Games are for girls now. Men can't even afford videogames

Games are for girls now. Men can't even afford videogames.

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>muh gender pay gap

Why does anyone care.

>whore out make bank from soilets
>we wuz rich n chiett

glad we have piratebay

>depressed men realize that money doesn't buy you happiness so they become NEETs.

Epic. I'm gonna be a house husband while my future wife toils as a wagecuck.

Why did women want to be in the workplace anyway? All they had to do was keep the home tidy, shop and then hang out with their girl friends all day. What was their fucking problem?

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Not to mention play with the kids and when they're older put them KIDS to work giving you even more time to quilt and read and shit

Women are retards lol

>men get poorer and women get richer
>piracy skyrockets, game dev implodes

women don't buy video games nearly as much as men do, unless you count smartphone-tier candy crush shit

this is bad news for vidya. a crash is one thing but a crash followed by a paradigm shift to mobile and streaming is way worse.

That explains why they're all casual handholding trash these days.

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Based, now I can be a stay at home husband. Household chores are a meme

>gender pay gap
there's no such
however women spend much more money than men
now how could they do that when they make less money?
because they spend most of their boyfriend's/husband's money

women are like little kids with a summer job
all the money she makes, she can spend on toys, shoes, makeup, etc
while her parent (the boyfriend/husband) takes care of all the bills, pays for her food, etc

Wouldn't mind if they married to lower status men but unlike men, women are vapid cunts who would rather die alone than marry lower.

Seemed like a good idea at the time. But now they are childless and unhappy.


>More millennial men are earning less, even with the gender pay gap in their favour
how does the gender pay gap even work?
where do I pick up my man bux?

Buy working in a steel mill and risking your life.

Well yeah, its easy to be a twitch thot with titties, men have to work for their wealth. Also in a society that entirely caters to women because 'gender equality', of course its gonna happen. Then the economy and politics will collapse and it'll reverse the cycle again.

In truth: They were left dependent on the man.

This means that if the man cheated on them and left with a newer model they were fucked while trying to figure out how to feed the kids. They also had to eat a lot of domestic abuse with a smile. At least this is what it was like in America in the 1910s and 1920s which sparked the prohibition movement.

Now not judging your choice one or the other. But if you want to see how well it works, I would suggest looking at India. They are a democratic country that still practices male dominant household and has the family match the male with (good) women.

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No, you're going to be a wagecuck too, because it's impossible to survive on one income in 2020.

I can see this happening, a girl I went to highschool with works doing HR for some local factory and spends like 80% of her paycheck on mmo micro transactions. Holes are eternal consumers

>This means that if the man cheated on them and left with a newer model they were fucked while trying to figure out how to feed the kids. They also had to eat a lot of domestic abuse with a smile.
This is still true here in the third world.

The only reason my sisters and I managed to have a future at all was my mom starting a small business because dad is an alcoholic that never wanted to do anything with his life.

>Epic. I'm gonna be a house husband while my future wife toils as a wagecuck.
No, you're gonna die of starvation while career women will look for 1% chads. We'll just reflect what's happening in Japan.

>in their favor
roasties are delusional

Is this real? Why is it so smug?

>men are earning less
>even with the gender gap in their favor
These two statements contradict each other

nice clickbait: "The percentage of young men earning less than $30,000 (in 2015 dollars) has nearly doubled to 41% over the past 40 years. Meanwhile, the percentage of young women earning more than $60,000 grew from about 2% to 13%."

>even with the gender pay gap in their favor

I don't understand the context here, because OP intentionally left it out. Wouldn't that imply that the whole methodology has been flawed all along, because that's been the centerpiece of how we've studied this little misfortune contest?

The problem with simply rating pay average by gender is the same as just lumping all video games together and splitting on gender. Most of the highest earners are Men, most of the lowest earners are men. Women sit in the middle. Overall income inequality """"""""""""technically"""""""""""" favours men as those rich dudes are making more money but for the average person this means fuck all.

>article literally says women are earning more than men
>still tries to say there's a pay gap that favors men in the same breath
How do these idiots even form sentient thought?

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>gender pay gap
They just don't care anymore at this point. They're going to keep regurgitating this vomit until the end of times.

>tfw neet
>tfw HOT gf bought me an xbox onex for my birthday last year
feels good