This is the most successful game of 2020

Say something nice about it.

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Rune Factory is better.

its good at having the animals do the crossing idk i didnt play it

Really fun for 2 weeks

I'm having fun

There's a option to make them shut the fuck up right?
How can you tolerate that?

Did the new update add more furniture? Today is the first day in weeks my store has had nothing but furniture I haven't seen yet

So i've been watching someone play for 20 minutes and i was wondering... Are you guys 6?
Or maybe completely retarded? Why are you "playing" this crap?

Having fun with it, but the ability to modify the entire town takes a bit of soul out of the game.

I'm trying to make Brazil, but outside of Soccer and using the giant robot as my version of Christ the Redeemer, I have no fucking idea what Brazil is even known for. Help

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>Desperate for a cool unique villager that isn't just an animal
>Finally get one near the end of my village filling out
>Julian, motherfucking unicorn
>Get the "I've moved out" glitch
>Gets "fixed" today by deleting Julian from my fucking island
Sixty niggers.

Anyone got a cool villager in boxes?

Are shrubs totally limited to this event?

yes they disappear on may 4th

No dumbass the nook miles for earth day and the nook miles earth day islands are limited. Lief just got added in coincide with the event

>plant money tree
>next day villager says i could have buried the money in their purse instead
>try to give them money
>they tell me money is a shit gift

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thanks for the furry porn souce

>latest update punishes normal people who didn't abuse exploits + time travelers
why would nintendo even go about changing the interest system? how the FUCK did they think this was an appropriate way to punish these people? the people who cheated the system have already made enough bells to never care about interest ever again, but the average person who didn't suffers

great fucking work as always nintendo

cute villager user
can you add banana trees or palm trees in this game? can you have monkey villagers?

So Lief is still gonna be showing up occasionally to sell shrub seeds?

Make all your villagers monkeys and you'll have Brazil.

Can shrubs be planted together like flowers or do they need space like trees?

>those resources required for hedges
what the hell bros, how am I supposed to make my giant maze, it's gonna take forever to farm this shit

Where do I get art?

In the video showing'em off they had'em planted next to each other fully grown. so i'd assume they're like flowers.


I have Judy, and I heard that Brazil has a lot of transexuals.

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Where do I even get hedges?

Anyone got any good turnips today?

You have mosquito?

Uhm, carnival, samba dancers, lots of crime.

I did, but they all flew north for the winter. They stop showing up after March

>t. big grown up MATURE ADULT who plays MATURE ADULT GAMES like.... uh... oh wait.

You get 10 fence pieces each time you craft it so each weed is one fence piece. 3 mystery islands and you'll have like 200 weeds easily.

pretty sure the trannys in brazil are bick dicked shemales and not the faggot type

Is there any reason to pay of the last addition to my house or can I just stiff Tom on the $2.5 mil?

you can customize your house
Finishing off your loan lets you customize it for free
Also you get miles for paying it off

Make a huge ass river to represent the Amazon, and surround it with bamboo since we don't have jungle trees.

I love it!

Who else planted lots of shrubs today

>Also you get miles for paying it off
You get miles for getting a basement but that's it. I paid the last loan off and didn't get much else besides free permanent house customization. Since customizing your house only costs 5k it's not really worth it. Maybe they'll let you expand your house in future updates?

I forgot this ATM even had interest. They could reduce the interest rate to 0 for all I care. With turnips in the game it's way too easy to make millions.

Man, i really wish they'd add back the balls you can kick around. Why were those in the original game but never again?

talk to Nook then you get the new type of NM+ activity. When you finish that challenge go talk to Nook again and he'll give it to you

this shit is retarded. why bother wasting time for a retarded cosmetic scene. thats what is wrong with this game. its basically being cucked on life

It made Animal Crossing into something I don't drop like a week into playing, so kudos to them for fixing it.


>I don't understand the appeal so its bad

what did they do?

My villagers. Judy is moving in tomorrow. How'd I do? Personally, I'd like to replace Drago and Willow

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