polluted.

Attached: VanillaStreet.jpg (1041x588, 85.88K)

Well Sarif Industries did get completely fucked after the incident and they were one of the big players on the aug scene. The other big ones like TYM and Versalife were simply too big to fail anyway. MD's story isn't bad, there's just so little of it.

My problem with takedowns in HR is that they literally can't fail. It doesn't matter if the enemy sees you or not. It doesn't matter which angle you approach from. It doesn't even matter if five of his budies are currently shooting at you. You get close enough, you press a button, and you win in a magical timestop cutscene before the rest of the game catches up.

If a smartphone today has events of it exploding and not even harming people, there's already a big ruckus over it and the possbility of a shitstorm is real. Now what if a certain brand of phone caused thousands of deaths around the globe, people would even re-think if smartphones are safe at all, they wouldn't go apeshit against people who bought the phone. The whole "aug racism" retardation is completely stupid and makes no sense. People would not resent their family member who bought the aug that made them behave like a feral chimp and maul their partner, they would be fucking pissed at all aug companies and would cause a major backlash against augs.

Dunno this seems obvious to me people would rather use a wooden peg leg than risk having an aug one that sends them into a frenzy, but the canadian chimpanzees who wrote this have no grasp on logic, and made augs explode when you remove them, who the fuck would implement a product on your body that explodes if removed. There's just enormous gaps of logic in those newer Deus Ex games.

I know some fags will say "lol its just a game bro" but it's a series that used to have stories more coherent than that. Even IW's story doesn't feel this retarded.

>los angeles
>there's no angels

>Buffalo, NY
>there are no buffalo in North America at all

>New York
>It's actually existed for centuries