Does it hold up?
Does it hold up?
No more hero games always sucked even back when they just released. They're only enjoyable because they're some of the most original games to have come out in years. The games have so much personality and charm its insane.
I figured as much. I just didn't know if the game would get any better as it went on.
I had a blast with it when I played it a couple years ago. So yeah, I'd say it does.
I'd say it still holds up even if it can be rough around some edges. Open world kinda sucks though, same goes for the mini games between missions. I've heard that the PS3 version is better but I don't know much about it
Some people don't like anime games, if you do this is a top tier experience.
>Some people don't like anime games, if you do this is a top tier experience.
I find it weird how often people say shit like this considering the point of the first game is what a loser Travis is. A lot of people don't seem to realize it's shitting on Travis for being a sexist otaku. The sexism thing especially shocks me how many people on Yas Forums either miss it or just outright ignore it which is bizarre considering it's basically outright stated when he beats Holly. That's why 2 was so shit in writing, it made Travis "cool" when that wasn't who he was originally, I think Suda just feel in love with the character too much.
I must get the sequel someday soon.
It does hold up, absolutely. It just depends on your standards. Aesthetically it aged perfectly, gameplay-wise you need a Wii or at the very least a Wiimote and Nunchuck to play in Dolphin. It's got its flaws but it's a terrific action game.
It wasn't even great when it came out.
We JUST had this thread.
Stop playing the PS3 version faggot.
>I've heard that the PS3 version is better but I don't know much about it
I would disagree, this is pretty much the only game ever that was actually improved by motion controls. It makes it so much more satisfying to deal killing blows with a wii remote.
Sorry, I didn't notice that one. I literally just started the game for the first time on Dolphin.
Yeah it is pretty weird that characters grow.
I like the "late-2000s lol internet" time capsule of the first 2 games.
Definitely. Nobody can lie about the game not having some rough stuff such as the empty overworld or the repetitive combat against enemies, but man if it oozes charm all over the place. The soundtrack is amazing, the boss fights are all kinds of fun and pulling wrestling and killing moves with the Wiimote is all kinds of satisfying.
Both NMH1 and 2 and my favorite games ever, they both have their flaws but man if they're mad fun to play.
There was a rumor back in the day that Suda deliberately made the open world and the mini-games associated with it as bad as possible in order to parody the mundaneness of open world games that were out at the time. So your toleration of No More Heroes will depend on whether you don't mind a game with segments that are shit on purpose.
The actual combat parts are awesome though. Very simple, but satisfying.
The one thing that doesn't get enough credit is just how incredible and ORIGINAL the soundtrack is. Can't think of any games which have the unique sound No More Heroes has.
Daily reminder
I enjoyed the minigames for how mundane they are. I mean, most of them are chores from what I remember.
TSA and NMH2 waver between genuine character development and Suda jacking Travis off though in TSA it was more him jacking off every game he's made. I have no problem with character development, but having a multiple attractive high school girl coming on to Travis is not character development, that's anime self insert wankery and making self aware jokes about that fact doesn't change it. I actually liked that in TSA he still felt like the same person but a little more mature. Pretty shit argument mate but not surprising considering your the type of person who can't express their opinion with reasons but just say it while hiding behind a veil of sarcasm like that makes you smart.
The minigames in NMH1 were ok, but not that fun, it was better just repeating assassination missions for quick money. Now the minigames in two were a blast to play.
Literally everyone says that the PS3 version is the worst one, are you living under a rock?
It's as good as it ever was.
The random enemies and side missions are tedious, the boss fights are tons of fun, the writing is strong.
Suda didn't write 2 and 2 went even harder on making the point of how what Travis does is fucked up. Even then, the original game was trying to say that all life, even the lives of fucked up people like Jeanne and Travis, are beautiful things that should be cherished.
It's hard to call it a rumor when he pulled the exact same shtick in The Silver Case, 25th Ward, and FSR. Especially considering 2 ditched the open world and TSA also goes minimalist as fuck.
I have trouble believing that especially since the mini games come back in 2 and TSA is filled with unique gameplay segments that change the gameplay. I think Suda just likes trying to vary gameplay. I also remember an interview where he said something like he was kinda of sad how much the open world got criticized.
Is it just me or does NMH2 feel like a fever dream? Something about the wackier settings and the lack of an open world that makes me feel like that
That reply actually struck a nerve, didn't it? Sure the high school girl wankery is dumb but using that one fact to ignore the rest of the cycle of revenge and meaningless killing shit Travis is struggling with going on in NMH2 is just dishonest.
He says he likes big empty open worlds that exist for their own sake like Burnout Paradise, makes it feel more like you inhabit the space. So it's less that he was trying to take the piss and more that the lack of objectives in it was intentional. It's there to give context to Travis' boring, walled in life.
>Jacking off
I've never seen a man talk more shit about himself and contemplate if he's a worthless hack or not while "jacking himself off."
Thats what happens when Suda steps of of directing. I like NMH2, but man the tone is a fucking mile off of what NMH set.
I knew he didn't direct it but I thought he was a part of writing it. I guess looking at he just "produced" it but then in the credits he isn't even credited for that role. Even so, my complaint about Suda liking Travis too much is still pretty valid considering how masturbatory TSA was and he has said numerous things to that effect in interviews.
>Even then, the original game was trying to say that all life, even the lives of fucked up people like Jeanne and Travis, are beautiful things that should be cherished.
I never said anything that disagrees with that statement. Part of Travis learning this lesson involves him learning to respect women which much of Yas Forums seems to willfully ignore. He starts of treating Sylvia like a prize that he can win and that's not who he is by the end in large part due to Holly. That and the fact that Travis is intentionally portrayed as a loser in NMH does not conflict with your assessment of the themes, in many ways it actually just provides more context to them.
>That reply actually struck a nerve, didn't it
No I just think that people who hide behind sarcasm to make their point usually do so as a defense mechanism. I also find many people who do are proud of it and think it makes them smart when really it's usually just a sign that you are too insecure in your opinions to just say them.
I've also never see a game developer write a scene where two characters talk about how awesome and amazing a different game he made is.
I think he thinks he's too kind to Travis because he's the kind of person who can never stop insulting himself. Suda does fine by the character, it accomplishes what it's supposed to.
A game he was absolutely torn up about according to Shinji Mikami and that he probably doesn't actually care for very much. And one of those characters is a character *from that game.*
Given context, it comes off more as a statement about how games mean things to everyone, even the "bad ones you don't like." If he wanted to jerk himself off he'd be praising Killer7.