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There should be two ways to play games
PC and Nintendo
PC for everything that isnt a Nintendo IP

I mean they're technically releasing games for Switch, it's just that they're ports of old games rather than new games

Get a life, consoletards

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yeah after the disappointing ps4 Im done being full idort. from now on nintendo and PC is the only way to go.

Didn't like 3 of those games come to Switch?

You having fun playing FF7R tendies?
Oh wait you got no games hahahahaha

but the south park game did come to switch

P-please *munch*, g-ggames please *burp*

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Why would I want ports of other games I've played? You aren't some kind of poorfag who only owns one console, are you?

Ask nintendo their whole lineup is old ass games.

Nice image fag

Says Switch won't get Overwatch or RE7 and it got both of those, albeit RE7 is a cloud streamed version and only available in Japan, and Overwatch runs like absolute dogshit on it

moreover, why would you want last gen hardware at current gen price? What kind of moron would ?think that's a good financial decision


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it was already on pc retard

all of those games are fucking terrible, who made this image?

Nothing wrong with letting people who may have missed a console enjoy a port or release. That being said, answer the question. Are you some kind of poorfag who can't buy more than one console?

Remember when tendies celebrated that fifa was coming to their little tablet?

Everybody played FF7re already. on youtube.

literally not at all, must have happened in the same parallel universe where switch owners were throwing themselves off buildings like lemmings after learning they weren't going to be able to play Ass Creed Origins or Mass Effect Andromeda.

You mean the same parallel universe where a Switch owner threw a fit on his birthday and thrashed his room because Nintendo was porting Mario Odyssey to the PC?

>south park
>resident evil 7
>not on switch

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Is 7 really on the Switch? I never bothered to look for it because I beat it on PS4 ages ago and was one of those games you can play once and be done.

No....Not RDREDEDDDD2, I bought a switch special edition just to play it...

I got a PS4, Switch, and PC



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And I play all those games on PC. My Switch is for playing on the go and nintendo exclusives.
What does PS4 and XBONE have that this PC+Switch combination doesn't already fulfil?

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>What does PS4 and XBONE have that this PC+Switch combination doesn't already fulfil?
Games not aimed at autists.

Those are the best games though, and PS2/PS3 were abundant with them.
Are you seriously trying to say normalfag shit like FIFA and Battlefield is better?

>can't blank post in 2020

You don't deserve rights, not because you posted wojaks but because you're black

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is in Japan
same as Ass Creed Sparta

How's that Ray tracing coming along sonkek lol

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Not bad. Wonder how it looks. The Sinking City port is supposedly pretty decent too, something I didn't expect to happen.

I hope this is bait. Why is Nintendo the only company allowed to lock exclusives behind overpriced and underpowered meme hardware

Half of those are on the Switch now though?

Lich xbro is underrated.

Because Nintendo actually develops games in-house or outright owns developers that do while Sony and Microsoft are almost entirely reliant on third party developers.

ban wojak faggots

Why do they keep trying to steal the gold face
Skeleton man is superior