Are we excited for Blizzard's Diablo IV?
I've seen very little talk about it.
Are we excited for Blizzard's Diablo IV?
Depends on what other classes they are putting in, I'm not thrilled about them only putting 3 stats and not having learned a single thing about the stat problem of diablo 3 and it's gear.
Yes I'm so hyped, Blizzard had such promising track record these last 10 years.
It looks bad, not as bad as d3 but still bad
I'm going to buy it but I don't feel any hype it all, but that only means I can only be pleasantly surprised, after D2 I was so balls out hyped for D3 that it was all destined to end in disappointment.
it will be objectively inferior to diablo 2 in every single aspect. so of course I'm not looking forward to it
blizzard makes trash
Not a single person who made Diablo 2 is still working at Blizzard and Diablo 3 was a tonedeaf abomination.
I don't give a single shit about the franchise.
The cinematic was cool. Too bad Diablo games are just mindless gacha skinner boxes. Plus, Blizzard hasn't made a good game since vanilla WoW, or Starcraft 2 if being very generous.
I've been burned too many times by Blizzard to trust them on anything, especially before release.
You can post whatever mental gymnastics you feel like but when you oversimplify itemization like that because suits want money of 60 IQ audience to please shareholders, this game stops being what it pretends to be. They should remove name "diablo" from it and release it as arcade for switch or something.
I'll wait and see if Blizzard actually learned something from the D3/RMAH situation before getting exciting about D4.
>I've seen very little talk about it.
and that's the price blizzard is paying after what they did with Diablo 3
if you were not convinced that blizzard was dead in 2014 I don't know what to tell you now
no, I'm not excited. It's going to be shit.
Its fucking blizzard, they'll have a decent launch due to hype before everyone realize how shit their games are
Where's her tits?
what's the point of having such a cartoonishly large cape?
no it really wasn't, d3 doesn't come close to d2 and that's what they should've been basing the next game on
there's no fucking excuse to be such an inferior product when you own the previous installment and can build on that
>overwatch reaction image
fuck blizzard, and fuck china
it's made from american baby foreskins
Magic The Gathering uses attack/defense and it's not a bad game, or one that lacks strategy or building
Can I play it on mobile?
How long will it take for people to no longer get excited for companies like blizz and bethesda? one or two more releases?
Do you not have phones?!
>I've seen very little talk about it.
>Are we excited for Blizzard's Diablo IV?
Read your fucking post and put 2 and 2 together.
fuck communism!
D2 is too sophisticated, by their standards. Don't you understand that Blizzard makes sure to release products that can be marketed to complete drooling retards? So it will be same shit as D3, where you literally won't be able to do things really wrong, there won't be things like resistances you're supposed to cap or stat thresholds you're supposed to meet, fixed challenging content you need good character to clear - only smoothed "progression" you won't even notice except by numbers getting bigger because game scales its difficulty around you.
Nah, all Blizzard franchises are dead, and diablo in particular. D3 was brainlet trash. I'll watch the cinematics on Youtube, that's as close as I'll get.
MTG is also a turn-taking game with no linear character development and nearly infinite deck possibilities outside of tournaments.
It's designed well within its genre and limitations.
Diablo hasn't been well-designed since the turn of the new millennium.
I have a feeling my deep love for Diablo 2 was mainly due to me being a dumb kid that didn't know any better.
The first one had a great atmosphere though and they never managed to replicate it.
anyone still excited for anything blizzard is putting out is braindead, but unironically
The thing I loved about Diablo 2, especially the later iterations, was the amount of builds you could have for each class. Sure, some were more effective than others, but there was a gorillion of viable shit. Especially after 1.10, even though it got retarded with Enigma and what not, cross class skills enabled even more crazy bullshit.
Once D4 released it's guranteed it will get atleast 10 million sales, sadly.
I wonder if they will borrow stuff from Wolcen.
you's got da phone right?
Blizzard died after War3
nah I played d2 for a few months last year and it still hooked me just as much as it did in 2000. especially since theres still a large private server community that exists
there's no chance it pulls d3 numbers again
imagine being this fucking retarded
By the way, everyone is trans in this game
After how they handled HotS, I don't trust Blizzard anymore. I still held out that tiny burning candle for as long as I could, but when they put HotS on ice the fire went out.
Blizzard is now in the Hi-Rez bucket. They get no faith, no benefit of the doubt from me.
The only thing they have done in the last 10 years that was not a complete disaster was Overwatch.
The HotS team were the only uncucked people left at Blizzard. The only ones who still gave a shit.
Is her cape made out of a testicle sack?
i've been burned enough by blizzard to get excited over their shit anymore
but i hope it'll be good
Considering it's made out of 3 dudes at least part of it would be testicle sacks, yes.